Teacher shot at Notre Dame"update on Layne"

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orange-n-brown 365
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Post by orange-n-brown 365 »

ManitouDan wrote:way too close to home --My kid is a 6th grader at ND , She is home safe with us, as is all the kids at ND ELEM are now released to their parents and safe. Can't type much , hands are still shaking. above all your prayers are coveted. For the entire school , the traumitized kids and the injured teacher.

Hopefully the kids were in the coat closet when the actual stabbing/shooting occured. He attempted to stab her 1st , then pulled a gun as reported by one of the 5th students. Hopefully the kids had already ran to the coat closet when this happened. BUT thats a report from a kid. NOT OFFICIAL ! At least one of kids told my kid that she was talking to the police and conscious but that is also un-officail thanks MD

wow thoughts and prayers to your family and all those involved.

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The Instructor
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Post by The Instructor »

orange-n-brown 365 wrote:
The Instructor wrote:We have heard he shot her mother too.

no one has mentioned that on any of the channels I've watched

Well, that is what we have been told.

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Post by mstangmom »

they said her condition was unknown at this time.

Usually means they are alive at the time, or they are saying that while negotiations go on with he husband.

Has there been any new reports down there?

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Post by The_Legend_of_Northwest »

terrible situation and prayers for all who are involved

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Post by The Instructor »

The suspect has been found dead in his home.

He committed suicide.

The teacher (his wife) is stable in a Huntington hospital.

His name was Michael Lane.

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Post by jeepgirl_4life »

http://www.portsmouth-dailytimes.com/ar ... aknews.txt

PDT Staff Report

The investigation is still ongoing in an early morning shooting and stabbing incident that carried over into an elementary school, and police have the suspect surrounded in his home in Portsmouth.

Portmsouth police reportedly received a call at about 8 a.m. of a stabbing on 11th Street in Portsmouth, at the home of Stephanie Loop. Loop is said to be the sister of Christy Layne, a 5th grade teacher at Notre Dame Elementary School in Portsmouth.

The suspect, Layne�s husband Michael Layne, then went to the school, where he reportedly shot and possibly stabbed Christy Lane inside the school building. Some reports place the attack inside the classroom, though it has not yet been confirmed.

No children were injured during the incident. Police also said all students have been accounted for and there are no injuries among the students. Children were released to their parents within two hours of the incident.

Police arrived on the scene of the school and searched inside for Michael Layne while Christy Layne was taken to Southern Ohio Medical Center. She was later transported to a hospital in West Virginia, and no condition report is available at this time.

Loop was transported to Grant Medical Center in Columbus and was reported in critical condition at 12:45 p.m. on Thursday.

Michael Layne is currently barricaded inside his home on Argonne Road in Portsmouth, about two-miles from the school. Police confirm that Layne is alone inside the residence, and one neighbor has reported hearing at least five gunshot inside the home. SWAT teams are on the scene and are preparing to move in as Portsmouth Police Chief Charles Horner continues negotiation attempts with Michael Layne.

Nearby Portsmouth City Schools, about two-blocks away from Notre Dame where the shooting occured, went into immediate lockdown and remained in lockdown until they were given the all-clear by Chief Horner.

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Post by mstangmom »

You know the children are the innocent victims in all this. they will carry this with them the rest of their lives. I only hope that they can find a way to cope with this without any major consequences.

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Post by The Instructor »

BREAKING NEWS: Gunman kills self
Thursday, February 7, 2008 2:37 PM EST
Staff, wire report

PORTSMOUTH — The man who shot and stabbed a Portsmouth Notre Dame Elementary teacher in front of her 5th grade class Thursday morning killed himself inside his Portsmouth home and was found shortly before 2 p.m.

The teacher was in critical condition at a hospital in Huntington, W.Va. For hours after the 9 a.m. shooting, police SWAT teams surrounded a home about two miles from the school where they believe the suspect was barricaded inside. Shots were heard fired from inside the house, and police were seen firing at the home.

Another woman was stabbed in town before the shooting at the school, and Portsmouth police Capt. Rob Ware said officers believe it was related to the teacher shooting. He would not elaborate.

Student Emmaly Baker said she hid in a coat room of the classroom when the gunman came in.

''We heard gunshots, and we heard her yelling. I was scared,'' she told WSAZ-TV. ''The police officer came and got us and she was still laying there and she was hurt really bad.''

