Watch Burg @ Valley Live Online TONIGHT!

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Riding the Bench
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Watch Burg @ Valley Live Online TONIGHT!

Post by HERD07 »

We will be broadcasting the Burg @ Valley Game live over the web this evening. Watch at

We will also be broadcasting the West game this Friday.

Tune in and let us know what you think

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Post by yabbadabbadoo »

That is great. I'm here at work and wasn't able to attend.

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Post by d-5 »

Nice job. I watched and it is good work you are doing

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Post by yabbadabbadoo »

I have to agree. Much better from the first one I watched at the beginning of the year.

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Post by d-5 »

They even had a shot of Burg Grad77 after the game :roll:

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Riding the Bench
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Post by SportsFiend »

I got to see a good portion of the broadcast tonight. That's amazing guys! And the commentary was superb! Wish all the schools had this technology. Thanks for getting this up and running and keeping it going for the Valley Indians.


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Post by Burg_Grad_77 »

D-5 wrote:They even had a shot of Burg Grad77 after the game :roll:

They say the camera adds 10 lbs. They must have had 4 cameras on me at the time. :lol:

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alabama mike
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Post by alabama mike »

SportsFiend wrote:I got to see a good portion of the broadcast tonight. That's amazing guys! And the commentary was superb! Wish all the schools had this technology. Thanks for getting this up and running and keeping it going for the Valley Indians.


All the schools DO have this technology, its just a matter of the tech cooridnators setting up the games to be broadcast.

Riding the Bench
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Post by HERD07 »

alabama mike wrote:All the schools DO have this technology, its just a matter of the tech cooridnators setting up the games to be broadcast.

That is not necessarily true. I'm sure all of the new buildings have the infrastructure in place to do it, that is if they wired their gyms with ethernet. As far as football stadiums go, I'd imagine that there are not many that are wired like ours so it would be even harder to do video for football. It could be done wireless, but I wouldn't recommend it.

Even if the infrastructure is in place you still have to obtain some video and sound mixing equipment to pull it all off. So it all comes down to the school agreeing to pay for the equipment and then having people take their own time to run the show. So I'll take the heat off the tech coordinator's. They have enough to worry about without having to deal with something that is essentially an extracurricular activity.

I work under the tech coordinator here and I have been given many great opportunities to do things like this and others that I wouldn't have had on any other job. This thing (v-cast), was just a crazy idea I came up with one day while experimenting with some of our servers here. First it was audio broadcasts, then it snowballed into video. Luckily we've had kids who are excited about doing this and have a good time doing it.

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Post by Burg_Grad_77 »

Why can't you watch the archived games anymore? I know I watched a couple of games earlier this year that had already been played and were in the archives and now they are gone. I was really hoping to see the Burg game.

"Welcome back my friends to the show that never ends"
Riding the Bench
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Post by HERD07 »

At the request of both coaches the archives will will not be available until after the season.

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