Gary Kellough

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Gary Kellough

Post by O.R.prep »

Well, with this great acomplishment Of this Cavs team and there general Coach Gary Kellough. You should all know this was coming.(Bronc and Hitch)
Gary Kellough has placed himself in a elite but very small group of coaches that can say they won a state title.

The amazing thing is this was acomplished in a matter of three years period. (UNBELIEVIBLE)

Therefore Gary Kellough Has now placed himself as the Greatest coach in not only Chillicothe B-ball History But in all of Ross county.

No Disrespect to coach Cuppett and his success. Not to dis other great coaches in the area.(Jordan, Lovely, Even his mentor Ron Hall) But the facts are the facts.
Gary Kellough Has won the state .Something no other coach in this area can say they have did.

Congrats to Coach K you are the best.

Last thought: what was ZT thinking.-- O.R Prep out

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Re: Gary Kellough

Post by Lamont Cranston »

O.R. Prep, they (ZT) weren't "thinking". Sometimes personal "agendas" and "egos" can't be set aside by adults for the benefit of the community and the kids. In the end it all worked out and that's all that matters now. The trophy that will forever sit in the CHS lobby proves that. Go Cavs!!!

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Re: Gary Kellough

Post by biggdowgg »

congrats to coach Kellough...I,ll bet he would be first to tel you...ALL that talent helped 8) :lol: .

he seemed to get al he could get out of all the kids though..great JOB coach!

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Re: Gary Kellough

Post by Army »

Thank God our CAVS got Gary. What an outstanding Coach!

GO CAVS :!: :-D

State Champs :!: :-D

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Re: Gary Kellough

Post by biggdowgg »

surprise I havent seen some of thecavs change their location from "Chillicothe'to,,,

"Chillicothe, home of yopur 2008 Stae Basketball Champions" 8)

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Re: Gary Kellough

Post by Army »

O.K. From Japan.......


Home of the 2008 D II Boys Basketball State of Ohio Champions :!: :-D

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Re: Gary Kellough

Post by Army »

Gary was an assistant coach on that Miami Trace Team.

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Re: Gary Kellough

Post by danicalifornia »

Captain- He was an assistant coach on that team for Ron Hall, who was a phenominal coach. He took Zane Trace to State in 1970(behind Jeff Reisinger) and Miami Trace there in 1978(behind Schlichter)

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Re: Gary Kellough


I believe he was the head coach there, Miami Trace, for two years, 1980-81 and 81-82. Following Ron Hall at that time would have been very very tough! Gary was an assistant for Ron Hall I think from 1977-1878 through 1979-1980 basketball seasons at Trace and with him before that at Adena. Correct me if I am wrong.

Chillicothe winning the State Championship and Coach Kellough being the head basketball coach is great. They both deserve this championship.

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Re: Gary Kellough

Post by CoyDuke »

OR Prep,

Great coach....Without a doubt

Greatest Ever.....That's open for argument

I personally don't believe that a coach's greatness is measured only by how far they advance in tournament play. There are a lot of great coaches out there who have never won state championships. As far as doing it in only 3 years...This is a great accomplishment, but lets not pretend this team was built from the ground up. Their two best players came into Chillicothe after starting high school somewhere else.

Before all you Chillicothe supporters start attacking me, I'm not trying to be disrespectful to Coach Kellough or the Cavs team. I'm simply saying that in any sport, the "best ever" argument is always a tough one that is open for debate. He is certainly one of the best ever,

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Re: Gary Kellough


He might have won state but Jay Kline would have taken them to the NCAA tournament

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Re: Gary Kellough

Post by tropicalbreeze »

Is it tacty to ask what Kellough's record was At Zane Trace? And why ZT did not renew his contract? I think his legacy as a coach is off to a great start @ Chillicothe, but he has to sustain the program by developing the kids coming up though the system. From what I seen, Kellough is a very solid coach, and does very well during Game situations, but I remember a guy by the name of Randy Aryers who was handed a boat load of talent and did very well, but lacked the ability to sustain the control of the program. (not saying Kellough can't) I'm just not willing to put him up there with the coaches that have 300 wins and are around 700 winning percentage. (which some of those coaches has never won a state title).
BTW, anyone else read the Stu Beverly article in the paper Sunday morning? States, Kellough changed his life and gave him a new direction...What a statement! I guess sometimes it not always about Win's and loses!

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Re: Gary Kellough

Post by O.R.prep »

Let me remind people that Anthony(Humpty) Hitchens went to zane Trace For one reason and one reason only. To play for Gary. Chilli at the time was not making great choices with selecting there coach. Humpty's Father made the right move putting him under the leadership of coach K. And when gary took the Job at chilly it's was a no brainer. I have said this before and I will say it again. If Gary Kellough dose not come to CHS there is no Humpty or Ray Chambers period playing for Chillicothe.

Tropical: Stu Bev's statement in the Gazette is one of many who could commit on how coach has went the extra mile to help his player's off the court. If you have the priviledge to know Chris Givens. Just ask him what coach K has ment to him. And he only had him for two years.

Last thing: the statement about a coaches greatness is not measured by how far he goes in the tournement is amazing.
Well it sure dose not hurt it at all. There are no boys coaches in this area that have ever acomplished this task (STATE CHAMPS) Witch puts him in a league of his own.