Parents, many with cell phones clutched to their ears, congregated in a church parking lot across the street from the private, Catholic school until their children were released.

The woman who was stabbed before the school shooting was being treated at a Columbus hospital, but her condition was unavailable.

''There is a possibility they're investigating that there's some relationship between the suspect and this (stabbing) victim,'' said Larry Mullins, public information officer for the Scioto County Emergency Management Agency.

The scene outside the school was chaotic with police cars and few ambulances descending on the building and the fire department blocking off the street, the main road through Portsmouth, said Kathy Hall, who works at the church.

''I wasn't afraid for my own safety, I was afraid for the children, because these turn out so terrible, you know,'' she said.

The church's pastor said he went out to talk to parents and grandparents, who were shaken.

''Just imagine if that were your child there,'' Rev. Clark Hess said. He described fearful parents caught up in a ''swirl of differing scenarios and stories'' about what had happened.

Kim Harris, who cares for a man who lives next door to the house police surrounded, said police ''told us to get down on the floor and stay in the back of the house,'' she said.

The school and another Catholic school nearby were locked down for a period, said Deacon Tom Berg, vice chancellor of the Roman Catholic Diocese of Columbus.

''We are mobilizing our crisis team and sending them down,'' Berg said.

Public schools also were put on lockdown, said Superintendent Jan Broughton, who oversees the community's public schools.

About 160 children from preschool through sixth grade attend the three-story, yellow brick school, which has 15 teachers.

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Post by Baby Duck »

You never know anymore you see this stuff on the news but you never think it will happen here and when it does it really makes you stop and think, cause you don't know what is going on in peoples personal lives this could be your coworker or your neighbor things are so bad anymore and things are just going to get worse. I'm so glad the children were not harmed and I hope the teacher makes a full recovery, but none of them will never be the same. This will be with them the rest of their lives. Prayers for Portsmouth tonight.

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Post by 2trap_4ever »

When I first about this today, my first thought was this type of thing does not happen here. I have lived in this area my entire life and never did I feel my life in jeopardy at school, now when I went to school we had guns there, they were in the back of our trucks with that deer we got before school started that morning, but we never once thought about bringing them in school or having someone bring a gun in, my thoughts and prayers go out to those children, they have seen the worst in people today, now they need to see the best, also prayers go out to this teacher and her family, my God look over all them tonight

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Post by ballparent »

I can't imagine what those teachers and students went through and how long it will take those children directly involved to recover from this. My thoughts went immediately to those working in the Portsmouth schools and was very relieved to hear they were ok. Thoughts and prayers go out to the Portsmouth community.

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Post by ManitouDan »

An official report I recieved from the folks helping handle this crisis at ND says Mrs Layne is stable and should recover . I don't the extent of her injuries or the location. She said in paraphrase "she lost a lot of blood but no vital organs were involoved" .

Interestingly enough one of the 5th graders is visiting with my daughter as we speak. They got quite when I entered the room so I left them to chat. They seem fine . Their mouths were going 90 MPH. and are again after I stepped out. Kids are very resilient (sp?) hopefully the scars won't be worse than the wound. Thanks for all our prayers --the ND family and ND MD

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Post by mstangmom »

Glad to hear the teacher will be OK. that will defiantly help in the healing process for the children.

Has there been any word on her sister?

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Post by mstangmom »

WOW she had a protection order against him that she had gotten only a month ago.

What good are those things, like a piece of paper is going to keep someone like that away.

and he was a retired city worker.

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Post by mstangmom »

the only thing those things do is say hey people if I get killed then this is who did it.

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Post by Boonedawg »

But a concealed carry might....not trying to de-rail the thread just something i was thinking while reading the thread. Sad situation and reality we live sometimes. At least the animal draws breath no longer.

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Post by Rhiannon »

So was the mother in law in the house or was she gone when he got there?

Prayers for all involved.

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Post by biggdowgg »

terrible thing fopr these kids to have to witness.

I just heard on the radoio they are having a prayer meeting at the church right now and through the evening for this.

OZZIEOHIO and my self worked for these Laynes at their home a couple of years ago, he was an employee of the City og Portsmouth in the Water Workd Dept.


glad your Child is home safe, im sure thatw as a scary situation.

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