Kickers and Punters in the area

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Post by hilltopkid »

There's absolutely no doubt in my mind who the best kicker in this area is. As a couple have already mentioned, Drew Basil is one of the top rated kickers in Ohio and in the top 10 in the country through several kicking/scouting agencies. He recently traveled to UNLV for a combine with some of the best kickers from around the nation. He held his own and his popularity among the college scouts continues to grow. I have heard that several big schools have him earmarked as their go-to guy in that recruiting class.
As beezee mentioned, this kid is also a great person. There's no doubt in my mind, that with a little good luck and no mis-fortunes, this kid will be kicking on Sundays someday. He has the work ethic to go with his skills.

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Post by LoganFootball63 »

well i see the punter for logan being ryan sigler, hes a very decent punter and did a good job punting for the JV last year

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Post by threesportathlete09 »

I do believe Dutcher from Vinton County had like a 35 yd average last year. He, when not pressured, mainly in warm ups or in practice can boot it about 65 yds. But a lot of the time the pressure gets to him which works to our benefit.

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Post by catch22 »

I've watched Aaron Ward from Fairland punt several 60-6 yards. If he keeps working he could go somewhere.

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Post by thenino »

FalconFan wrote:Nino, you can't replace a skilled kicker like Bennington. Tremendous athlete and an even better person. Class act.

I agree, I've talked to him a few times down at the Portsmouth Life Center and he's just a great person, as well as a "baller". Thats the kind of guy I want my future children to date...

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Re: Kickers and Punters in the area

Post by TrojanXplosion »

thenino wrote:
FalconFan wrote:Nino, you can't replace a skilled kicker like Bennington. Tremendous athlete and an even better person. Class act.

I agree, I've talked to him a few times down at the Portsmouth Life Center and he's just a great person, as well as a "baller". Thats the kind of guy I want my future children to date...

They don't call him the "leg" for nothing.

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Re: Kickers and Punters in the area

Post by JacksonI »

Ryan Mullins From Jackson number 12 has a very good a sophomore ryan has done well only missing two extra points and thats because they got blocked...and he also played a bit of jv and won the galia jv game in over time with a 40yrd field goal..this kid is good..come watch em`

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Re: Kickers and Punters in the area

Post by broncofan09 »

A few years ago Nelsonville York played River Valley and RV had a punter that could punt at least 60 yards. He kicked the ball from i think their 40 and it rolled to the buckeye 1 yard line.. That is a very good punt. I cant remember his name or number.

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Re: Kickers and Punters in the area

Post by Fonzie »

Taylor "Goose" Lemley (Racine Southern) can kick-off pretty good. He's young but with some guidance he will have some potential.

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Re: Kickers and Punters in the area

Post by boy of summer »

Roback-punter, Waverly.
Mullins-kicker, Jackson.
Enough said.

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Re: Kickers and Punters in the area

Post by hilltopkid »

boy of summer wrote:Roback-punter, Waverly.
Mullins-kicker, Jackson.
Enough said.

I'm not necessarily disagreeing w/ your picks, b/c it's really pretty hard tell, but have you seen or paid any attention to the Basil boy at Chilli? This kid is as good as it gets,as long as he doesn't get big headed from statements like this...ahem, ahem :-D(I know your probably reading this)
He is ranked as the number 18 place-kicker in the COUNTRY. Now, I'll admit, a lot of his popularity comes from him and his Dad hitting as many top-notch camps as they can throughout the year. But, he doesn't disappoint when the scouts watch him. The best thing is ,he's only going to be a JR! A lot of colleges are licking their chops for his Sr year. I know of a few big schools already penciling him in for that years recruiting class.
Besides, for a soccer player, he's a pretty good guy. ;-)

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Re: Kickers and Punters in the area

Post by boy of summer »

More said: I forgot about Basil. He is a great one also.

