Is Zanesville leaving the SEOAL after the 2008-2009 season?
- Zanes-Vegas
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2old ...
You complain about EVERYTHING. You now complain that we're just apparently "don't play well with others" and that our students are just a bunch of vandalizing hoodlums. Pretty easy fodder for you, isn't it. It should be fun, too -- you've got, oh, about 16 months to keep taking shots until we walk out the door.
We don't have an "independent mindset." We had been trying like heck to get into a league for years. But our former superintendent basically ordered our former AD to get us into a league, and since the most logical ones weren't interested, we ended up joining the SEOAL expansion. Doing what his boss told him to do. But it is readily apparent that it is not going to work out for us, nor for the league, relative to our own membership. Why should we drag it out?
Your problem is that you either can't deal with fact, or you would rather twist those facts to fit your arguments. We have done due diligence here, looked at the trends, looked at the projections and decided -- after studying it -- that it's best we leave the SEOAL. We weighed that against the inherent problems of likely being an independent, and still opted out. It's not a decision that was taken lightly, nor made quickly.
Relative to Logan, I don't know what your problem is with Zanesville. We have been playing Logan in football for a long time, and have done so in boys and girls basketball for awhile, too. If anything, we've had more of a relationship with LHS in the past couple decades than any other SEOAL school. And it's likely that will be maintained after we leave.
Your curmudgeon act is growing old. You really need to get some new material, because it's rather getting to be like listening to a politician's same stump speech over and over. Ironton this, Chillicothe that, Zanesville this ... ad nauseum.
Frankly, everytime I read a "2old" post, it looks like white noise (that's an audio term, BTW, before you try to twist that into something it's not).
You complain about EVERYTHING. You now complain that we're just apparently "don't play well with others" and that our students are just a bunch of vandalizing hoodlums. Pretty easy fodder for you, isn't it. It should be fun, too -- you've got, oh, about 16 months to keep taking shots until we walk out the door.
We don't have an "independent mindset." We had been trying like heck to get into a league for years. But our former superintendent basically ordered our former AD to get us into a league, and since the most logical ones weren't interested, we ended up joining the SEOAL expansion. Doing what his boss told him to do. But it is readily apparent that it is not going to work out for us, nor for the league, relative to our own membership. Why should we drag it out?
Your problem is that you either can't deal with fact, or you would rather twist those facts to fit your arguments. We have done due diligence here, looked at the trends, looked at the projections and decided -- after studying it -- that it's best we leave the SEOAL. We weighed that against the inherent problems of likely being an independent, and still opted out. It's not a decision that was taken lightly, nor made quickly.
Relative to Logan, I don't know what your problem is with Zanesville. We have been playing Logan in football for a long time, and have done so in boys and girls basketball for awhile, too. If anything, we've had more of a relationship with LHS in the past couple decades than any other SEOAL school. And it's likely that will be maintained after we leave.
Your curmudgeon act is growing old. You really need to get some new material, because it's rather getting to be like listening to a politician's same stump speech over and over. Ironton this, Chillicothe that, Zanesville this ... ad nauseum.
Frankly, everytime I read a "2old" post, it looks like white noise (that's an audio term, BTW, before you try to twist that into something it's not).
mtswngrvsg wrote:We all may not want to admit this but it will all come down to money in the end. If fuel cost continue to go up, and who knows where they will go, there will be alot of changes to things as we know them.
Here is my crystal ball:
Ironton will leave and be independent-have relationships with schools accros state lines that bring big crowds
Portsmouth will stay unless they can get into the SOC II
Waren could go to the TVC-Ohio if they are still wanted?
Marieta will be determinded by what Waren does
Gallipolis will stay
Jackson will stay-has no place to go
Chillicothe should stay-only move is back to the OCC or Independent
Logan will stay unless they want to make the jump to the OCC-they will stay, their not stupid.
No disrespect, but Chillicothe is not going back to the OCC...period.

There first attempt would be the MSL-Buckeye, even though they have 8 teams. Then the SCOL who has 7 teams, which from all our coaches stated, they offered us a slot when we announced in 2004 that we were departing the OCC. The SEOAL deal came together and Chillicothe went that route.
Second, whose to say that Chillicothe, Portsmouth, Ironton, couldn't cherry pick Jackson or Gallipolis or both away from the SEOAL and add Waverly, Wheelersburg and Portsmouth West from the SOC II and try to form a real SE-Ohio League.

