Jackson AD leaving

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Jackson AD leaving

Post by MightyOaksFan »

http://thetelegramnews.com/main.asp?Sec ... cleID=1572

Many are happy with this move. We will see where this ends up

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Post by Army »

I cannot believe it took this long. :-D

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Post by 10mike »

I'm not sure why people would be happy with losing a person who graduated from the U.S. Naval Academy. I know Jackson athletics have been in what some would call a state of turmoil throughout Snyder's tenure at Jackson, but I doubt that the problems have been a result of Snyder's work. I do not know Snyder personally but I did have the opportunity to speak with him on occasion during the time that I spent coaching at Jackson. He was always very polite and treated me with respect when I talked to him.

The resignation of Snyder and the hiring of a new AD, regardless of who that may be, will not result in a quick fix for Jackson athletics.

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Post by someoverkill »

10 mike is correct. It will not be a quick fix. I have been very suprised to see the recent state of Jackson athletics. Here's hoping the athletics at JHS gets turned around.

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Post by schenk11 »

Impressive job hiring for SEO high school AD. Not taking anything away from him, I am am pleasantly suprised.

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Post by carbon_dated »

Honestly though, aren't AD's overrated?

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Post by JHS4EVER »

Maybe Conroy will come back to his hometown!!!

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Post by JHS4EVER »

Your post needs deleted.

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Post by bballfan1 »

Just razzing you. It seems to me that you always want Conroy to comeback to town. There are many Jackson Alumni out there that would be nice to comeback to Jackson. Conroy is probably getting close to retirement isn't he?

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Post by JHS4EVER »

I do not care after May, Because my player is Graduating. I just hope they choose someone who will run the program the right way. This AD had a lot of other problems at School and also away from School. His mind was not on his job like it should have been.

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Post by bballfan1 »

I agree.

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Post by db98 »

Without getting too controversial (throwing coaches or administration under the bus), what can the next AD do to improve things?

Also what is involved in running the program the "right way"

I would like to know, because I hope to work in athletic management some day. I would really like to know what the folks on this board think.

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Post by ironman02 »

Wow. Jackson High School to Georgia Tech. I'd say that's definitely a move up for Snider.

I think Conroy would actually be a possibility. He stepped down as coach at Miami Trace to take some time away from the game. He already holds an administrative job at MT and would be a very qualified candidate for the Jackson AD job. If he doesn't want to be coaching anywhere in the new future, this might be a good option for him.

With Snider leaving for bigger and better things it looks like the Jackson administration should have just hired the man who deserved the job to begin with. Now they're left looking for a new AD again. I'm not trying to say that Snider wasn't qualified for the job because he was, but anyone with a brain knew that he would be going elsewhere at some point because of his qualifications and connections at the Naval Academy.

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Post by boogerred »

People are jerks...

They could either 1) if they liked Snyder, be happy he found such a high-profile job to advance himself or 2) if they didn't like him, just be happy he is gone and accept his departure thankfully.

Instead they want to take anonymous shots at the guy. He makes a convenient target for everybody's complaints on the way out.

People suck.

Good Luck, Jason Snider. You have obviously out-grown this little podunk area...

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Post by Da Bears »

Same thing applies to people on here talking about things they know nothing about. Right Boogerred? How about very poor communication within the athletic department. Some coaches told one thing, others told another. Bus drivers waiting at the school for a team and there was no game scheduled. There is more, but since Boogerred knows so much about Jackson and the poor job the AD has done the past 2 plus years, maybe he can fill us all in. Snider got the job in Jackson because the superintendent was impressed with his resume and interview, not his qualifications. Randy Layton should have been the choice. He was and still is the best person for the job. How is that for saying what needed to be said?????

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Post by ironman02 »


I'm not quite sure what "people" you're talking about. I think I saw one negative comment on this thread directed at Snider himself. Maybe that's what you're referring to.

My post was about the Jackson administration choosing Snider without thinking things through. He obviously had amazing qualifications, but did the administration really think he would stick around for long? I guy who can get a job as Director of Football Operations at Georgia Tech isn't gonna hang around Jackson High School for the long haul, right? The fact is this. Randy Layton was the man for the job. He had put in years of service for Jackson and had made a home there. Layton would have taken the AD job and served Jackson High School in that capacity for many years...definitely more than the 3 that Snider has put in. The administration shafted Layton and now they're stuck looking for a new AD with the departure of Snider.

Snider isn't to blame in this situation. He would be foolish to stay at Jackson and turn down the job he was offered. I don't know a whole lot about what he did or didn't do while he was at Jackson. If he didn't do things the right way, then that's his fault. But it's the Jackson administration who should be held accountable for the current situation.

I remember members of the administration complaining about how "new blood" was needed in Jackson. Outsiders needed to be brought in rather than having the same old Jackson people running everything. Then when Layton left, they hired a football coach in-house. How does that make sense? That's not an insult to Wolford whatsoever. But my point is that it completely contradicts the reason that Layton was passed over. Then there is the fiasco that has gone on with hiring basketball coaches. Some of Jackson's best basketball players are in Oak Hill helping the Oaks have a great season because our administration wouldn't hire a basketball coach until the last minute. What about Coach Wright leaving the baseball program? The arrival of Mr. Anderson has caused nothing but controversy in Jackson and has led to a steady decline in the condition of Jackson athletics.

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Post by boogerred »

There's lots of negative stuff over on the b-ball thread...

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Post by ironman02 »

Looks like a bunch of Vinton County people taking shots at Jackson to me on the basketball forum. Again, I don't know if Snider did his job well or not. My problem is with the administration. It would have been a great hire if Snider planned to stick around, but he didn't. Last time I checked, Randy Layton isn't headed for ACC country.

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Post by MightyOaksFan »

He would head to West Virginia first

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Post by ball07 »

One question for all of those Vinton County supporters....If he was such a great athletic director, then why didn't his hometown recruit him for their AD? No one is disputing the fact that it is an accomplishment to get a position at Georgia Tech. But he did so not because of his outstanding performance as AD at JHS, but moreso because of his connection that he has with his former Navy coach who is now at GT.

Obviously his big supporters are those outsiders who have not had to go through the frustrations of being sent to games that didn't exist, games canceled because of the team supposed to play the game at one time, however, he had them going at a different time, kids having to go into school early the next morning after sports banquets because the AD forgot to call the media and let them know of the scheduled banquet time, football pictures on his desk for weeks/months at a time without being handed out to the students when they arrived. What about the girls soccer schedule that he butchered? If you were a parent or player, do you think it was fair to have 13 away games?? I don't think so. What has he done to sign players at the college level? Do any of you know how frustrating it is for parents to have meeting scheduled with him time after time just for him to be a no show or to leave messages that are returned days later or sometimes never returned?? That is just a few of the screw ups that have happened since his tenure.

Look at the baseball program and the girls' basketball program. Until the departure of Wright, the boys had a pretty successful baseball program...the girls basketball program is in shambles right now. Ask any of those players and parents what a 'great' coach he got for them. Anyone who attends those games can see for themselves what a coaching mistake he made for that program. With the suspension of Humphreys, take a look at the wrestling program. Look at the football program...Snider has run the good coaches off to Oak Hill and it is the student athletes who are paying the price. It will take years to rebuild some of the programs to get the numbers up and good, experienced, QUALIFIED coaches in them. There needs to be a good AD put in so that they can get coaches in the positions that knows what they are doing rather than just sticking a coach in there to have the position filled. Someone who cares about the school, the kids and the community.

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