Jackson AD leaving
Agree with most, though I don't like the shot at the girls coach as he seemed to take it for no one else would or was offered...I don't know. But I don't agree with the shot at Martin.
Last edited by Ironman92 on Sun Jan 13, 2008 9:08 pm, edited 1 time in total.
- Apollo Creed
- Waterboy
- Posts: 29
- Joined: Tue Sep 26, 2006 12:45 am
When you bring FOOTBALL into the mix and say that all of our "good coaches" went to Oak Hill.............. I think you need to look at the current staff and look at the Oak Hill staff and re-evaluate your position. I like things just the way they are. Those guys can lead the Oaks to a barnyard championship........... I'm with the Ironmen.... Born and raised! Enough of these outsiders! Good ridence to Snider and all of those yahoos.......... GO BIG RED!!!!!!!!!!!!
- qualified101
- Posts: 2565
- Joined: Fri Jul 20, 2007 10:07 pm
- Apollo Creed
- Waterboy
- Posts: 29
- Joined: Tue Sep 26, 2006 12:45 am
"When you bring FOOTBALL into the mix and say that all of our "good coaches" went to Oak Hill.............. I think you need to look at the current staff and look at the Oak Hill staff and re-evaluate your position. I like things just the way they are. Those guys can lead the Oaks to a barnyard championship........... "
2003 Randy Layton/Greg Phillips/Dennis Rinehart 9-3
2004 Same Staff 9-3 upset of Cincy Withrow
2005 Current Staff + Phillips/Rinehart 7-3
2006 Current Staff 6-5 (2 losses to Waverly)
2007 Curent Staff 6-4
I don't see the improvement from the new staff Apollo
"And the wrestling situation....I don't know the whoe story..but not sure how any of that is directly Snyder's fault."
Snider (it is with an i as he corrected me once) is the one who suspended Hump pending an investigation that never happened. There's more, but suffice it to say as an insider I know this was Jason's doing and the accusations are false. Hence he was not fired, just indefinitely suspended. Also known as effective termination for you union guys. You just suspend the guy until the season is over and you have terminateed him without cause and no rammifications. If there were any truth to the accusations he would have been fired and faced OHSAA sanctions. Neither is the case.
"One question for all of those Vinton County supporters....If he was such a great athletic director, then why didn't his hometown recruit him for their AD? No one is disputing the fact that it is an accomplishment to get a position at Georgia Tech. But he did so not because of his outstanding performance as AD at JHS, but moreso because of his connection that he has with his former Navy coach who is now at GT. "
Excellent post.
"Without getting too controversial (throwing coaches or administration under the bus), what can the next AD do to improve things? "
Dedicate himself to his job like Jim Reynolds did. Honestly evaluate all coaches and separate the wheat from the chaff. Refuse to succumb to the whims of a couple of disgruntled parents or the desires of a select few and keep good coaches while removing the bad ones. Carefully complete the master schedule and pay fees on time thereby allowing the coaches to concentrate on coaching and the kids to just play rather than worrying that they are going to the wrong place, at the wrong time, or aren't entered in the tournament they are going to.
"I'm not sure why people would be happy with losing a person who graduated from the U.S. Naval Academy. I know Jackson athletics have been in what some would call a state of turmoil throughout Snyder's tenure at Jackson, but I doubt that the problems have been a result of Snyder's work."
He recommended the hiring of Shane Wolford over Greg Phillips in spite of the overwhelming disparity in their qualifications.
He gave Coach May a poor evaluation basically forcing his resignation and then waited until Jackson's best 2 players transferred to Oak Hill to find a replacement.
He gave Heath McKinnis a favorable evaluation and then did not recommend him for rehire based upon complaints from the parents of 2 outgoing seniors and over the objections of virtually all of the returning players.
Showed Coach Wright the door, after all, he just won.
Waited until the end of October to offer contracts for the upcoming season keeping the coaches in the dark about their standing until it was time to start practicing and running the risk that they might opt not to sign and we would be without coaches until after the season started. Effectively terminated Dave Humphreys after 18 years of service in JHS athletics, 7 as Varsity Wrestling Coach, without any just cause, resulting in the loss of 20/35 wrestlers. Failed to pay enry fees to tournaments, failed to return tournament conracts resulting in the Jr Hi showing up at Logan and being told they weren't in the tournament and being informed 2 days before the Techumseh in Chillicothe that they weren't entered in it.
