Logan Football 2000 vs. Logan Football 2007

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Let's Play Two
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Logan Football 2000 vs. Logan Football 2007

Post by Let's Play Two »

I heard a lot of comparisons between these two teams during the season this year and wanted to get some other people's opinions. If we could have a matchup who would win and why?

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Post by loganlocos »

This is a pretty simple answer IMO.

2000 was a much better football. That doesn't mean the 2000 team wasn't great, they certainly were. But the 2000 team went 10-0, but beyond that beat 2 of the then 3 OCC D1 champions.

I'd say that the '07 is probably the 2nd best LHS team I've seen (1992-now), but it wasn't better than the 2000 team.

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Post by bird78 »

have to agree with Locos about this 1 based on getting farther in playoffs but overall TALENT wise ---not so sure---those 2 pretty close :shock: :-D :!:

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Post by noreply66 »

Sometimes a team with a better record, doesn't mean they were better than maybe a 8 and 2 team. That 10 and 0 team could have played a weak schedule. Where the 8 and 2 team played and lost to teams that went on to play in championship games. I have watched some good Logan teams that didn't go 10 and 0 (over the last 45-50 years) that just may have beaten a 10- O Logan team.

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Post by bird78 »

noreply66--agree with ya but that wasn't the question :!: It was 2000 vs-2007 --and if you have been watching for 50 years :shock: you probably have better knowlege about past teams but since I've been watching Logan football these 2 are definitely the best that I WITNESSED--Its just too bad that all of them couldn't get scholarships or have somebody helping them more than the current coaches and administation and using them like a old shoe :shock: :-D :!:

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Post by loganlocos »

noreply -

Your point is valid. But when it comes to schedule, here's all I will say:

2007 Logan lost to Lancaster, who finished third in their division of the OCC.

2000 Logan beat two of the three D1 state champions (West. South, Pickerington [who was also 11-0])

Even based on schedule strength I'll take the 2000 Chiefs. The league was probably slightly stronger that season as well.

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Post by schenk11 »

I have coached against both and the 2000 team was better. They were more diverse offensively and (I know this is hard to believe) more athletic at the skilled positions. Defenses were comparable.

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Post by loganlocos »

Position by position (IMO):


QB: Joey Conrad (2000) over Mike Angle (2007)

TB: Derek Harden (2000) over Justin Frye (2007) (extremely close)

FB: Jamey Hankison (2000) over Mark Potter (2007)

WR: 2000 (Johnny Conrad, Ryan Wykle, Travis Keirns, Jesse Henestofel) over 2007 (Lucas Wright, Seth Moritz, Mason Mays, Patrick Angle) (Wright is the best individualy, but the depth of the 2000 group gives it the nod)

TE: Jim Bennett (2000) over Jeshiah Eggers (2007)

OL: 2000 (Matt Hall, Jason Ogle, Ron Elick, Matt Sigler, Trevor Emerson) over 2007 (Weston Andy, David Schneider, Bobby Russell, Derek Shirey, Alex Wallace) (Experience is a major factor)


DE: EVEN. 2000: Jimmy Bennett, Dave Montgomery, Matt Mong; 2007: Jon Neff and Patrick Angle

DT: 2000 (Colt Thompson and Josh Danison) over 2007 (Cary MacLaughlin, Grant Waugh, and Stephen Miller)

NG: 2000 (Trent Woodgeard and Tyler Wadsworth) over 2007 (Michael Frasure and Cary MacLaughlin)

LB: 2000 (Johnny Conrad, Jamey Hankison, Matt Mong, Chad Kratzenburg) over 2007 (Corey Kissling, Mark Potter, Clay Morgan, Zach Adams) (Once again, very close)

CBs: EVEN. 2000: Zach Woltz, Travis Keirns, and Jeremy Coakley; 2007: Seth Moritz, Mason Mays, Jon Bapst

Safety: EVEN. 2000: Jesse Henestofel; 2007: Lucas Wright

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Post by 10mike »

IMO the 2000 team gets the nod hands down. I believe they would have blown the 2007 Tri Valley team off the field. I have the utmost respect for the 2007 team but the 2000 version of the Chiefs were flat out loaded from top to bottom.

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Post by LoganD14Life »

This would be a fun game to play in.
Growing up i loved watching the 2000 and 2001 class play more than anything.
football basketball baseball .
Was the 2000 team better,,,,probably..
would they blow us out...def not.
i would even say that we could beat .. but im biased.
and i disagree with the safteys being even... or he better step it up in flag football on 33.

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Post by LoganD14Life »

linebackers are even.

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Post by bird78 »

D1---YOUR RIGHT ON MONEY :lol: pM ME WHEN YA GET CHANCE--bird78 :shock: :-D :!:

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Post by wrestler87 »

I think locos is on the money except for the LB's. 2000's LB's had better vision. I don't know the #s but unless there was a blitz (like the 1st TD Jackson got before we blew them out), noone went anywhere until week two of the playoffs against them. Even then, they did well enough to win.
Maybe I'm wrong, but I think height, size and speed all would have to go to 2000 LBs. Especially Conrad.
2007 was probably the best threesome in SE OH though. However, I didn't see a lot of teams so I guess you could say I'm biased and blind if you wanted to.

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Post by ChiefCruiser95 »

IMHO, I would say that the edge goes to the 2000 squad. Both squads were outstanding but the 2000 team just seemed to be a more complete all around team. Plus Joey Conrad was a man among boys out on the field, truly one of a kind. Their postseason success also gives the nod to the 2000 squad. The 2007 team was truly fun to watch and the Tri-Valley game was one of the best I've ever seen. Also I have to give mention to the third place team, the 1994 squad. Zim, Cox and Cosgrove were three of the best players ever at LHS.

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Re: Logan Football 2000 vs. Logan Football 2007

Post by 91blue14 »

no willie mays around `` say hey kid let`s play 2``

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