Or as you stated....Go Independent.

Army wrote:ironman02 wrote:ZV,
To be fair, you told 10mike and I that the things we were hearing about Zanesville were rumors and nothing more. You said that the talk about Zanesville possibly leaving was not FACT. Turns out, all the talk about Zanesville leaving was indeed, FACT. I believe that's what qualified 101 is probably referring to.
How difficult is it to understand what ZV stated above.....![]()
Don't be surprised that Chillicothe, Portsmouth, Ironton and Marietta are seeking other options at this time too. Some may be preparing to lay the next shock...wave to the SEOAL that, hey we are leaving too.![]()
I don't know if Warren is or not![]()
Zanes-Vegas and I had a conversation a couple months ago about Zanesville leaving the SEOAL. My post to him was in response to that conversation and what has occurred recently with Zanesville deciding to leave the league. It seems to me that he and I have resolved the disagreement about what transpired. It had absolutely nothing to do with you.
ironman02 wrote:Army wrote:ironman02 wrote:ZV,
To be fair, you told 10mike and I that the things we were hearing about Zanesville were rumors and nothing more. You said that the talk about Zanesville possibly leaving was not FACT. Turns out, all the talk about Zanesville leaving was indeed, FACT. I believe that's what qualified 101 is probably referring to.
How difficult is it to understand what ZV stated above.....![]()
Don't be surprised that Chillicothe, Portsmouth, Ironton and Marietta are seeking other options at this time too. Some may be preparing to lay the next shock...wave to the SEOAL that, hey we are leaving too.![]()
I don't know if Warren is or not![]()
Zanes-Vegas and I had a conversation a couple months ago about Zanesville leaving the SEOAL. My post to him was in response to that conversation and what has occurred recently with Zanesville deciding to leave the league. It seems to me that he and I have resolved the disagreement about what transpired. It had absolutely nothing to do with you.
And so did we

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Army-going back to the OCC would not be a very good move. You say the SCOL offered, I am surprised but you maybe right. If they leave the SEOAL their best bet would be as an independent. You can find games easy in all sports except football in the last half of the schedule, then it can get very tough. I still say Chillicothe's best move is to stay put but then again what I think does not matter at all!
mtswngrvsg wrote:Army-going back to the OCC would not be a very good move. You say the SCOL offered, I am surprised but you maybe right. If they leave the SEOAL their best bet would be as an independent. You can find games easy in all sports except football in the last half of the schedule, then it can get very tough. I still say Chillicothe's best move is to stay put but then again what I think does not matter at all!
I agree...

From what we are digesting here in Chilli is, if all those teams leave, like might be suspected, Chillicothe will stay in the SEOAL with up to 5 teams.
Chillicothe D3
Portsmouth D4
Gallipolis D4
Jackson D2
Logan D2
But if Portsmouth goes so will Chilli. The problem with a 5 team SEOAL is 4 league games. That's the good part, but then trying to get 6 non-league games scheduled.

The first 3-4 might not be a problem, it's the 5th and 6th non-league game that will be a headache for the AD. At least for Chilli, who every one around here still thinks of us being a D1 school. So they won't play us in Football.

Portsmouth and Gallipolis both D4 will have less a problem with there non-league schedules. There is:
The 5 team SOC II
The 6 team OVC
The 7 team TVC-Ohio
The 7 Team SCOL
It gets a little more complicated for these teams non-league schedule:
Chillicothe D3
Logan D2
Jackson D2
I don't thank the SCOL would be that bad for Chillicothe if that's all we have.

