Whoa! ARe you kidding me???? Who quit??? Who wouldn't quit . . .if they'd put their time in for 4 years and been a respectable player??? Why would you sit on the bench game after game while freshman, juniors, etc. played ahead of you. OK, so they played ahead of you, but played MOSt of the game and did nothing exceptional, and you sit and WATCH. That's what every young kid wants, RIGHT???? Every kid wants to sit on the bench and be overlooked time after time, especially a senior. Why are you NOW concerned about WHO quit???? NObody cared when he was sitting on the bench trying to wait it out. I honestly believe he was trying to give his coach the benefit of the doubt. No matter what your age . . . you can only take sooo much humilitation. But, who cares?? It's over, it's done. I wish RVHS much luck. I am sure the kid who quit is OK with his decision. I know I would be. I wouldn't let ANYONE treat my child like that. Great coach or not (Sandman). I appreciate your neutrality on EVERY forum. But get some backbone and stand up for what's right. No KID deserves to be humiliated and overlooked, no matter what you think of his family, friends, parents, etc. He's a KID!! With coaching experience with over 30 years I have never seen anyone ignore a senior (decent player) over and over again.
If I am not mistaken, I read in the paper that this kid would have been given the honor of "player of the game" earlier in the season. What happened??? Too many other parents to please???? Let's end this forum. He was treated wrong, no question about that. But, I'd love to hear the argument against it.