Created a schedule of 16 gams, 13 on the road.
Failed to submit paperwork to OHSAA required to host a playoff game resulting in no playoff games in Jackson (at least one was a lock to be here) after he told several organizations to prepare to host potenial playoff games.
This is just a portion of the reasons I feel we got cheated by Jason Snider and am glad to see him move on.
I said before I like him as a person and wish him well, but he did not do our programs justice. He should, on some level, feel ashamed, I am satisfied he could have done much better.
2003 Randy Layton/Greg Phillips/Dennis Rinehart 9-3
2004 Same Staff 9-3 upset of Cincy Withrow
2005 Current Staff + Phillips/Rinehart 7-3
2006 Current Staff 6-5 (2 losses to Waverly)
2007 Curent Staff 6-4
I don't see the improvement from the new staff Apollo
"And the wrestling situation....I don't know the whoe story..but not sure how any of that is directly Snyder's fault."
Snider (it is with an i as he corrected me once) is the one who suspended Hump pending an investigation that never happened. There's more, but suffice it to say as an insider I know this was Jason's doing and the accusations are false. Hence he was not fired, just indefinitely suspended. Also known as effective termination for you union guys. You just suspend the guy until the season is over and you have terminateed him without cause and no rammifications. If there were any truth to the accusations he would have been fired and faced OHSAA sanctions. Neither is the case.
"One question for all of those Vinton County supporters....If he was such a great athletic director, then why didn't his hometown recruit him for their AD? No one is disputing the fact that it is an accomplishment to get a position at Georgia Tech. But he did so not because of his outstanding performance as AD at JHS, but moreso because of his connection that he has with his former Navy coach who is now at GT. "
Excellent post.
"Without getting too controversial (throwing coaches or administration under the bus), what can the next AD do to improve things? "
Dedicate himself to his job like Jim Reynolds did. Honestly evaluate all coaches and separate the wheat from the chaff. Refuse to succumb to the whims of a couple of disgruntled parents or the desires of a select few and keep good coaches while removing the bad ones. Carefully complete the master schedule and pay fees on time thereby allowing the coaches to concentrate on coaching and the kids to just play rather than worrying that they are going to the wrong place, at the wrong time, or aren't entered in the tournament they are going to.
"I'm not sure why people would be happy with losing a person who graduated from the U.S. Naval Academy. I know Jackson athletics have been in what some would call a state of turmoil throughout Snyder's tenure at Jackson, but I doubt that the problems have been a result of Snyder's work."
He recommended the hiring of Shane Wolford over Greg Phillips in spite of the overwhelming disparity in their qualifications.
He gave Coach May a poor evaluation basically forcing his resignation and then waited until Jackson's best 2 players transferred to Oak Hill to find a replacement.
He gave Heath McKinnis a favorable evaluation and then did not recommend him for rehire based upon complaints from the parents of 2 outgoing seniors and over the objections of virtually all of the returning players.
Showed Coach Wright the door, after all, he just won.
Waited until the end of October to offer contracts for the upcoming season keeping the coaches in the dark about their standing until it was time to start practicing and running the risk that they might opt not to sign and we would be without coaches until after the season started. Effectively terminated Dave Humphreys after 18 years of service in JHS athletics, 7 as Varsity Wrestling Coach, without any just cause, resulting in the loss of 20/35 wrestlers. Failed to pay enry fees to tournaments, failed to return tournament conracts resulting in the Jr Hi showing up at Logan and being told they weren't in the tournament and being informed 2 days before the Techumseh in Chillicothe that they weren't entered in it.
Created a schedule of 16 gams, 13 on the road.
Failed to submit paperwork to OHSAA required to host a playoff game resulting in no playoff games in Jackson (at least one was a lock to be here) after he told several organizations to prepare to host potenial playoff games.
This is just a portion of the reasons I feel we got cheated by Jason Snider and am glad to see him move on.
I said before I like him as a person and wish him well, but he did not do our programs justice. He should, on some level, feel ashamed, I am satisfied he could have done much better.
Tobias wrote:He was a Navy man...nothing more needs to be said...
Tobias......I like your poster, and agree fully

