Valley @ Minford

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Valley @ Minford

Post by TrojanXplosion »

Minford rolls in this one on there way to a 9-7 record. Big game in Rock Hill saturday night but, they must take care of buisness in this game first.

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Post by recall »

Thats a shame we lost so bad! Valley went out and got the BEST darn COACH in the Land, and we are not even going to match our record of last year! We even had 90% of the scoring coming back also. HMMMMMM!!!!!

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Post by bucknut 23 »

"And so are the Days of our Lives"

Sounds like it's been a constant Soap Opera in Lucasville since a few strong-willed parents were able to get rid of Scott Lowe. That, my friend, should NEVER have happened. Whoever was going to follow him was in no way going to match his record so it would be just a matter of time until Kurt McGraw was ousted. That was going to be a tough situation to step into, but I thought Kurt did a good job from the outside looking in. I have heard a lot of good things about this new coach from people I've talked to recently in the Lucasville area and most seem to like his style of full-court, all-out hustle. Wonder how long this guy will get. You have some of the same crowd coming up off the 8th grade team next year.

Things should be interesting, that's for sure.

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Post by recall »

Totally agree bucknut, should've never gotten rid of Lowe! Kurt ran into the same situation that Scott did. He had a few whiney-ass parents who thought their kids were the next wonders in basketball run him off! I foresee parents running the new control freak off also!!!!!!!!!!! I hope he's there for the next 10+ years so everyone can experience this man as a coach!!!! Man is he good.

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Post by ballin' fan »

Sounds like to me there is an "old control freak" in Lucasville, who has LOST his control!!! Hmmmmmmmm!!!! Having a hard time handling it??

Lets see...he gives 10 kids a chance to play versus 5, perhaps if that had started in biddy ball we would have 10 basketabll players instead of 4!

He teaches them good study habits, good work ethics, how to play as a team, holds them accontable for their own actions, need I say more....yeah I can see how this is all BAD!!! RIGHT!

I believe the man is a GOOD COACH and I DO hope he is around Lucasville for the next 10 years! Maybe our future degeneration can learn the true meaning of "TEAM" and who knows it could even rub off on a few parents! would that be so bad? I think we all could learn a lot from what Coach V is trying to teach our kids! For the first time in a long time, we have a coach making his own decisions, even though not popular decisions and sticking by them, not folding under peer pressure so to speak! I believe the athletes (& parents) who give this man a chance will be better players and adults for it!

Good Luck to Coach V and to his Runnin' Indians!

Just remember "EFFORT AND ATTITUDE"! The season is not over yet!!!

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Post by recall »

WOW! true words to live by! Are you a counselor, teacher, coach, or just a parent that finally got the coach they wanted in the system? HMMMMM!!!!!!!!
Team ball, you need to open your eyes up if your going any of the games.
This coach has cost this team wins; this is not biddy ball any more you need to play the kids thats going to get it done and win some ball-games!!!!!!

Just a little reminder: I've not ran any coach off yet unlike some others I know!

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Post by BPG »

Control freak? I think that just may be a compliment. A definition of a
control freak is one who cares greatly about something and sees to it that
things are run the best way they know how. Discipline is something most
people can't handle, setting a rule and following the punishment of the rule
is hard to handle for most of us. Control freak is being confused with learning and discipline.

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Post by BULDOG »

In my opinion why don't you give the guy a chance. It will take more than one season to see if he is a fit. Also will take the players buying into his program.

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Post by falconflyer »

The only time I saw Valley play this year was at Minford Friday. The coaching seemed fine to me. Valley has no heigth and no one I'd say is a real great basketball player so what is the coach expected to get out of them that he is not. On the other hand, Valley has a lot of talent in the 8th grade coming up and some real basketball players. I'd think your coach would do a lot better with them.

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Post by dct3407 »

Also saw valley play friday, there is some talent there to build around, seemed out of control for most of the game, but they do have potential, solid J.V. team. However, I do have one question.... is there somthing going on behind the scences that is keeping the Call kid on the bench?? He seems to play hard and do well when he is in there, and gives valley a little boast in the inside, ecspecially rebounding....

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Post by Sideliner »

Yeah, I think that's the burning question around most of the county from fans and area coaches. The Call kid practically carried this team last year and now he's hardly seeing the floor. What's up with that?

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Post by falconflyer »

Same here.

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Post by recall »

Maybe you should get your "WORD" from a more reliable source before you go posting about something that you obviously have no clue about. And for the record, no that is not true.

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Post by recall »

I'm a direct source, and if I thought it was any of your business I would tell you! It had nothing to do with refusing to go into a game!

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Post by IndianFanof2 »

Recall ,

t's none of anyone's business why Call isnt on the team..but when you go posting all over the board for everyone to comment're making it other people's business.

Did you see the TEAM play Tuesday?

Oh, no, sorry, you werent there were you? As you might say, HMMMMMM. Your son was man enough to be there. Didn't see him supporting his team from the bleachers but atleast he was there. That showed some character in my opinion and again, no you didn't ask for it, but giving it anyway.

Hope one day you're able to step back and put some of this into perspective. Your negative attitude it's almost tangible on this message board and has been since before the start of the season.

My sources tell me Call's attitude has been his downfall and as for someone's post that he was the only one to carry the team last year..that may or may not be. But is that a good thing? With Coach V, the TEAM wins and the TEAM loses and they're learning MUCH more than just basketball. Again, I have to ask, did you see them Tuesday? Even Northwest fans were commenting on what a different TEAM they were. Again, as Re call might say..HMMMMM. Wonder what the difference was?

RUNNIN' INDIANS...we HEAR you comin!!!! Keep up the good work boys. Life's biggest WINS are not always on a scoreboard!

The happiest people I know dont necessarily have the best of everything, they simply make the best of everything they have!
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Post by favabeans »

Heard thru the grapevine that there was a special school board meeting tonight to discuss the whole matter. If that is true and they want to allow him back on the team it's a load of crap. Someone needs to stand behind coaches and not let parents and others decide on how to run a team.

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Post by sportsmr »

Whether the coach is right or wrong, I hope the board backs the coach. This is a big part of what is wrong at Valley, parents in the past have had way to much influence. This is just my opion as I do not have any horses in this race.

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