FrozenRope9 wrote:No, he was trying to pressure KIDS into quiting one sport so they could lift weights for one that wasn't even in season. If a kid wants to play other sports besides football, he has every right to do so and NO coach should ever put pressure on them like Blackstone did.
I don't doubt he did this. I know him well. He's old school football.He comes from a time when this was the norm. I can't say I have the same philosophy.I don't think yoy can these days, and be liked anyways. I think you have to support kids playing other sports in this day and age. We, as FB coaches may not like it. I wish all of my players would do nothing but lift and run in the off-season, but I know it won't happen. The best thing that could happen in my opinion is that ALL SPORTS coaches would understand the importance of lifting IN-SEASON and out and do it. That's the biggest problems at some schools. You get Basketball or baseball coaches that think their kids shouldn't lift in season. yeah right. These coaches(especially basketball in my experiences) need to visit a few successful college programs and see just how much they lift during the season. basketball teams at colleges power clean, dead lift and do alot of the Olympic style lifts. I have seen this situation first hand where a basketball coach refuses to let his kids lift in season---ignorant thinking IMO.
I can guarantee you one thing: No Coach is as dedicated and loyal to his kids, from the best player to the worst, than Larry Blackstone. PERIOD.But, it's a two-way street.If they don't respect him by devoting their off-season to his weight program, they won't experience his loyalty and dedication.