Chillicothe Cavaliers vs Logan Chieftians (Jan 4, 2008)

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Post by hateraid »

Army wrote:
By the way, I have a Masters Degree and some Post Graduate work.


On line degrees dont count in the real world. Da da da da da Army's lovin it.

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Post by Hitchbone64 »

ball hound wrote:This is the first time I was able to take in a Cavs game this year. Although, they are a very good team, they are not as good as they were last year IMO.


I will respectfully disagree with you if you are comparing the Cavs a year ago during the same time span. That team struggled somewhat early in the season with losses to Lakota East, Wheelersburg and some relative struggles in the league. Also, a win over Columbus East during the Shoot Out was not a strong win. We did not play good defense, we did not rebound very well and we were searching for an identity.

If you compare this team to the team that made the Feb/March run then I will still say this team is close. If we con't improve over the next 30 days, then we will not make a deep tourney run. If we do, then this team (simple due to experience in age and the system) will be considered better. Remember we lost two seniors (very valuable), but we gained a full year experience from 5 guys that started at some point last year.

Last nights game was not pretty, but I am overly hard on the kids.

Last edited by Hitchbone64 on Sat Jan 05, 2008 9:14 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Post by Bronc21 »

you say you havent seen chilli this year, yet say they arent as good as last years team..wrong! they are much better and are a much deeper team this year.

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Post by ball hound »

bronc21 wrote:ballhound
you say you havent seen chilli this year, yet say they arent as good as last years team..wrong! they are much better and are a much deeper team this year.

Not from what I saw

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Post by hateraid »

bronc21 wrote:ballhound
you say you havent seen chilli this year, yet say they arent as good as last years team..wrong! they are much better and are a much deeper team this year.

Ballhound you cant state an opinion on a Cavs post without getting blasted. They are the best team EVER in recorded basketball history. (this is not a shot at all Chilly fans so if it doesnt aply dont get offended) I for one respect what you said you witnessed. I also agree at this point Chilly is not at the level as last years team. They are winning alot of games on athletic ability. They are not doing alot of little things ie.. holding onto the ball (lots of silly TO's) and hitting foul shots. This may burn them come tourney time.

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Post by Bronc21 »

ballhound stated his opinion and i stated mine....but hateraid, all your comments toward chilli are nothing but a bashing fest. you have issues!

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Post by hateraid »

HaterAid wrote:
They are the best team EVER in recorded basketball history.[/quote]

What are you talking about here is proof I agree with you.GO Cavs!!!!!

Man that hurt!

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Post by TheMalteseFalcon »

Army wrote:
By the way, I have a Masters Degree and some Post Graduate work. As for you, come on admit it, you are from Vinton County. if not then tell us. Are you ashamed? :roll:

And just exactly what is wrong with Vinton County, Mr. Big Shot. :evil: :evil:

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R.I.P. BillSauerField
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Post by R.I.P. BillSauerField »

Army, did you wear your army costume to the game Friday? I saw someone dressed up like an army guy, and I was wondering if that was you?

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Post by Army »

HaterAid wrote:
Army wrote:
By the way, I have a Masters Degree and some Post Graduate work.


On line degrees dont count in the real world. Da da da da da Army's lovin it.

No mine were from (Regionally Accredited Universities) where I attended in person, unlike your correspondence course you took. WOW are you the first in your line of Hillbillies to become a BIG-Time graduate of. :-D

You still won't answer who you support on here Chicken Little from Vinton County. :-D

All talk, but scared and ashamed to admit your a Hick from SE-Ohio and to boot, trying to state on here that you are educated, what a joke....go away little boy, play somewhere else. :-D :lol: :lol: :lol:

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Post by Army »

R.I.P. BillSauerField wrote:Army, did you wear your army costume to the game Friday? I saw someone dressed up like an army guy, and I was wondering if that was you?

No.... but I bet if I you would have called that uniform a costume to that Ohio Army National Guard (Master Sergeant) Recruiter wearing his BDU's last night, you might of been in serious trouble........ :!:

Not just because of him, but the 20 plus OHARNG Soldiers and some 10-15 Army Reservist in the Chilli Stands last night. All of which have deployed at least 2 times to Iraq and Afganhistan. :-D

No trash mouth......I was with my son on the third row, to the left, YOUR RIGHT, directly across from the Logan Bench. We were wearing our blue CAV caps. I also was wearing a green sweater. :-D

You must of never served to call a patriot who does, there uniform a costume. Good thing I did not meet you last night and you spouted some trash like that. I doubt this Captain that has served faithfully for almost 30 years could of stopped that Master Sergeant if he would of heard you call that uniform a costume. What an ignorant loser comment from your stupid Logan trap calling an American Soldier Uniform that, or any other Soldier serving in the United States Army wearing the BDU Uniform.

