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Post by Ironman92 »

Sounds about right
Last edited by Ironman92 on Wed Jan 16, 2008 10:39 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Post by 4theKids »

Thanks for all the kind words. I know most of you and nothing i typed is pointed to you guys. It is just amazing how much gets said and yet no one knows what is actually going on. It was the same way here at the City.
Tell Nate and Rick that they are doing a good job with the wrestlers that stuck it out in all of this mess. I know they would appreciate it.

Jess is doing great. She has improved her point skills- is still a little lazy on "D" -unless she and the gym hears "JHUMP" being yelled. lol
She is listed at 5'6"----- wow I must be 6'!! But the girls have really taken her under their wings (esp Kaylin, EDog and Allyson)

Jared is already back to Kent. He was here for a little over a week.........but all he does is pester Jess, eat, sleep and plays games--- either our home or Dan and Carla's.
He did get to see Max coach the basketball jv team. And he loves going to the gym anytime he is home.

I do want to give A Big Thanks to the Morrow's --for allowing him to invade their home when he is in town.

Break is over - gotta go.
see ya and don't be strangers


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Post by MightyOaksFan »

don't forget the winning assist with seconds to go the other night

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Post by 4theKids »

wow! you will never believe what happened.

a resignation and an arrival of a letter from the OHSAA ------and Oh, by the way Dave, you can return to the program.
You have been reinstated.

I am supposed to be nice per Dave and Nate...........so all I will say is

Stephen, on the mat 330pm -no later than Monday?............
he will love me when he reads this!!
You could be the only Ironman to be a 4 time league champ!!
Bruce- what do ya say? 180? lol

THanks to all the boys who have called and made Dave's evening. (even past graduate grapplers have called)
He has missed you guys.
A big thanks to all of the parents that stood up for him- it meant a lot to him.

I will even go as far as to say --I kinda hope Dave misses Jared's first season game at Greensboro.........that would mean some body(s) made their way to the state tournament!

Well I have written enough.
I will wait for this to be blasted or removed.........the story of my short lived seoprep life. :?

Oh sorry MOF........she did play well the last 10 minutes or so...the little bunny and the assist were nice..............maybe they just need to play 2 OT's all the time or just play 5 quarters from now on!

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Post by Ironman92 »

That is a WOW...and a congrats and good luck on the rest of the season!!!

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Post by 4theKids »

I relayed your wishes to him...........he laughed and said thanks.
He has already been on the phone - "recruiting" again.
Stephen has been called, Bruce has been called...........he is recruiting Ironmen grapplers that have lost their way and have left the mat...
yes Stephen and Bruce - I said that!

IS it baseball /softball season yet? that is what I am waiting for.
Coats, blankets cold windy weather and frozen fields!!!!

Play Ball!

Oh, If there are state qualifiers - who wants to drive with me to North Carolina? Feb 22-24

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Post by MightyOaksFan »

or just play defense like the 2nd half and overtimes
we gave up 4 in hte 3rd 4 in the 4th 3 in the first OT and 2 in the second OT

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Post by MightyOaksFan »

of course we only scored 0, 5, 3 and 4 but whatever works right :lol:

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Post by ji81grad »

Alot has happened in a short period of time. I noticed an "air" of good feelings and positive energy in the gym last night. The pall that was hanging over JHS Athletics seems to be dissipating rather quickly.

I personally hope that the Board gives serious consideration to Bob Kight to fill the position permanently. He would probably need to be coaxed into it, but it is quite obvious that his interest is in the kids where it should be. The yeoman like effort he has put into righting the ship should be recognized by all. I have a new found deep repect for the man, I know how much he has accomplished in a very short time.

On another note, I hope that everyone who can would attend the Ironmen Wrestling Team's only home meet this year. We have a meet Thursday at JHS with Southeastern and are trying to add a team to make it a tri meet. Wrestling starts at 6pm for both Varsity and Jr Hi. The meet will signify the return of Sgt. Slaughter (Hump) to the Jackson corner. Our kids need to see alot of fan support after the emotional roller coaster this season has been. Even if you're not a wrestling fan, be an Ironman fan this Thursday evening. Let's fill the place and give the kids (and maybe even a couple of old coaches) a boost.

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Post by 4theKids »

Heard that ji81.