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Army-believe it or not I do remember a time when Chillicothe would play Circiville Washington CH., and Miami Trace and would lose to all of them but that was back in the 70's. I just do not see the SCOL taking the Cavs, nothing against anyone, just MHO.
I also remember watching film, in the late 70's, of them with Zechman and he would just shake his head. I also remember watching tape of Chillicothe when they went 4-6 in the OCC and they just handled Logan and Logan dominated the SEOAL that year too.
I also remember watching film, in the late 70's, of them with Zechman and he would just shake his head. I also remember watching tape of Chillicothe when they went 4-6 in the OCC and they just handled Logan and Logan dominated the SEOAL that year too.
mtswngrvsg wrote:Army-believe it or not I do remember a time when Chillicothe would play Circiville Washington CH., and Miami Trace and would lose to all of them but that was back in the 70's. I just do not see the SCOL taking the Cavs, nothing against anyone, just MHO.
I also remember watching film, in the late 70's, of them with Zechman and he would just shake his head. I also remember watching tape of Chillicothe when they went 4-6 in the OCC and they just handled Logan and Logan dominated the SEOAL that year too.
It's like all High School Sports. The kids ebb and flows. I also remember in the 80's Chillicothe played Miami Trace and beat them by 50 plus points. I think that was when Conroy quit playing us. I do know talking to Coach D at a B-Ball game in Gallipolis last season that he mentioned he tried to get a non-league game with Miami-Trace and Washington C.H. but both declined. I believe the request was for 2009-2010

I hope our SEOAL stays....but if it falls apart, I would rather see the CAVS get into a League like the SCOL, rather than go independent.


gahs4ever wrote:For all of your prattle, the SEOAL isnt going anywhere. Some teams might, but the league will continue just fine, thank you very much.
Did anybody ask you to be so-brash....the civil discussion was between myself and mtswngrvsg concerning Chillicothe and the SCOL and the teams that might be left in the SEOAL. Again as your counter part who supports Gallipolis doesn't thank like you, that being oldschool. Nothing could be always and forever when we are talking about worldly things. If that's the case you would still be talking about the Centralia Bulldogs winning a Basketball game. But Centralia and the Ross County League is history. So there. Prattle all you want, it could happen. Hopefully not, but could.


I hope we all stay together.....but it could happen. Like I mentioned lets just wait and see.
You stated...."Rather than exhausting your time speculating about doom and gloom, why not use all that education and come up with some specific and constructive ideas about how we can improve the league that Chillicothe is a member of. Things the ADs/Principals can do to make the league more comfortable and viable for the 8 who remain. You do that and maybe all this talk of everyone leaving and going independent might just disappear."
I think NYBuckeyes96, myself and many others have on here, just before Zanesville and previous to that, Irontons surprise.
At the present we have 5 in the South and 3 in the North. But still, we are waiting to see what Ironton actually does. I think if Ironton goes, everybody left if they stay, will be willing to play a straight up 6 game Football League Schedule and 12 round robin Basketball and 12 round robin Baseball and Softball, volleyball...etc, etc in games. Then once in soccer, once in tennis, golf, CC, swimming, wrestling along with the SEOAL Match and have the SEOAL Track Meet.
A lot of emphasis should be put on Vincent Warren-Local and Marietta to stay. And listen to there concerns. If they leave..then you will have people worrying within the SEOAL.
Likewise, we should listen and be willing to cater to Ironton's concerns, but not give up everything, just because they demand it.
Chillicothe is stable and O.K.....I believe Portsmouth is Too! So there is not a whole lot about either teams leaving, unless everyone starts to exit.
I think even with an 8 team league, we can play split in B-Ball, Baseball, Volleyball, Softball, Soccer, etc etc. 6 Division Games....4 other Division games. Total 10 plus a DOC 11. I would suggest Gallipolis join Warren and Marietta and Logan and change it to the East Division. In the West Chillicothe, Portsmouth, Ironton and Jackson. But in Football everyone plays for an outright Championship. 3 non-league games and 7 league games. If Ironton really leaves, I would pursue Waverly, McArthur Vinton County, or Wheelersburg. I know...very doubtful, just a suggestion to get it up to a 8 team if Ironton also leaves.
NYBuckeye96 also laid out the best counter arguement you could find for the SEOAL to disappear.
I hope we all stay together.....but it could happen. Like I mentioned lets just wait and see.