ARMY :!:

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Post by Army »

TheMalteseFalcon wrote:
Army wrote:
By the way, I have a Masters Degree and some Post Graduate work. As for you, come on admit it, you are from Vinton County. if not then tell us. Are you ashamed? :roll:

And just exactly what is wrong with Vinton County, Mr. Big Shot. :evil: :evil:


We have nothing against VC, except chicken-little (hater-aid) is from there, we already know at Chilli, and his other name is (keeping it real). He has continued to come on our site talking trash about CAV B-Ball and the players ACT scores. All due to Chilli defeating his Vikings last year. We found out who he is, but he's afraid to admit it on here. We challenged his ACT scores at VC verses Chill, and asked him to compare and contrast. But he did not, he must be a little kid. :-D

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Post by 1974Viking »

Army, I am proud to be from VC. I have been following the Cav' all year. You have a right to be proud of them, they are an excellant team, well coached and are very deep with their talent. I am very proud of the men and women that serve our country no matter what branch they serve. These men and women make it possible for all of us to be able to post comments on here, and not to be afraid of being punished for the things we write or say. What they do, makes a b-ball game small in the larger picture. It is great to support your favorite team, but we as adults need to set the example on how we support them. We have a very good team as well as Chilly, good competion makes for a better team latter down the road. Everybody has a right to his or hers opinion, even tho we get carried away at times. Good luck to our neighbors to the west, will be there to watch you in Athens and beyond beyond :lol: :lol: :lol:

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Post by Spartan »

SUUGAARRR RAAAAAAAAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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Post by Army »

1974Viking wrote:Army, I am proud to be from VC. I have been following the Cav' all year. You have a right to be proud of them, they are an excellant team, well coached and are very deep with their talent. I am very proud of the men and women that serve our country no matter what branch they serve. These men and women make it possible for all of us to be able to post comments on here, and not to be afraid of being punished for the things we write or say. What they do, makes a b-ball game small in the larger picture. It is great to support your favorite team, but we as adults need to set the example on how we support them. We have a very good team as well as Chilly, good competion makes for a better team latter down the road. Everybody has a right to his or hers opinion, even tho we get carried away at times. Good luck to our neighbors to the west, will be there to watch you in Athens and beyond beyond :lol: :lol: :lol:


Good Post and I agree. Good luck to your Vikings too. Both teams speak volumes for SE-Ohio in B-Ball. :-D

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Post by Daisy »

I guess if Army has served in the military that long he has earned the right to get on here and make as many stupid comments as he wants. Unfortunatly for us, I'm sure he will continue. That's why I don't even waste my time reading his post. I'm surprised anyone still does.

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Post by hateraid »

I have been reading posts on this site for 2 years and just recently decided to join. Since I have started reading Army has made the most uneducated posts of anyone on this site PERIOD!! He attempted to bash me for a typo and he can not put together a complete sentence (look at prvious posts for proof). Did you learn to write like this @ Harvard or was it Stanford? LOL!!!! He avoids the argument at hand by trying to sidestep the question with his "so called facts" (which were so wrong it shows waht a tool he is) on a subject no one but he is even talking about. GO ahead Army make up stats and numbers to back up your side of the argument, it makes you look like a retard.

Something else Army you set here on this site and call me names like chicken and BOC BOC (I would assume you are trying to suggest that is what a chicken says). Was barnyard sounds your major at MIT? Or was Princeton? I served my country for several years active duty in the Army in the 11th ACR. I will bet you are a reservist or a National Guard member on here hiding behind the title ARMY. And after I got out used my GI Bill and attended a major Big East University (Not West Virginia or Cicy).
And to answer your question I do follow VC. I have family that live there and think they have a class program. Players graduate and are great members of what ever community they decide to live in. They do it the right way school 1st sports 2nd, this is why they can get a decent score on an ACT. Plus it is fun to give rejects like you a hard time. Chilly's ball team is without a doubt great. But are they doing it the right way? Can players on the team score high enough on the ACT to get them in a GOOD coolege? I know Givens did Miami is a great scholl. But i have heard this is not the case this year. Could be rumors, but I dont think so. I am sure you will be on here arguing something off the wall like team colors or which league is better( Was your major debate @ Brown?), but this has been my point from the begining. Some times schools dont put enough emphisis on education and it can be a problem when these kids want to go to decent schools.

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Post by bengalfan76 »

Lets remember that KIDS read this stuff also. Please don't bash the kids.

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Post by TheMalteseFalcon »

Army wrote:
TheMalteseFalcon wrote:
Army wrote:
By the way, I have a Masters Degree and some Post Graduate work. As for you, come on admit it, you are from Vinton County. if not then tell us. Are you ashamed? :roll:

And just exactly what is wrong with Vinton County, Mr. Big Shot. :evil: :evil:


We have nothing against VC, except chicken-little (hater-aid) is from there, we already know at Chilli, and his other name is (keeping it real). He has continued to come on our site talking trash about CAV B-Ball and the players ACT scores. All due to Chilli defeating his Vikings last year. We found out who he is, but he's afraid to admit it on here. We challenged his ACT scores at VC verses Chill, and asked him to compare and contrast. But he did not, he must be a little kid. :-D

I can tell you that I have lived both places and I'll take Vinton County any day of the week. :razz:


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Post by R.I.P. BillSauerField »

Army, I was just wondering if that was like your signature so everybody knows that's Army from SEOPS over there in the camo. You know like how you type in blue font and put a thousand emoticons in every one of your posts, that's your signature. I was just wondering if you took it the the extremes of wearing a UNIFORM to games so everyone would know it was you.

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