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Post by Bassmaster »

Winners never quit and quitters never win :!: ;-)

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Post by clemente »

Pantless: What coaching experience do you have? I would think that after reading all your Assanine posts that you have coached for several years, actually know what it takes to be a leader, and how to run/coach a team.....

Players having a say in what adjustments need to be made??? Haha Give me a break...A team could have an All State player and he sure as heck is not going to give the coach ideas for adjustments during a game....I would say that the coaches can see what is happening on the floor and they are far more qualified to make adjustments than any player in the game.....Just like I have heard a lot of coaches say, It is EASY to coach from the stands especially when your only looking out for one player inparticular.....

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Post by bucking red »

I heard that the player that quit was a cancer to the team. If he had the support of his teammates they would have quit to. I also heard that some of the staff at the school is causing problems for the coach. What was the deal about them scheduling team pictures when they knew the coaches couldn't be there? If half the stuff I'm hearing is true people would and should be punished for their actions. Who was the lady that showed her a-- in front of the girls team by yelling and cussing at MR. Ewing for the boys not showing up to take pictures without their coaches. Meigs BOE needs to look at the people who are causing problems and deal with them . I for one hope that Meigs starts winning not for the coaches but for the players themselves.

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Post by fasteach »

no he was no cancer on the team. he was probably their best player. i am and have been pro coach and i was afraid this might happen but he was and is a good kid and 1 heck of a bb player. this had very little to do with basketball and everything to do with personality.
one of the rules here is don't bash the coach. well that has been done. the 2nd rule is don't bash the kids. he is a kid. leave this one alone. it is a disservice to the coach and the team not too. if you are either pro coach OR pro kid LEAVE THIS ALONE!

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Post by Bassmaster »

I've witnessed many times in the past that the best player is not always the best thing for the team. Good luck to the Marauders :!:

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Post by headknocker »

I think it would be embarassing if my girlfriend had to defend me on here. Especially someone who obviously knows so little about basketball. If my girlfriend was bashing my coach and trying to ruin the morale on my team i would probably find another girlfriend or quit too. That way i wouldn't been seen in public with her as much :)
Last edited by headknocker on Sun Dec 30, 2007 1:03 am, edited 1 time in total.

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Post by bucking red »

I was told that the kid talked back to the coach and had a terrible attitude. Is it true he told the coach not to put him back in the fing game one time?

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Post by MFan02 »

Hmm, I wonder if Pantsless is more upset that her boyfriend quit or the fact that she can't sit and keep his individual stats every game in the stands. I guess now she'll just have to strut around the house with her big camera and take pictures of butterflys or something!

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Post by seopsfan »

For what it is worth the BOE hired Mr. Ewing. They must have thought he knew something about the game or they wouldn't have hired him. I do believe he does have some coaching experince.

I wonder if the team would be winning all their game would this stuff be going on, or would everone be praising the coach on how good he is. When you change coaches things take time. As was said eariler in the thread.... Rome wasn't build in a day.

NO Player should ever have a say in changes in a game!!! That is what the coach is for. The coach does what they think is best for the situation.

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Post by Marauder_2010 »

seopsfan...........i couldn't agree more

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Post by manofconstantsorrow »

I just want everyone on here to know what kind of IDIOT we are dealing with on here. Pantless 30 and her mommy sat right behind the Meigs bench last night and continuously tried to talk to the players and put down the meigs coach. Several times the Meigs coaches had to turn around and ask them to please stop trying to disrupt the team. They TRULY embarrased themselves. Hopefully this good road win will keep her from posting her incompetent rants and we can all get back to supporting the Meigs basketball program. GREAT WIN GUYS! keep it up!

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Post by Regulator »

Where is the AD during this? Is the AD supporting the coaches and taking care of these disruptions? A coach should not have to turn around and take care of that type of disruption.

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Post by Orestes »

First off, I am not a Meigs person or fan, but I thought I would add something to this thread.

To all of the anti-coach posters in this thread: Do you think your actions are helpful to the team, or are your actions self-serving? Even if the current coach is fired, is anyone going to be foolish enough to deal with the kind of trash that is currently polluting this forum for such a low salary? I don't think so.

I think it is clear that tools like Pantless, her mother, and her boyfriend are only making the situation worse for Meigs. How can anyone function under such scrutiny? Sure, big time college and pro coaches do it, but that is also why they are making large chunks of money. The money that Meigs is paying does not warrant the type of stress associated with the position. If I were Coach Ewing (and I don't even know who he is) I would hand the clipboard to the trashy people behind the bench and tell them to have fun.

IMO, unless the coach has been abusive or completely out of line, there is no excuse for a player to ever be talking back to a coach.