What job is he taking at GT

Director of Football Operations, or something in that line

The way you are highlighting his achievements on here at Jackson.....GT might be in trouble. Hopefully, he will not be put in charge of scheduling flights, hotels or games. The Rambling Wreck from Georgia Tech may have to forfiet a few games due to showing up at the wrong school or something like that.

Hopefully, your City will rise up and demand a local person who knows the system and truly cares about the athletic programs at Jackson. By doing so, hopefully the demand will make a blanket statement to your Super showing him you all care about your sports and your kids.

Nothing against Academy Graduates, I have several (Fellow Officer) friends who are graduates. One is my realitive from Wellston. He is a West Point graduate, class of 1975 and now is a Colonel. He is presently serving as the Senior Installation Chaplain at an Army Post in Georgia.
But on the flip side of that, I have met duds who graduated from the Academy too. One thing I noticed in the younger generation in my almost 30 years of military service is, there are many that are down right lazy. So just because someone played for a Military Academy and graduated from one, doesn't mean they will be God's gift to a Schools Athletic Program. Especially if they are not an educator. Sounds like the position was a political move when they hired him

I don't know.
Good Luck on your search.

Last edited by Army on Sat Jan 12, 2008 9:51 pm, edited 1 time in total.
bballfan1 wrote:Army: Never thought I would agree with you.
You see we can all get along. I really felt for the Ironmen Program. It seemed they have not been the same the past couple of years. I have a friend who tried to talk to him about a serious issue at the school, but was asked to wait. The friend over heard the AD talking on the phone making a real estate deal. Eventually after sitting out side his office for an over extended time, the person left, without getting a response, like sorry, can we get together and do this another day, or anything like that.

Jackson I pray will get an AD from within the system.
One point too......Vinton County did not hire him, because they most likely have an AD, but, with that stated, they could not of afforded that salary Jackson paid him for his limited service. It's a good thing VC didn't try to get him, they may have got the bus schedule mixed up and showed up the day after they were supposed to play Chillicothe last year in the District game at the Convo.


The examples you gave of Snider's work would certainly lead one to believe that his work left a lot to be desired. However, most decisions that are made within a school system are not the direct result of one person's opinion. Again, if anyone thinks that Snider's departure and the hiring of a new AD will result in a quick fix then they are fooling themselves. While it is true that the opinion of an AD certainly does carry a lot of weight when decisions about coaches are made, it is also true that the superintendent and the B.O.E. hold the ultimate power that controls what decisions are made.
As for Apollo's statement, frankly, I agree with you wholeheartedly, he is nuts! Oak Hill has an amazing staff that is comprised of almost all Jackson guys.
The examples you gave of Snider's work would certainly lead one to believe that his work left a lot to be desired. However, most decisions that are made within a school system are not the direct result of one person's opinion. Again, if anyone thinks that Snider's departure and the hiring of a new AD will result in a quick fix then they are fooling themselves. While it is true that the opinion of an AD certainly does carry a lot of weight when decisions about coaches are made, it is also true that the superintendent and the B.O.E. hold the ultimate power that controls what decisions are made.
As for Apollo's statement, frankly, I agree with you wholeheartedly, he is nuts! Oak Hill has an amazing staff that is comprised of almost all Jackson guys.
- Apollo Creed
- Waterboy
- Posts: 29
- Joined: Tue Sep 26, 2006 12:45 am
I guess I must have missed the sarcasm as well.
So just to clarify. Do you really think that Layton, Phillips, Rinehart, Blankenship, and Humphreys aren't missed by the Jackson football program whatsoever? I wonder how much the 2-10 Jackson basketball team misses Ryan Borden and Kyle Ondera. How about the baseball program missing Coach Wright?
So just to clarify. Do you really think that Layton, Phillips, Rinehart, Blankenship, and Humphreys aren't missed by the Jackson football program whatsoever? I wonder how much the 2-10 Jackson basketball team misses Ryan Borden and Kyle Ondera. How about the baseball program missing Coach Wright?
Last edited by ironman02 on Sun Jan 13, 2008 3:48 pm, edited 1 time in total.
If you have any questions just call. I really can't believe that you and some of the other persons on here - doubt Dave's heart for the Jackson Wrestling program and the Jackson kids
BUT THAT IS THE PROBLEM - DAVE AND I ARE HERE FOR THE KIDS AND NO ONE ELSE. We don't play games we try to teach sports.
He was going to quit years ago, when Jared decided to play basketball - ....but parents and kids begged him. He deifinitely was going to stop three years ago due to Jared playing baseball at Kent during the wrestling season and Jess starting jr hi and high school basketball.
I had to go alone and watch Jared play in his first collegiate baseball game IN 2006............Do you not think that that did not Kill Dave OR JARED?
I am sorry they took the topic off I posted on. Should I have aired it all out here ? Don't know- just fed up with the back stabbing and hurtful, harmful thiings that have been done and said about our family.
Like I mentioned, the only recruiting Dave ever did was INTERNAL AT JACKSON. trying to get kids to wrestle and still go to weightlifting.
anyway, our new phone number is listed- any questions-just call--
sorry again.
Sorry for the kids that should have wrestled, sorry for the two coaches the school left trying to hold the program together........with the loss of kids and the scheduling problems.
Losing 2 coaches -Charlie and Dave surely eft Nate and Rick to try to hold the program together.
Who did it hurt? The kids. I look for wrestling to be dropped at Jackson, since I think that was the reason for the whole soap opera to begin with...........IMHO
Good luck to Jackson - we still love the kids and will always be ..........just
If you have any questions just call. I really can't believe that you and some of the other persons on here - doubt Dave's heart for the Jackson Wrestling program and the Jackson kids
BUT THAT IS THE PROBLEM - DAVE AND I ARE HERE FOR THE KIDS AND NO ONE ELSE. We don't play games we try to teach sports.
He was going to quit years ago, when Jared decided to play basketball - ....but parents and kids begged him. He deifinitely was going to stop three years ago due to Jared playing baseball at Kent during the wrestling season and Jess starting jr hi and high school basketball.
I had to go alone and watch Jared play in his first collegiate baseball game IN 2006............Do you not think that that did not Kill Dave OR JARED?
I am sorry they took the topic off I posted on. Should I have aired it all out here ? Don't know- just fed up with the back stabbing and hurtful, harmful thiings that have been done and said about our family.
Like I mentioned, the only recruiting Dave ever did was INTERNAL AT JACKSON. trying to get kids to wrestle and still go to weightlifting.
anyway, our new phone number is listed- any questions-just call--
sorry again.