You stated...."Rather than exhausting your time speculating about doom and gloom, why not use all that education and come up with some specific and constructive ideas about how we can improve the league that Chillicothe is a member of. Things the ADs/Principals can do to make the league more comfortable and viable for the 8 who remain. You do that and maybe all this talk of everyone leaving and going independent might just disappear."
I think NYBuckeyes96, myself and many others have on here, just before Zanesville and previous to that, Irontons surprise.
At the present we have 5 in the South and 3 in the North. But still, we are waiting to see what Ironton actually does. I think if Ironton goes, everybody left if they stay, will be willing to play a straight up 6 game Football League Schedule and 12 round robin Basketball and 12 round robin Baseball and Softball, volleyball...etc, etc in games. Then once in soccer, once in tennis, golf, CC, swimming, wrestling along with the SEOAL Match and have the SEOAL Track Meet.
A lot of emphasis should be put on Vincent Warren-Local and Marietta to stay. And listen to there concerns. If they leave..then you will have people worrying within the SEOAL.
Likewise, we should listen and be willing to cater to Ironton's concerns, but not give up everything, just because they demand it.
Chillicothe is stable and O.K.....I believe Portsmouth is Too! So there is not a whole lot about either teams leaving, unless everyone starts to exit.
I think even with an 8 team league, we can play split in B-Ball, Baseball, Volleyball, Softball, Soccer, etc etc. 6 Division Games....4 other Division games. Total 10 plus a DOC 11. I would suggest Gallipolis join Warren and Marietta and Logan and change it to the East Division. In the West Chillicothe, Portsmouth, Ironton and Jackson. But in Football everyone plays for an outright Championship. 3 non-league games and 7 league games. If Ironton really leaves, I would pursue Waverly, McArthur Vinton County, or Wheelersburg. I know...very doubtful, just a suggestion to get it up to a 8 team if Ironton also leaves.
NYBuckeye96 also laid out the best counter arguement you could find for the SEOAL to disappear.


Last edited by Army on Tue Jan 22, 2008 9:54 am, edited 1 time in total.
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mtswngrvsg wrote:Army-the potential for Chillicothe is there now that they are out of the OCC. They have so many more resources than alot of the schools in Southeastern Ohio that I truly do not see many other leagues will to take them in. Their potential is a blessing and a curse.
We are truly satisfied in the SEOAL in comparison to the OCC. That's for sure! Just in our first two years..... our Chillicothe D3 Cavaliers
Won the:
*2006-2007 SEOAL Football
Won South Division went 7-3 in regular season
Made the D2 Playoffs
*2006-2007 Season Girls Tennis
Won the SEOAL Championship
*2006-2007 Boys Soccer
Won Sectional Champions
*2006-2007 Season Boys Basketball
Won the SEOAL Championship
Won the Sectional Championship
Won the District Championship
Runner-up in Regional Championship
2006-2007 Baseball Team was really improved vs there old OCC Play
*2007-2008 Season Girls Tennis
Won the SEOAL Championship
Won the Sectional Championship
*2007-2008 Season Boys Soccer
Won the SEOAL Championship
Won the Sectional Championship
2007-2008 Season Boys B-Ball on track to play for the DOC
2007-2008 Season Girls B-Ball on track to play for the DOC
2007-2008 Season Baseball Team on track maybe to play for SEOAL DOC
2007-2008 Season Boys Track on line to maybe win the SEOAL Meet
2007-2008 Season Girls Track on line to maybe win the SEOAL Meet
2007-2008 Season Boys Tennis on track to play for the DOC
That's a lot better than the OCC days....that's for sure. And we are just in our second year in this SEOAL. I love it, and hope we stay together. Because I see the possibility for sleeping giant awakening. Next year....our Football team will be loaded and could win the SEOAL if they play strong and together. We have 58 returning and if you add in the newbees..possible transfers from the surrounding SVC Schools and others, move-ins, and count the freshmen team, this CAV Team could have 85-90 players in the program this up-coming 2008 season. That's a change from the OCC days huh

Our team will be ready. We have Gallipolis, Ironton, Warren-Local and Logan at home. Two big SEOAL Test will be Ironton and Logan. Zanesville and Jackson is away. Those two games will be huge for our CAVS too. We are not going anywhere unless the SEOAL starts to crumble from within. If the SEOAL fell apart, and the SCOL would not offer a slot, I guess we would end up having to go independent.


