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Riding the Bench
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I have heard that south point and cheasepeake , are joining the OVC?also heard there will be a , a-team , b-team , c-team for all the teams? and that the c-teams get to play on saturday with every one else? also heard that half the games will be played at one site , and the half at another site each week ? any one else heard this?

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Post by osumufan »

I think it would be a great idea for South Point. I also know some members on the SPYFL Board and they haven't told me about this at all. It may just be speculation. This would be good for the league because a lot of heavier boys either have to sit out or play up with kids sometimes 2 grades ahead of them in school. OJ Mayo when he was in 6th grade and because he was tall was always trying to make weight just before a game. He was just taller than all the kids his age and coudln't make weight, it wasn't like he was some really overweight kid. This would be elimnated and more kids would get to play with their age appropriate peers. I am anxious to see if this really happens.

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Like I said, I was just wondering if this was true?

Hope so , it would be good for all the schools I think?

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Post by BlindWhiteHat »

I heard talk of this since Oak Hill is likely leaving the league. It would be nice to get some extra teams into the league instead of having to play the same team 3 or 4 times per year.

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Post by oneoak »

What league is Oak Hill moving to?

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Post by BlindWhiteHat »

Please don't take anything I say as truth because I'm only repeating what I've been told on this issue. Nothing I say is official by any means. I was told that Oak Hill was leaving for the Scioto County league next year. Coaches said they were unhappy in the Teen OVC and wanted to play elsewhere.

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Post by osumufan »

I talked to someone on the SP Board and they said that they don't think it will happen due to the loss of home games (and loss of consession and gate) The SP league could not be guaranteed more than one home game and no play off games. Right now SP has at least 3-4 home games and also one or 2 playoff games. They couldn't afford to not have the home games and not having a D and E team which is SP's biggest teams for cheerleders and boys. That would mean they would lose $ 30 bucks a head in reigstration fees alone. I think there about 25 cheerleaders on each of those teams and 20 boys on a team. so that is abig finanically loss for the league for buying equipment and uniforms.

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Post by gogrove9 »

You would still have the same number of boys playing they would just be distributed differently. Ateam is 5th and 6th grade and as of now b team is 2nd 3rd and 4th grade. If you have enough boys you could have 2 ateams and 2 bteams and a cteam if it goes that route plus cheerleaders for each team. If it goes to a split on the games on saturday everyone should get 2 host dates during the season since there would have to be 2 sites available every saturday instead of one. Also the host dates would have 4-5 games each, that's a lot of gate and concession. The playoff and previews are on a rotating basis each year and everyone gets one every year or two. It would probably work out close to what you are bringing in now. I have also heard that Oak Hill told the league president at the superbowl that they were not going to leave.

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Post by wemufans »

South Point also lets the first graders play. These make up the E teams. those parents for whatever reason want their kids to play and cheer. I my self think it is too early but they want little Suzie or Junior to be on the field and the sooner the better. Right now the money is the main issue and I just don't see it happening either.I think SP had at least 4 home games and a home scrimmage and at least 2 playoof games. So I don't think the concession would be there with your schedule.
Your league has it's strong points with the weight issue and playing with their peers. South Point also lets some 7th graders play on the A team based on their birthdays. Would this be allowed in your league?

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Post by BlindWhiteHat »

I don't believe any 7th graders are allowed in the Teen OVC regardless of their age.

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Post by gogrove9 »

I believe that 1st graders would be allowed on the c team if we have enough teams to have a c team. How many teams play at your field on your host days?

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Post by osumufan »

There are 4 full games and a half game (A-D and the E team plays two quarters). You are only playing one other team like Sp vs. Fairland.
E is for 1st graders, D second and -third, C fourth, B fifth, A sixth and some 7th graders. Depending on their birthday some kids might play on a team down from their grade level. This would be kids who are young for their grade and have a birthday after August 1st.
It is kind of confusing :? and there are also weight restrictions too. Kids that are too heavy for a team would have to move up and play with an older team based on weight. But on the other hand if you are really skinny you might be able to play down one level as well. This past year my son was 10 when the season started and he was supposed to be on B team. But if he could keep his weight below 80 pounds he could still play another year on C Team Even though his grade was the 5th.

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Post by purpleblood1 »

I hope this is true at least at Chesapeake. I have always thought we would have a better football program if we were in the Teen OVC. I coached C Team one year and it is stupid to be able to have a second grader playing with a seventh grader. Plus all the kids dieting to make weight. These are their formative years, dieting to make weight is crazy. When I played at Chesapeake my parents used to give me diet pills and water pills to help me make. There should only be an A,B,C team at most. When the TSYFL was first started there was only the three teams then some dumba## decided that his kid wasn't going to get to play enough so they came up with the lame brain idea for the D team. Then some jerkoff decided that we needed to cripple a 1st grader so then they added E Team. By the time these kids get to high school they are burnt out on football. I know I sat out my 8th grade year, had no desire to play. Then you get a few of these coaches (excuse me) want to be coaches who don't know anything about the game other than what they saw on tv after their pot and alcohol induced week trying to coach a bunch of impressionable kids. I remember going down to watch a Midget Football practice at Chesapeake one time and the coach had the kids run laps before practice then after practice plus in the middle of practice. I asked one of the parents why he was punishing the kids. The dipstick looks at me and says he's not they have to get in shape. I asked him if they were running cross country or playing football? Dipstick just stared at me. I see it all the time uneducated coaches trying to do things their way when they have no idea what is the right way. Sorry for the rant, but to many kids don't continue to play and love the game because of the frustration of what has happened to them at such an early age.

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Post by wemufans »

Purple I agree with you. The kids are burn out at SP, Fairland and Chessy by the time they get to high school. They have played for eight years and most just want a break! The weight thing is also stupid to get the kids to lose weight before a game. I hope something gets straightened out about this whole mess.

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Post by gogrove9 »

The teen ovc has one weighin at the beginning of the year for skilled positions. Everything else is is based on grade/age. You are ineligable to play on the b team if you are 11before August 1st and you are 13 before August 1st for the A team. You must also be in the appropriate grade. Ateam is for 5th and 6th and as of now 2nd 3rd and 4th is for the bteam.
If there are enough teams I would guess that there would be a cteam which would be 1st and 2nd grade. We allowed 1st grade to sign up but they were not able to dress on Saturdays with the bteam. They had their own games that the coach set up with other schools (Green,Boyd, etc) They actually played more games than the bteam did. This way they get their own game experience with kids their own age and level of experience.

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