Sorry for the kids that should have wrestled, sorry for the two coaches the school left trying to hold the program together........with the loss of kids and the scheduling problems.
Losing 2 coaches -Charlie and Dave surely eft Nate and Rick to try to hold the program together.
Who did it hurt? The kids. I look for wrestling to be dropped at Jackson, since I think that was the reason for the whole soap opera to begin with...........IMHO
Good luck to Jackson - we still love the kids and will always be ..........just
4TheKids: There is nothing wrong with your family,it's the other people that is screwed-up. We have known each other for almost 20 years and I know there is nothing wrong with you and Dave except you like to teach the athletes the right rules and regulations! Just think where Ironmen Football would be right now if it was not for Dave, George,Sean,and the grey headed old man!!!!! I know hundreds of other people feels the same way as I do but, most people won't speak up when needed
Gosh, I really need to check my posts before I submit. Some pretty good language problems....lol
jhs4ever, Good luck to your boy. Great kid, I just wish things would have allowed us to cheer him on in his last 2 seasons.
I am just glad, all of this happened after Jared left- it kills him to think of all of the poo going on- when he was such a dedicated Ironman in all he did.
He still is....an Ironman.....and Travis (JHS football coach)and Max (JHS basketball coach) are still his bestest buds....for even these young adults know how to behave and how people should be treated.
Everyone has to follow their heart and make hard decisions based on what is best for them and their family. The current system felt we were not needed and no person wants to stay where they are not wanted.
Our decisions were made - and the only pain is the parents and kids we had to leave.
On a better note, Jess is doing good in school and has friends in all grades. I just hope the kids, parents and school officials feel as good as we do-in allowing us to be involved with their town and system.
Guess we will find out! lol
jhs4ever, Good luck to your boy. Great kid, I just wish things would have allowed us to cheer him on in his last 2 seasons.
I am just glad, all of this happened after Jared left- it kills him to think of all of the poo going on- when he was such a dedicated Ironman in all he did.
He still is....an Ironman.....and Travis (JHS football coach)and Max (JHS basketball coach) are still his bestest buds....for even these young adults know how to behave and how people should be treated.
Everyone has to follow their heart and make hard decisions based on what is best for them and their family. The current system felt we were not needed and no person wants to stay where they are not wanted.
Our decisions were made - and the only pain is the parents and kids we had to leave.
On a better note, Jess is doing good in school and has friends in all grades. I just hope the kids, parents and school officials feel as good as we do-in allowing us to be involved with their town and system.
Guess we will find out! lol
What the Humphreys family has done for Jackson athletics will NOT be forgotten, at least by this guy. As I have said many times, Jared Humphreys is quite possibly the best athlete to EVER come through Jackson High School. Watching him play football, basketball, and baseball were some of my favorite times as a Jackson sports fan.
Dave Humphreys' contributions to the football, wrestling, baseball, and softball programs aren't forgotten by some of us as well. Dave and Paula put in countless hours working with so many of Jackson's athletes and that is appreciated by many people, myself included.
I really hated to see Dave leave Jackson but I wish him and his entire family nothing but the best. It's just a shame that things happened the way that they did.
Dave Humphreys' contributions to the football, wrestling, baseball, and softball programs aren't forgotten by some of us as well. Dave and Paula put in countless hours working with so many of Jackson's athletes and that is appreciated by many people, myself included.
I really hated to see Dave leave Jackson but I wish him and his entire family nothing but the best. It's just a shame that things happened the way that they did.
My boy would not have a nickname { TINY } if it weren't for Dave pushing him during practices at Old Lick School. He still hates that hill. Good luck to you guys, the old saying what comes around goes around. It's starting to happen in Jackson but it's too late because good families,coaches, players and even the bus drivers have been embarrassed by one person. He has let alot of people down and then leaves like nothing has ever happened I think he owes this town a written personal apology. We all know that will never happen though because he is not man enough to admit his mistakes. I had a good reply on here Friday night with MIGHTY OAKS FAN but both of them got deleted. We both just told the truth but they did not want to hear that!!! Ask Lil Hump if she can hit the rim yet? HA,HA