O.R Prep Out

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Re: Gary Kellough

Post by brutally honest »

Best coach? Is this serious? Sure, he outcoached Bates but that doesn't say much at all. I know I'm asking for it on this one but he didn't even win with home grown talent but I will say Hitchens is home grown. Also, if you watched the replays on TV and saw the interview with Hitchens you will notice Hitchens said, " Coach was confused and didn't know what to say. He wanted to call a play but I told him no, get me the ball and we're gonna win this thing." I'm sorry but a great coach wouldn't be confused and unsure of what to do in a situation like that, especially when he had a chance to think it through during the TV timeout and free throws. Just my two cents but a good coach really should not be rattled or confused and needs to take charge and call the play, even if it was only telling them to get #24 the ball.

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Re: Gary Kellough

Post by Hitchbone64 »

OR Prep..

You knew, I knew it was coming. However, I will save it for the weekend. I got to work on my messages for Good Friday and Sunday morning. You are going to make me think to hard. However, gahs4ever, may have summed up some of my comments. Tom Cuppett, Ron Hall, Gary Kellough, Larry Jordan...they are all very good.


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Re: Gary Kellough

Post by Dshanton3 »

brutally...if you watch the replay on tv it specifically shows Gary diagraming the same play that won the game for them. Maybe humpty said something to him as if "just get me the ball and let me do my thing" and thats what hump remembers, but the other 4 kids on the court certainly knew where to be because it worked to perfection as Gary drew it up. and if indeed he wasnt responsible, it sometimes takes just as great a coach to look into his star players eyes and trust in them that they will deliver. and both ends delivered in this case.

gary taught these kids what won the game for them. defense. these kids are not nearly the defenders they ended up being if he is not their head coach. these kids sold out that the way to win a state title is pressure defense and Gary taught them that.

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Re: Gary Kellough

Post by O.R.prep »

OK,Let me change this . Tom Cuppett, Larry Jordan, Ron Lovely, Ron Hall,and even Corky Miller, All GREAT coaches.Don't get me wrong. All of them have had tremendous talent in there most succsessful years. all of them have went beyond impacting there player's life's on and off the court. And yes three out of the five have even reached the state semi-finals. However Gary Kellough has went beyond that and won it. 2008 State Champs.

I know that sometime another coach from the area will acomplish this task and join Gary in a elite group. However right now he stands alone.

Brutally: And when did it become a criteria that you must have all home grown talent to make your acoplishment of winning the state complete. To my knowledge there is only one player that is not a homegrown product on this team. Anymore with the the ability to transfer there are not many teams that win it all with just home grown talent. Exp- Look at Ironton the last time they made the finals and almost beat hill they had two kids that were move in's

Fact: Chillicothe Cavaliers 2008 state champs -Under the direction of head coach GARY KELLOUGH- In a league of his own. Who will be the next ross county boys coach to join him. We will have to wait and see. O.R prep. OUT

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Re: Gary Kellough

Post by bman618 »

I do buy the state champ argument but some would argue to the success those gentlemen above had over a longer term and having a consistent program. To a point having success over 10-20 years with different players coming in is harder than winning a state title with a loaded team. But if you look back to what Coach Kellough did at Zane Trace, they always had good basketball, so if you want to throw ZT and Chilli together, you can make both arguments for him.

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Re: Gary Kellough

Post by brutally honest »

O.R.prep wrote:OK,Let me change this . Tom Cuppett, Larry Jordan, Ron Lovely, Ron Hall,and even Corky Miller, All GREAT coaches.Don't get me wrong. All of them have had tremendous talent in there most succsessful years. all of them have went beyond impacting there player's life's on and off the court. And yes three out of the five have even reached the state semi-finals. However Gary Kellough has went beyond that and won it. 2008 State Champs.

I know that sometime another coach from the area will acomplish this task and join Gary in a elite group. However right now he stands alone.

Brutally: And when did it become a criteria that you must have all home grown talent to make your acoplishment of winning the state complete. To my knowledge there is only one player that is not a homegrown product on this team. Anymore with the the ability to transfer there are not many teams that win it all with just home grown talent. Exp- Look at Ironton the last time they made the finals and almost beat hill they had two kids that were move in's

Fact: Chillicothe Cavaliers 2008 state champs -Under the direction of head coach GARY KELLOUGH- In a league of his own. Who will be the next ross county boys coach to join him. We will have to wait and see. O.R prep. OUT

It never was criteria that having home grown talent made you worthy of winning state. Your argument about having only one player is pointless because without that one player we wouldn't even be talking about Chillicothe's state title or their coach. I am aware of how many teams win with kids that aren't originally from that school, but I don't believe Kellough is all that special. What I meant by my earlier post in regards to the home grown part was simply that I would include in the measurement of a coach by coming in and developing the kids into a power house and continuing that all the way down to the youth levels. He just stepped in on a loaded team and then got another piece to the puzzle that made them what they are today: STATE CHAMPIONS. In no way am I trying to take away the honor and amazing thing Chillicothe has done, but I believe that the Kellough best ever thing is completely rediculous.

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