We will try to get there asap. Jess has a home game. I will try to get to Jackson-....time permitting.

Good luck to the Ironmen!

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Post by seoal bandito »

bob kite deserves consideration...... he definitly does not have a tough act to follow.

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Post by D Owens »


"2006 Current Staff 6-5 (2 losses to Waverly)"

That was an 11-1 Waverly football team that beat Jackson twice in 2006. We also played six road games that year and won all of them on our way to a 10-0 regular season, the first here since 1968.

What is your point?

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Post by ji81grad »

Not a knock on Waverly, simply pointing out the obvious downward action on the JHS football fortunes.

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Post by 9697ironmen »


you know who i am, but probably not on here.

I played baseball when Dave was as assistant with Steve Little. He was a great coach, andhe did great things for both the football and baseball programs for years. all is forgotten. it seems like people around here are all concerned with what have you done for me lately. I remember coming to your house the day after the wellston Football game, after Jareds sophmore season. There was alot being said then as well. and if i remember correctly ill say the same thing now that i said then. i remember telling jared to not listen to the things peopel say, you know what you have done, and it doesnt matter what people think. as long as you know, who cares what others think.

"Every strike brings me closer to my next homerun" -Babe Ruth-
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Post by D Owens »


Your comment IS a knock on Waverly.

Jackson got beat in 2006 by an 11-1 football team. Going back to 1984 when Coach Bolin came to Waverly, Waverly leads the series between Waverly and Jackson 13-10. Coach Wright is 4-1 against Jackson (I do have a year by year accounting of the series if this point is debatable in your mind.)

You use getting beat twice in one year by Waverly as supporting evidence of the, "obvious downward action on the JHS football fortunes." How on earth can you write that and then say it isn't a knock on Waverly when over the last almost quarter of a century Waverly leads the series and in the specific year you are talking about Waverly was as successful as they have been since 1968?

I have taught and coached at both Jackson and Waverly. I respect and care about both districts and both programs. I have great respect for Coach Layton and his staff as well as Coach Wolford and his staff. I consider many of these people to be friends. That being said, your comment is out of line. Waverly competes very well with Jackson and history supports this.

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Post by ji81grad »

You can extropolate from my comments whatever you wish. I did not intend to put Waverly down, as I never have.

No one needs to defend Waverly's record against Jackson to me. They have always been a game I said would be tough for us even in our better years. They have always played us tough regardless of the talent levels.

Point is, the current staff in Jackson is not building the program. Even in Randy Layton's tenure we had a couple of down years, but we bounced right back. This program has lost it's bounce. What has changed? The pee wee program still churns out 20-25 kids a year from a winning program. The sideliners still support football to the fullest. The change is a lack of experience in the coaching staff from top to bottom. Most of those guys are good people who I have absolutely no problem with, but that doesn't make it a good staff. You still need those guys with experience especially when you go through years when the talent level drops.

I think Shane would have made an excellent assistant coach. His experience is playing running back and defensive back in Jackson and coaching Jr Hi and Reserve in Jackson. He doesn't have college playing experience or other coaching experience to help him. A head football coach in a D2/3 school with Jackson's high expectations needs this outside experience to help him. He also needs other experienced coaches on the staff who sometimes disagree with him to add balance. I said this when he was hired, and still maintain that he has potential but needs to have experience outside JHS Football. Ultimately, experience for a few years in some other programs would enhance his ability and allow him the opportunity to be the top notch head coach I believe he could be. Too much too soon.

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Post by Army »

ji81grad wrote:You can extropolate from my comments whatever you wish. I did not intend to put Waverly down, as I never have.

No one needs to defend Waverly's record against Jackson to me. They have always been a game I said would be tough for us even in our better years. They have always played us tough regardless of the talent levels.

Point is, the current staff in Jackson is not building the program. Even in Randy Layton's tenure we had a couple of down years, but we bounced right back. This program has lost it's bounce. What has changed? The pee wee program still churns out 20-25 kids a year from a winning program. The sideliners still support football to the fullest. The change is a lack of experience in the coaching staff from top to bottom. Most of those guys are good people who I have absolutely no problem with, but that doesn't make it a good staff. You still need those guys with experience especially when you go through years when the talent level drops.