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Re: Kickers and Punters in the area

Post by lhsfan97 »

Chris Dilger of Lancaster

average punt of 49 yards

can kick the ball into the endzone on kickoffs
long field goal of 47 yards

only kicked in 4 ganes for the Gales last season because of a broken bone on his kicking foot from someone stepping on it in a game.

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Re: Kickers and Punters in the area

Post by JacksonI »

HilltopKidWell im not sayin that that basil boy from chilli isnt good..but can you remeber two years ago Justin Mullins that was the jackson punter/kicker? Well he moved on to college and now ryan is kicking and ok the basil boy is getting publicity yes. Ryan is only a sophomore wait until this year coming and his senior year im sure he is goin to be one of the best kickers in se ohio mark my works

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Re: Kickers and Punters in the area

Post by hilltopkid »

JacksonI wrote:HilltopKidWell im not sayin that that basil boy from chilli isnt good..but can you remeber two years ago Justin Mullins that was the jackson punter/kicker? Well he moved on to college and now ryan is kicking and ok the basil boy is getting publicity yes. Ryan is only a sophomore wait until this year coming and his senior year im sure he is goin to be one of the best kickers in se ohio mark my works

your point is?
I've been coaching at the HS and college level probably as long or longer than you've been alive, and I'm just saying that Drew Basil is one of the best Ive seen. he's got numerous D-1 schools after him(and no, not just the obligatory form letter) I have some info on where he stands with certain schools that others don't know about, simply b/c I'm close to him and his Dad. I'm not saying he's better than Ryan or anyone else, b/c I've never evaluated him. I just know that Drew is a rarity and will be playing on sat. afternoons in 2 years.

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Re: Kickers and Punters in the area

Post by madpolecat »

The RV kicker with the big leg that broncofan09 mentioned was named Derek or Derrick Smith..

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Re: Kickers and Punters in the area

Post by beezee420 »

hilltopkid wrote:
JacksonI wrote:HilltopKidWell im not sayin that that basil boy from chilli isnt good..but can you remeber two years ago Justin Mullins that was the jackson punter/kicker? Well he moved on to college and now ryan is kicking and ok the basil boy is getting publicity yes. Ryan is only a sophomore wait until this year coming and his senior year im sure he is goin to be one of the best kickers in se ohio mark my works

your point is?
I've been coaching at the HS and college level probably as long or longer than you've been alive, and I'm just saying that Drew Basil is one of the best Ive seen. he's got numerous D-1 schools after him(and no, not just the obligatory form letter) I have some info on where he stands with certain schools that others don't know about, simply b/c I'm close to him and his Dad. I'm not saying he's better than Ryan or anyone else, b/c I've never evaluated him. I just know that Drew is a rarity and will be playing on sat. afternoons in 2 years.

well coach since you didn't say it i will. DREW IS THE BEST KICKER IN THE SEOAL!!!!!!!!! and possibly even in the state for his class. I've known this young man for most of his life and he has been working on becoming a kicker since he was in like 6th or 7th grade. I can remember working a little cavs football camp a few years ago and Drew was the only kid on the field who could make the field goal during Coach D's field goal challenge. i knew right then and there that he would be a great kicker if he continued to work at it.

And Drew if you do in fact read this board,which i hope you don't, don't forget who you said could be your agent when you turn pro :lol: 8)

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Re: Kickers and Punters in the area

Post by JacksonI »

are you kidding me since you a coach and all check up ryans older brother justin mullins 4yr strter at jackson and now is at moorehead so and ryan will be better than his brother no doubt and im telling u bud ryan will be playing on sat as well not on a skimpy team telln you, you all better watch out for this kid....HE IS THE NEXT BIG THING!!!

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Re: Kickers and Punters in the area

Post by brutally honest »

Saturdays on a team such as Ohio Dominican maybe but the Basil kid will be doing it for a Big 10 team.

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Re: Kickers and Punters in the area

Post by JacksonI »

are you kidding me dude come to some games this year ill show all of you

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