As time passes us by!

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As time passes us by!

Post by RVRaiderFan »

As time passes us by........I am a huge Chris Farley fan, and I just had to tell this story after it happened to me!! :(

I was in junior high and high school from 91-97, and one of my favorite comedians of that time was Chris Farley! Hilarious! I loved his stuff!

Heck, everyone knows Farley! Everyone knows his stuff! Everyone remembers him!

THEN.....I get hit with it!! A friend of mine that is 14, born in 1994....has NO clue who Chris Farley is or what he did!

You never think about stuff like that, but then you realize when someone like that passes away, and time passes away, people forget, or in this case people are to young to remember. Of course, better yet.....people that were born after Dec of 1997 when Farley passed away, never did and never will get to know the talent this man had!

I know a lot of you will say this is a stupid topic or for me to get over it, but it's just hard for me to realize sometimes that the people and things I experienced in the early and mid 90's are now quickly being pushed away, and forgotten! :(

Let's hear some of your stories dealing with this kind of realization!! ahahaha

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Re: As time passes us by!

Post by ItownHosscat »

This is kinda like that.
My family got to meet Barry Larkin at the stadium before a game.
Barry was my sons favorite player,due to his love of baseball and the Reds.
As we were waiting on Barry to come out of the lockerroom,2 coaches came out and passed us(Ray knight,and Ron Oester)going out into the parking garage.
When they came back in they had Dave Conception.
My son had no idea who that was,and I had to explain to him that was the Reds SS when I was his age,and that Barry took over for him when he retired.

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Re: As time passes us by!


i like chris farley, barry, and the big dog.

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Re: As time passes us by!

Post by mvlnewlex »

This is funny. had something simular happen last fall.

I remember being 11 and watching the 1997 World Series and getting my heart broken. My younger cousin is a HUGE Indians fan. He is 13, smart kid, knows a lot about baseball. I told him, "well, if we get back to the world series, we better win it this time !" He said "I wonder what it would be like to actully see the Indians play in the World Series." and I started thinking about it....

he was still a baby in 1997. LOL.

He never saw Jose Mesa pitch for the Indians.

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Re: As time passes us by!

Post by OVCfan32 »

chris farley and patrick swazy spellcheck. . as chip and dales dancers. . wow
what about this guys. . . ask the kids if they remember our old cartoons. . they never even see the classic bugs and Dduck and taz devil. . and the martian and elmer fud. . .
heck they dont even remember rockos modern life or ren and stimpy anymore

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Re: As time passes us by!


those were the days of the real cartoons, ---------BROTHER :12224

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Re: As time passes us by!

Post by hdfatboy »

I had a similar experience this past week - one of my son's hockey teammates has parents from Columbus. I was talking to the mom and mentioned the blizzard in the late 70's and how our schools were out for almost a month. Then I realized she hadn't even been born yet.

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Re: As time passes us by!

Post by Philly »

My daughter and I were talking about Madona the other day, and my 11 year old granddaughter asked who Madona was. WE looked at each other, and my daughter who is 30, and I am 49, for the first time were in the "YOU ARE OLD BOAT!!!" I always told my daughter that one day she would be paid back for all of the "Mom you are so old jokes!"

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Re: As time passes us by!

Post by Frank Reagan »

Yeah. I have this all the time with my wife. She's 9 years younger than me, born in 1974 and when we talk about anything from the early 70's, she doesn't remember or know about it. The most recent occurrence of this was watching a DVD this weekend, The Last King of Scotland. The story of Idi Amin, dictator of Uganda 1970-79. I remember the pictures of him dancing around, the hijacked Air France plane he let land at his airport and him always cheesing it up for the TV cameras. She didn't have a clue about him.

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Re: As time passes us by!

Post by orange-n-brown 365 »

I was 2 when the silver bridge fell my hubby just little boy of 8 was in the traffic waiting to cross over to the West Virginia side.. I had no clue about all this until I started reading about it I think around the 20th anniversary :122246 its amazing.. that's like with our youngest son he is confused when sees pictures of our house before we added on or redone rooms of the house... we started before on it he was born and finished it when he was about 6 or 7 months old..

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