THE Peake vs. Poor Lil Ole Federal Hocking 2/16/08

bucking red
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Post by bucking red »

This should be a good game I hear alot of people talking about the lancers head coach but let me tell you Chesy's coach is very good.I see the peak winning by 8-12.

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Post by Lancer_Fan »

Lets Go LANCERS!!!

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Post by OVCfan32 »

not a dominant peake team. . .but this game shouldn't be close at all

but don't forget. . . . its basketball. . .not too complicated. . shoot a great percent and you win, so heres to a good game

come on the risin wind. . were goin up around the bend. .
you can ponder purpetual motion. fix your mind on a crystal day. . always time for good conversation. .
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Post by Orestes »

Yeah. I mean, Federal Hocking played two close games with Trimble, and Waterford had Trimble down 25-2 after the first quarter. Plus....

hold on....

This is about Chesapeake, not Waterford. Silly me.

Yeah. Federal Hocking has NO CHANCE against Chesapeake. The close game with River Valley proves it. Chesapeake had no problem with the Raiders. Federal Hocking had problems. GAME OVER.

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Post by pantherpaw »

I think Peake is going to have their hands full for several reasons. First, the Panthers tend to be a Jekyll & Hyde team. They play up to their competion as well as they play down to their competition depending on who they are playing. Basketball is a game of match-ups and just because Chesapeake and RV didn't match up well absolutely does not mean that Federal Hocking and Chesapeake don't match up, so that theory can be thrown out the window. Lastly, this is tournament time and I have seen teams who weren't given a chance, prove doubters wrong. For these very reasons the Panthers need to bring their "A" game. They cannot walk onto the floor and think that they win by default. The best of luck to both teams. Let's go Peake!!!

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These posts are truely funny. Its like everyone is saying FED HOCK doesnt stand a chance (sarcastic comments aside). It seems the Peake fans think they are doing the Lancers a favor by lacing up thier sneekers in this one. I guess people outside the TVC really know nothing of the Hocking Division. I really hope Peake comes into this game thinking they are playing some scrubs. The Lancers are a very, very good ball team. And if they are healthy they can and in my opinion will win this ball game.

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Post by Peake »

So who brought up this point of view that Chesapeake was going to roll. The only people who are saying anything are the FH people or outsiders.

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g w mclintock
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Post by g w mclintock »

OVCfan32 wrote:not a dominant peake team. . .but this game shouldn't be close at all

I would consider this rolling and I would also consider this a 'peake poster...

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Post by OVCfan32 »

and then the games get played. . . . . .and usually 99% of the time when a non idiot says it shouldn't be a close game. . .that team wins
based on the facts it shouldn't be close. . there is no controversy there. . duh. . can FH play with them. . yes. . can they win. . yes

come on the risin wind. . were goin up around the bend. .
you can ponder purpetual motion. fix your mind on a crystal day. . always time for good conversation. .
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Post by mister b »

Best of luck to the Lancers. Represent the TVC well and remember the Peake can be beat.

Belpre beat the Peake for the regional crown back in 1993 when the Peake was the undefeated and #1 ranked team in the state. :shock:

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Post by spartacat »

Good Luck to the Lancers in this game!

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Post by freethrow »

Yea poor Norm never did make it to the State dance did he?

bucking red
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Post by bucking red »

I've seen both teams play and they do match up pretty well. I think FH will have trouble with the panthers press. I would expect a fast paced game either team could win but only one will.

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Post by JayKay »

For FH to be competitive they need to play better than they did on Tuesday night. But I've seen this team play some excellent basketball too. It really depends on how this group of young men play ball on Saturday. Vales is going to have to step up and play aggressive. We didn't see his best game Tuesday night. He's got to be an animal on the boards. Williams is going to have to bring his A game as well. When his shot is on, he's deadly. He needs to shoot the ball more if it's there. McCune has to stay out of foul trouble and just play the aggressive ball we've been seeing from him. Gandee needs to continue his aggressive defensive game. Smith needs to watch for passes to Vales underneath. Stanley and Thompson need to be really sharp when they are subbed in. No one can be selfish during this game. Gotta be a team effort. They have the ability to win this if they are on and bring it. We saw the Peake game Tuesday night and believe FH can play with them. Good luck to the Lancers. There are alot of people who believe you can win this one!

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Post by justme »

I personally don't know anything about Federal Hocking. I am a Panther fan. From everything that's been said here, I think this needs to be said.....Panther players if you are reading all of this, and I know some of you are, "show up" on Saturday night. It is possible for you to be beaten and none of us want that to happen! (remember the Patriots?) I'm looking for an awesome game, but I do have faith in the Peake. Play tough defense!!!! Go Peake!!! Play team ball!

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Post by pantherpaw »

The boys know that they have a tough game ahead of them. They are not taking anything for granted and I am sure Coach Davis will have them ready.

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Post by OVCfan32 »

well this peake team definately isn't the patriots. . . (thats my team. . and yeah that sucked)
gotta remember. . this isn't game 1 of the playoffs. . you normally can't be too bad to be in this game. .
from what I've seen of my panthers this year. . you better be able to deal with a whole crew of moderate athletes. . and if you can control the boards on a pretty small team you can take the game

come on the risin wind. . were goin up around the bend. .
you can ponder purpetual motion. fix your mind on a crystal day. . always time for good conversation. .
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Ted Striker
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Post by Ted Striker »

OVCfan32 wrote:well this peake team definately isn't the patriots. . . (thats my team. . and yeah that sucked)

Bandwagonner... :roll:

I actually hope they are the proverbial Patriots, and the Lancers are the proverbial Giants! :-D :lol: Go Lancers!

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Post by Bassmaster »

I'd say the Lancers can hold their own in this one. Survive and advance is the name of the game in the second season :!: ;-)

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