I think Shane would have made an excellent assistant coach. His experience is playing running back and defensive back in Jackson and coaching Jr Hi and Reserve in Jackson. He doesn't have college playing experience or other coaching experience to help him. A head football coach in a D2/3 school with Jackson's high expectations needs this outside experience to help him. He also needs other experienced coaches on the staff who sometimes disagree with him to add balance. I said this when he was hired, and still maintain that he has potential but needs to have experience outside JHS Football. Ultimately, experience for a few years in some other programs would enhance his ability and allow him the opportunity to be the top notch head coach I believe he could be. Too much too soon.


I know I have no dog in this one....and I am going to get a negative response back, not by just you, but your whole JI possie gang, but I cannot resist this one. :-D

This is a rare thing, but I have to come to Shanes defense and his Coaches.

Maybe you or others who feel this way should apply for the job. Thank you all could do any better in the position :?: :roll: :roll:

Heck, no wonder that system is in turmoil over there. No body can be ever be satisfied anymore. For petes sake....it's just kids playing out there. Your playing days are over. Maybe if you realize that, and support your coaches instead of talking down about them on here, they may succeed. Give them a break. With fans like you, where do the coaches at Jackson draw their support from? I think Shane is doing fine at Jackson. No wonder there were transfers going to Oak Hill's Basketball Team last year.

ji81grad, keep up the good work on here in the (Jackson Sports) complaint department. Who knows, maybe Wellston and Oak Hill might get some transfers in the future. :-D

Thank goodness our kids go to Chillicothe City Schools that offers the kids a solid and sound group of coaches at all the levels that are supported by both the Administration and Community over here. That includes when they are winning and also when they are losing. Give Shane a chance. Everybody over here really thinks he's a good coach. Look at 2005 when Shanes Team defeated Ironton....in 2006 his team ran over our CAVS after we pounced the Tigers the week before who pounced the Ironmen earlier that year. One thing about Shanes Teams, we have noticed over here, especially Coach D at Chilli, is, he always has the Ironmen prepared for the big games. That also includes his coaching staff. That's likewise, ji81grad give your Assistant Coaches a break too. Support them...and see how far it might go in getting more kids to come out for your programs. :-D

I am not absolutely sure, but I don't think all of our coaches in Chillicothe have College Coaching experience. They just have plain old High School coaching experience. But I guess that is not good enough for you either huh? Shane has none of that...so what? Did Reynolds? Man ole man. I hope Shane and his staff is supported over there this season. :roll:

Good luck Jackson....you really have good folks over there and your kids play with heart, just like everybody else in this SEOAL. Even though you are my H.S. alma maters rival, believe it or not, especially with all the trash talk back and forth, I still root for your Ironmen to win outside of the Wellston game and against our kids school Chillicothe. Why? Because I was raised in Jackson County..Wellston, and I don't want to see any of the three teams fail in the County. Two, because we are in the SEOAL together. And three, because half my family went to school at Jackson.

O.K. ji81grad.....let me have it, I know it's coming. :-D

Army :-D

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Post by ironman02 »

I've been watching Jackson football very closely for over 15 years now and I can say without a doubt, Waverly always brings their "A" game against the Ironmen. Even when Jackson had some of its very best football teams in the mid 1990s, they struggled to beat Waverly.

There have been years when one team or the other has had a decisive talent advantage and won the game easily, but most years, Jackson-Waverly is an all-out battle. Lately, the Tigers have definitely had Jackson's number and they absolutely hammered the Ironmen last year in Alumni Stadium. Waverly has built a very strong football program and I expect them to have continued success in the future. I always look forward to that Week 2 matchup. I just hope that the Ironmen can swing things back in their favor this coming year after losing 4 in a row to the Tigers.

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Post by D Owens »

I look forward to week two also 02. I've said it many times, the Jackson game is BY FAR my favorite game of the year for obvious reasons.

Jackson is a city that loves football. Playing a team that has high expectations EVERY year is fun to prepare for. It is also always a reunion of sorts for me. I always enjoy seeing people that I taught with, former students and players, and other friends that I made while working at Jackson.

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Apollo Creed
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Post by Apollo Creed »

I'm sure that the new schedule; and the league expansion has nothing to do with the comparative records. It's all Coaching. Excellent points ji81grad.

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