Do these people ever think about life in the future? Everything isn't always going to be fair or done correctly in your eyes. Sometimes you just have to work and keep your mouth shut. At some point, this same kid may be working for a boss that either makes poor decisions or gives the promotion to a relative. However, that's life. Sports are preparations for life in the future.

It isn't just the games, the practices, and the mental and physical aspects of sports that build character and prepare the youth for their adulthood. It's the ability to cope with adversity, and to deal with people you may not respect or like. A person who possesses the ability to deal properly with those around them, and can keep their focus and composure in tough situations, will be a person who will succeed in life.

As a volunteer coach and a brother, I have seen people who have felt "cheated" but have chosen to work, keep quiet, and give their best effort. Those people will go far in life and have most definitely earned my respect.

I think a lot of parents need to think about this before verbally ripping into a coach, or encouraging a kid to disrespect a coach. Sure, some coaches are terrible. Sure, some play the wrong players and make poor decisions. However, so do managers, presidents and CEO's. This whole thread is a black eye for Meigs athletics, in my opinion.

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Post by spaceball1 »

Orestes is right! We all are making this worse! Let's just be glad that the team is playing like a TEAM and got a great league win! GO Meigs!

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Post by fasteach »

seopsfan as most people on here know i did not play basketball but i did play baseball maybe it is different. the best coaches i had where the ones that the players talked about everything to. they cared, or seemed to, about us as persons as well as ball players so lets leave that there. secondly during games we watched and told the coach what we saw about the how the pitcher threw, how the fielders moved, all the little things that happen in the game and our coach encouraged us to do it. WE did not make decisions but we did provide facts about the other team. no coach i ever had said that was breaking a rule.
i do not know how coach ewing coaches and my son plays for meigs i have NEVER tried to hide that. but i would rather we lost every game and him help my son grow to be a man that win every one and scar him for life.high school basketball lasts at best 3 years. what he is as a man lasts forever. coach abbott was a role model that i can say i admired greatly. i did not care if they lost every game. i am hoping coach ewing is the same.there are fans on here who want to win every game. there are trouble makers who only want to stir the pot. believe me i have taken my share of shots. as they say when they are ranting at me they are leaving the kids alone.
let the kids play, let the coaches coach, and boe e is that too much to ask?

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Post by Bassmaster »

seopsfan and orestes....very good points :!:

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Post by seopsfan »

fasteach- coaching basketball is a little diffrent. In baseball a player may see things that a coach may not.. Maybe something a pitcher does before he goes for a pick off the list can go on and on......... In basketball MOST if not all coach have scouts that go to games to see what kind of offense or defense a team may run. They exchange game tapes with other coaches to watch a team. They talk to other coaches. So players in basketball may be able to catch on to something a team is doing, but that's the coaches job to make change as he sees fit. That is also the reason he has assistants. Sports teach young men, and young ladies how to work as a team, how to listen to a leader. What would happen if someone went to their boss and told them how to do his or her job? I would love to see that one :lol:

I played ball for some great coaches through my years playing basketball. I also went on to coach after my days were done. I SEEN things happening in a game. I noticed things about a team. I NEVER once said anything to a coach about what we should do as a team. My job was to play the game, and the coach's job was to do what he thought was best to help the team win.
As far as growing to be a man...... that is really up to the parents. Coaches just have a little influnce, and that is up to that person if he or she wants to learn and respect the coach.

I agree Coach Abbott is a great person. He cared about his team....... no doubt about it.

I am tired of reading all the negative comments about this situation. There is nothing that can be done about the coach this year.... next year everyone who has a problem with Coach Ewing can apply for the job. Go to the board about how horrible he is. Tell the BOE that your kid isn't playing next year if the coach stays. Oh wait a minute..............that what happened this year. ;-)

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Post by fasteach »

do not take what i said as negative towards coach ewing. liking abbott and ewing does not make you crazy. i did not mean to imply anything other than what i said. as i have said on here MANY times the coach deserves our backing and he has it from me.

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Post by seopsfan »

no nothing was taken as negative.

There are people tha twant to be negative though, and it doesn't help the situation. All I'm saying is that if this happens every year at Meigs they will never be able to build a program. they will have a diffrent coach every year. This year I thought who ever took the job would be crazy! No way I would coach with what happen to Coach Abbott. Coach Ewing wanted to help his school. Now he is getting thrown under the bus.
IF coach Ewing doesn't come back, what makes anyone think someone would want the job? :shock:

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Post by fasteach »

if i was ewing i do not think i would even want to come back. that is all i will say last post for me here look for the eastern vs meigs thread. again good win southern i hope we are better or you are worse by 5 points next time see you then.

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