Roll Big Blue and White to Victory


Last edited by Army on Tue Jan 22, 2008 10:40 am, edited 7 times in total.
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Here is a portion of an article in today's Zanesville Times Recorder....
Aronhalt mentioned last week's news that Zanesville would be leaving the Southeastern Ohio Athletic League after next season.
He said, as athletic director, he would have preferred to have been out after this season "if we could put a football schedule together."
He said he is pursuing two options right now, and if those fall through, he would sit down with Head Football Coach Chad Grandstaff to plan out an independent schedule for the following year.
Travel times and lack of revenue from visiting schools were primary factors in the decision.
"Back in football, we played Portsmouth here. We had a good team, they had a good team and I was talking to their athletic director and asked 'Where are your fans?," Aronhalt said. "Football and boys and girls basketball make the money, if you have the right schedule. The more money we can make from those, the more we will have for track and swimming and the other sports."
Aronhalt mentioned last week's news that Zanesville would be leaving the Southeastern Ohio Athletic League after next season.
He said, as athletic director, he would have preferred to have been out after this season "if we could put a football schedule together."
He said he is pursuing two options right now, and if those fall through, he would sit down with Head Football Coach Chad Grandstaff to plan out an independent schedule for the following year.
Travel times and lack of revenue from visiting schools were primary factors in the decision.
"Back in football, we played Portsmouth here. We had a good team, they had a good team and I was talking to their athletic director and asked 'Where are your fans?," Aronhalt said. "Football and boys and girls basketball make the money, if you have the right schedule. The more money we can make from those, the more we will have for track and swimming and the other sports."
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It's official. The Zanesville Board of Education unanimously voted tonight to exit the SEOAL.......
Board approves ZHS to leave SEOAL
ZANESVILLE — After the 2008-09 school year, Zanesville High School will no longer belong to the Southeastern Ohio Athletic League (SEOAL).
Scott Aronhalt, athletic director and head boys basketball coach asked the board of education to vote to terminate the relationship between the school and the league at a board meeting Thursday.
The vote was passed unanimously.
“We’ll honor our league contract through next year,†Aronhalt said.
He said travel time to other schools in the SEOAL and the financial cost of traveling to those schools is too much of a burden.
“All those times putting our kids on the road is taking away from academics,†he added about the travel.
Ironton is the farthest destination in the league travel-wise and takes about three hours to get there.
ZHS just joined the SEOAL during the 2006-07 season, along with Chillicothe, Ironton and Portsmouth. The 10-team league was divided into two divisions: ZHS, Marietta, Warren Local, Athens and Logan in the North; Ironton, Chillicothe, Portsmouth, Jackson and Gallipolis Gallia Academy in the South.
Aronhalt also said he’d like to see Zanesville play as many local teams as possible.
“We hope to develop rivalries, but the teams are so spread out that hasn’t happened. It (the SEOAL) was worth taking a shot at, but it’s just not a good fit for us,†he said.
Board approves ZHS to leave SEOAL
ZANESVILLE — After the 2008-09 school year, Zanesville High School will no longer belong to the Southeastern Ohio Athletic League (SEOAL).
Scott Aronhalt, athletic director and head boys basketball coach asked the board of education to vote to terminate the relationship between the school and the league at a board meeting Thursday.
The vote was passed unanimously.
“We’ll honor our league contract through next year,†Aronhalt said.
He said travel time to other schools in the SEOAL and the financial cost of traveling to those schools is too much of a burden.
“All those times putting our kids on the road is taking away from academics,†he added about the travel.
Ironton is the farthest destination in the league travel-wise and takes about three hours to get there.
ZHS just joined the SEOAL during the 2006-07 season, along with Chillicothe, Ironton and Portsmouth. The 10-team league was divided into two divisions: ZHS, Marietta, Warren Local, Athens and Logan in the North; Ironton, Chillicothe, Portsmouth, Jackson and Gallipolis Gallia Academy in the South.
Aronhalt also said he’d like to see Zanesville play as many local teams as possible.
“We hope to develop rivalries, but the teams are so spread out that hasn’t happened. It (the SEOAL) was worth taking a shot at, but it’s just not a good fit for us,†he said.
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- SEOPS Mr. Ohio
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