Hunnington vs Vinton Co @ Covo (Sat)

nickle back
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Post by nickle back »

Call up Southeastern. right in the middle 15-20 miles for both teams. split the gate and let Southeastern have the concessions. If it has to be at a neutral site. Combs could just meet his team at the gym.
I don't think Huntington will want this game to take place before the tourney draw and the longer the teams wait the less important or hyped the matchup will be because one team will have a few losses if they wait to long.

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Post by Ty Webb »

fighting falcon.........Well, last I heard it was a game that was scheduled to be played on a neutral court. Correct me if I'm wrong.

That being said, I really don't care where they have it. I'm of the impression VC wants to play Huntington. If they can't get the OUC gym, I think VC would be receptive to several options for scheduling a makeup. Not that you're remotely connected to the Huntington program, but does Huntington not want to make this up?

hawkeyepierce wrote:If the enema meant that CJ grows logic, becomes intelligent or we can all hope that he will, just maybe shut his pie hole. Well, then I will take one for the team.

That line is priceless........sorry, waaay too easy.....not gonna go there

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Post by rivercat »

Heard a rumor that this game may be made up as a part of a Freshman-JV- Varsity triple header at OU-C on Fri. Dec. 28. Anyone heard anything about this?

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Post by danicalifornia »

nickleback- Unless one of the teams go into the tank, neither should lose more than 1 or 2 games during the regular season, IMO. So, I doubt that Huntington would mind playing this game before the draw, especially since they have a great chance to win.

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Post by fighting_falcon »


I read on the posts above people were concerned about the game being made up. I read that the VC coach was wanting it on a nuetral floor. I was merely suggesting that if VC "wants" the game played just go there and that way it will be played for sure, don't look around for some place to play it.

If VC is as good as most of you are letting on just play anyone anywhere anytime, it will be alright.

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Kenneth Bixx
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Post by Kenneth Bixx »

Alexander was the host school for the event, there were pre-sale tickets. If the event is for Alexander to profit, it will probably remain at a neutral site.
The Athens Messenger was poignant that Alexander would recieve the proceeds of the game.

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Post by CoyDuke »

Fighting Falcon

Weren't you the same person bashing the VC program last season? I realize that you had to watch your Fairfield Union team get beat in the sectional, and I realize now that your team has lost a few in a row and currently times are probably frustrating, but is this how you cope with it? It's hard for anyone to respect your opinion when it is obvious that you have a grudge against one particular school.

Much Obliged
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Post by ball hound »

I hope it happens. Very short trip for me. Should be one of V.C.'s biggest tests of the year. Although the game is not in Huntington it should be considered a home game for them. Very close to thier house.

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Post by Ty Webb »

fighting_falcon wrote:TyWebb

If VC is as good as most of you are letting on just play anyone anywhere anytime, it will be alright.

We're workin on that Noonan.......Like I said earlier, I want to see this game happen too. Although the Vikes have had some success so far, I have the utmost respect and have heard nothing but great things about Huntington. This will be a great test for VC. I'm looking forward to seeing it happen.

I went back and looked at some of your prior posts. Regardless of what transpires you'll no doubt have something negative to say about VC.

You're a joke! :shock:
Last edited by Ty Webb on Tue Dec 18, 2007 7:37 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Post by sparky »

so why not play the game at alexander high school if they are to get the proceeds?

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Post by Ty Webb »

sparky wrote:so why not play the game at alexander high school if they are to get the proceeds?

I have heard that this was one of the options, but Huntington said they'd rather find something closer to them and VC. There's nothing wrong with that, and as long as the game gets played and Alex gets some $$ I'd be fine with it.

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Post by vikefan »

Hawkeye...if you do administer the enema, I've heard that CJ wants some banjo music played in the background during the procedure...something about reminding him of home.......

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Post by sparky »

you guys should take your recreational hobbbies onto a private message.
i really don't want to hear any pig squealing.

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Post by fighting_falcon »

No joke here. Only joke is the VC schedule.
I just here alot of chest bumping from the VC fans and I am points out you play no one. Go ahead and beat up on the same ole boys then get beat early in the tourney.

Chilli for example has a real good team the past two years (like VC) and at least they went out and added teams that will test them.

I mean you have Jackson (poor), Athens (even worse than NY) twice etc.
Talk to me when you beat someone.

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Post by vikefan »

Fighting Chicken...I mean Falcon, schedules are arranged a bit further in advance than even we in VC would care for. While I agree that we have played teams that appear to be having less than stellar seasons, take a Xanax and calm down. These schedules are locked in well in advance and not written in chalk for ease of change. To say we play no-one is a bit.. well...stupid.If we go thru the season udefeated and blow out in the first round of the post season, I'll buy the first round at the watering hole of your choice. However, I don't think that will be the case and I suspect that the real source of rectal discomfort you are experiencing may be Viking envy and a case of anger over the loss we administered to your Warren team last year. Go ahead...admit your problem and let the healing begin.
Last edited by vikefan on Wed Dec 19, 2007 8:06 pm, edited 2 times in total.

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Post by hateraid »

fighting_falcon wrote:TyWebb
No joke here. Only joke is the VC schedule.
I just here alot of chest bumping from the VC fans and I am points out you play no one. Go ahead and beat up on the same ole boys then get beat early in the tourney.

Chilli for example has a real good team the past two years (like VC) and at least they went out and added teams that will test them.

I mean you have Jackson (poor), Athens (even worse than NY) twice etc.
Talk to me when you beat someone.

Falcon werent you the same guy one here last year saying the same thing? As i recall you are a Warren fan and last I checked Vcs weak schedule did not seem to hurt them as they ended the Warriors season last year. I am sorry that your teams "tough" schedule can not prepare them for the "over rated" Vikings, but really it will be OK. Its called envy I am sure you will get used to it. Its the same feeling you have when you see Brad Pitt with a woman. Now that I have jogged your memory on what that feeling you have for VC is I hope that you will get back to rooting for your team and quit bashing VC on all of their posts.

Sue E. Side
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Post by Sue E. Side »

The only thing I dont understand is why Vinton Cancelled so early. They had plenty of time to think about it and watch the weather. Yes it was bad early in the morning but it turned to rain around 11 and melted the snow/ice away. If they would have jutst waited until about 1 or 2 i think they would have decided to play the game. Infact I think most of Vintons team and staff attended the Alex game. I could see why Alex would be disappointed that this game wasn't played. It would have been a great game and also pulled in some extra bucks for them. Hope this game gets played, good luck to both teams.

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Post by vikefan »

If you recall, ALL of the weather forecasters were predicting ice as well as snow. Keeping in mind the 20/20 vision of hindsight, VC's Transportation Director ( who has sole authority in these matters,,not the coaching staff or players or parents or fans ) made the call. It just so happened that the weather prediction was a tad overdone. Hopefully this game will be made up, as some who know more than I have posted.

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Post by bman618 »

I don't blame VC for cancelling. The roads around there where the players live aren't the greatest and the forecast was bad. Is playing a game worth potentially losing a kid or having one seriously injured in transport to a game? Heck no. Hindsight is 20/20. Looking back on it, this game maybe could've been played but there are a lot of open dates between now and the middle of February.

Also on VC's schedule, it's weak. But in their defense, a lot of teams from the Columbus area or others might not want to make that long drive to McArthur to play VC. You're not just going to do a bunch of one-year road contracts. You need to support your athletic department. Hopefully they can find some way to improve the schedule. Playing a weak schedule doesn't mean you can't have tournament success, but I do think it brings the possibility down on a long tournament run a bit.

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