Auto repair - how would you handle it?

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Auto repair - how would you handle it?

Post by Shazbot »

We took one of our 2002 Subaru’s back to the dealer because the check engine light came on. The dealer called me and said the fault was the oxygen sensor and they were replacing it but in the process of removing or installing (I’m not sure which) something stripped and now we need a new catalytic converter. He tried to explain it to me; it had something to do with the difficult location of a bolt and the difference in hardness of metals. I asked how this was my problem to which he replied that it was my car and he couldn’t fix it unless I authorized the repair. To make a long story short, we finally agreed that I’d be responsible for all of the charges associated with the oxygen sensor, no labor would be charged for the replacement of the converter, and I’d pay for a converter at warranty cost ($347).
The car has 131,000 miles on it. The light could have come on on the way home with the diagnosis that the converter needed replaced or the service guy could have just told me the problem was the converter and I’d have been no wiser. I figure I’m paying $347 for an $800-$1000 repair (which I admit may never have been needed).

My question is this …..was I unreasonable or unfair with the dealer or was the dealer unreasonable or unfair to me?

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Post by Bassmaster »

They should have used penetrating oil before trying to remove the oxygen sensor and possibly heat. They should be able to repair the threads where the sensor threads in without replacing the whole converter. That's just my take and I'd really have to see it to know for sure.

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