Warren Local vs Logan Elm
- warrnwarriorfan
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Re: Warren Local vs Logan Elm
Well, I guess that'll pretty much answer any questions folks had about whether or not Duck has any passion left for the game . . .

- Freshman Team
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Re: Warren Local vs Logan Elm
Great post Duck !!!!!!! Somtimes people are quick to judge others,without consideration of the fallout. .....GO BLUE!!!!!! There are MANY of us out here , who appreciate the effort and commitment that this years WARRIORS put forth.........Keep up the good work.
Re: Warren Local vs Logan Elm
Coach Duck
You just described every coach I have ever worked with, for, or had work for me.
Not too many out there not doing a good job. And even though I enjoyed your post as I am very fond of Coach M. you are wasting your time if you are trying to convince anybody that you are doing a good job. People who are critical will just tune you out. And those that do do a good job of coaching, put themselves out on a limb, and are opening themselves up to criticism. Nature of the busines
You just described every coach I have ever worked with, for, or had work for me.
Not too many out there not doing a good job. And even though I enjoyed your post as I am very fond of Coach M. you are wasting your time if you are trying to convince anybody that you are doing a good job. People who are critical will just tune you out. And those that do do a good job of coaching, put themselves out on a limb, and are opening themselves up to criticism. Nature of the busines
- warriiorfan
- Freshman Team
- Posts: 178
- Joined: Fri Feb 15, 2008 10:02 am
Re: Warren Local vs Logan Elm
duck's post only took him 48 hours to type!
seriously, must be improving with the technology these days...thought the only machines he knew how to turn on were the ones that required quarters!!!
but seriously, the warren basketball program has flourished due to consistency of the varsity and jv coaches for the past 9 years-2 quality individuals...consistentcy, now there's an novel idea for other athletic programs in the district!
been around since the maddoxs' hirings...nobody has better intentions and gives more of themselves than the maddox twosome - winners on and off the court/track!

but seriously, the warren basketball program has flourished due to consistency of the varsity and jv coaches for the past 9 years-2 quality individuals...consistentcy, now there's an novel idea for other athletic programs in the district!
been around since the maddoxs' hirings...nobody has better intentions and gives more of themselves than the maddox twosome - winners on and off the court/track!
Re: Warren Local vs Logan Elm
There was a time when just getting to the Convo was an achievement
Now fans expect wins when you get there.
That is a testament to how the program has improved under Maddox and Co.
Now fans expect wins when you get there.
That is a testament to how the program has improved under Maddox and Co.
Re: Warren Local vs Logan Elm
I think it was a good post from Mr. Duckworth. Is warren allowed to keep a coach in any sport for nine years? I think Maddox better watch is back or count his blessings that he has been there for that long because not too many coaches last that long in any sport. However, everyone has seen the results it has brought to Warren basketball. I think Maddox does a good job but to me it seemed like he might have let a little more slide by this year, as far as discipline goes, than he usually does. The Warriors still had a great year and should have more good years too come.
Re: Warren Local vs Logan Elm
... great post Coach Duckworth ... I agree 100% with everything you posted concerning Coach Blane Maddox and his better half Coach Sally Maddox - there ARE no better "people" to work with anyones sons or daughters than these 2 individuals ... none ... I taught with Coach Maddox while he was here at Logan High School, he was the first person who let me know I was getting old - he called me "sir" LOL ... I coached a biddy league team here in Logan - the Comets for years ... we practiced many times right after Coach Maddox's freshman team ... I would go to practice an hour and half early just so I could see, listen to Coach Maddox work with kids - outstanding ... 10 years ago Coach Maddox and I sat at a teacher's Christmas party - I told Blane how much I wanted my boyz to learn the game under him ... never happened -my boys loss - that Spring Blane took the reigns of the Warren Local basketball team - he took charge of that job , implemented his program and has never looked back ... Warren has never looked back ... Warren gained not one but 2 coaches, 2 quality teachers , 2 outstanding people in their community ... Coach Duckworth, you, as you have posted, know what Coach Maddox IS all about , you know what Blane and Sally are all about - it's the kids , they are all about teaching the sports they coach but more importantly they are all about providing the "kids" the opportunities to grow as students, grow as individuals ... all you have to do is sit down with Coach Maddox - talk a little hoops - you can hear the passion for the game that he has ... the man loves the game ... he loves TEACHING the game ... he loves working with the kids he has to make them the best players they can be .... the best "persons" they can be long after their playing days are over ... criticism goes with the territory as a head coach - Coach Maddox I KNOW can handle that ... unfounded bashing, by persons hiding behind a username, with hidden agendas ? - it hurts the pride of any individual , especially Coach Maddox who gives everything for his kids, his school and his community ...
... the Warren community is lucky to have both Maddox's - they are a package deal you know ... sometimes a persons worth isn't appreciated until they're - let's just say the Warren community should embrace what they have in Sally and Blane Maddox ... take a good look at what has been accomplished in the 9 years that coach has been in the picture ... look at the "panoramic view" not the single "snapshot" ...

... the Warren community is lucky to have both Maddox's - they are a package deal you know ... sometimes a persons worth isn't appreciated until they're - let's just say the Warren community should embrace what they have in Sally and Blane Maddox ... take a good look at what has been accomplished in the 9 years that coach has been in the picture ... look at the "panoramic view" not the single "snapshot" ...

- Waterboy
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