SHL Coaching Changes

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Re: SHL Coaching Changes

Post by rooster »

night_owl wrote:Rooster,
How was coach Arey not interviewed properly? What qualifications did or did he not meet? And I guess I was right about the letter

To answer your question night_owl, its not that he wasn't interviewed properly, all candidates were interviewed in the same manner. The issue is that when you hire a coach, if there is a "qualified" person on staff who wants the job, they get first dibs over someone who is not on staff. It has always been this way, its the UNION. Not a personal agenda against or for either applicant.

Can we move on?

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Re: SHL Coaching Changes

Post by hoopin »

There was another board meeting this evening to decide this outcome as well as some other non-related issues...any word on what was decided?

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Re: SHL Coaching Changes

Post by peeblesportsfan1391 »

night_owl wrote:Maybe I was to stern. But I am tired of people lying on these posts. All that I stated earlier is facts. Yes, there was phone calls made to parents not sure how many but to a majority of the players parents. Parents stay out of it and let the adminstration and coaches do their job. My intentions are not to make people mad or slander anyones name. I am just tired of lying and the back stabbing that is going on.

night_owl you say that everything that you have stated so far is true. I agree that if it wasn't for the parents involvement none of this would be happening right now. But these parent's are entitled to their opinions just as your are entitled to your opinion and everything you have said up to this point. It's not like Peebles is the first school since the begining of time to have parents complain about what a coach is/isn't doing with a program. Where I do believe there was some wrong done was in the way these complaints were filed. I mean Coach McFarland was lead to believe up until right before the varsity job posting and the interviews that he would be keeping the job. If the administration and or the parents wanted a change they should have been brave enough to talk with Coach McFarland first.I think that he should have earned at least that much respect from the parents and administration after all he has done for the program over the past couple of years. For Coach McFarland to be lead on like he was, I think, is one of the biggest injustices in this whole situation.

That issue set aside, the thought that you want to insist that this so called "Shmustice" group (which in my opinion shows way to much disrespect to the parents you are calling out) is responsible for the letter of recommendation for Coach Arey and then the idea that the "Shmustice's" then called the other parents who "forced" their children to sign the letter is outrageous. First of all I do believe it is very possible that the so called "Shmustice's" were the parents to start the letter and that from that point had their son INFORM the other players of the letter and give the other players an opportunity to sign this letter and show their support for Coach Arey. Secondly unless you are one of the players or parents I don't beleive you could possibly know, other than by way of rumor, which is probably likely, whether or not these parents "forced" their children to sign the letter. This thought is outrageous. The thought of parents forcing their high school age son's to sign a letter is rediculous. If those players didn't want to sign the letter, they wouldn't have signed it. Mabey you skipped your teenaged years, I don't know, but I sure know that if this had happened when I was their age, I would have done what I felt was right. The way you talk of these players, you act as if they were little two year olds who need their parents to hold their hands to walk them across the street. They are high school students; some of which will be seniors next year, and after which they will be off to college and out on their own. For you to think that these players would let their parents tell them they were going to sign this letter is mind baffling.

I beleive all of the players deserve our respect and should not be brought up in the discussion of this forum. This forum is not SHL Player Changes but rather it is SHL Coaching Changes, therefore the topics which should be discussed in this forum should be about the coaching changes within the SHL, nothing more and nothing less. If anybody wants to talk disrespectfully about the players or dispute their ability to make a decision without their mommy holding their hand, they should start a different forum somewhere else. To much has been said about them in this forum, from people questioning their friendships to now people stating that they can't make a decision on their own. This is unbelievable to think that grown adults would not have anything better to do than to try to disgrace these young athletes who are trying to bring back PRIDE to this Peebles community.

Finally I want to state that neither this post nor any of my other posts are ment in a way other than to state my opinion and to debate and defend what I feel others have been wrongly accused of. I mean no disrespect to anybody esle that has posted their opinion on this forum. I am just enjoying my first amendment rights as you all are.

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Re: SHL Coaching Changes

Post by sparky »

just because someone in the district wants the job and is qualified does not mean they automatically get the job. in most cases a district can choose the most qualifed over the person within the district. if coach A is much more qualifed than coach B who teaches in the district coach A may be hired over coach B. it is a point of law.

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Re: SHL Coaching Changes

Post by rooster »

Ohio Revised Code RC3313.53 which states "
The board of education of any city, exempted village, or local school district may employ a nonlicensed individual to direct, supervise, or coach a pupil-activity program as long as that individual holds a valid pupil-activity program permit

A nonlicensed individual who holds a valid pupil-activity program permit may be employed under division C of this section only after the school district’s board of education adopts a resolution stating that it has offered such position to those employees of the district who are licensed individuals and no such employee qualified to fill the position has accepted it, and has then advertised the position as available to any licensed individual who is qualified to fill it and who is not employed by the board, and no such person has applied for and accepted the position”

Point of law!

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Re: SHL Coaching Changes

Post by Ironman92 »

How many wins did Lawhorn compile at Rio Grande?

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Re: SHL Coaching Changes

Post by Ironman92 »

And he does not have two national championships in the NAIA...he made the final 4 once and the sweet 16 twice.

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Re: SHL Coaching Changes

Post by shljunkie »

Rooster gets an A plus for doing his, or her, homework. Now as you said in your previous post, let's move on.

bucknut 23
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Re: SHL Coaching Changes

Post by bucknut 23 »

From what I was told today, John Lawhorn is officially the new head coach at Peebles. Let's move on and play now!!

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Re: SHL Coaching Changes

Post by rooster »

Looks like West Union selected their new Head Coach as well, Mitch Gerycz. He was head coach at Padua High, a Division II school and won the district championship for the first time in 34 years in 2005. From what I hear he also coached at St.Vincent St. Marys when Labron James played in the 8th grade. A little notoriety. He must have been looking pretty hard, he put in for a job at Hamilton High along with 30 other applicants earlier this month. Should be a good year for SHL basketball. ... coach.html

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Re: SHL Coaching Changes

Post by TAR HEEL FAN44 »


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Re: SHL Coaching Changes

Post by sparky »

how many coaches has west union gone through in the last 10 years? i wonder if the new guy will be given more support than his predecessors?

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Re: SHL Coaching Changes

Post by TAR HEEL FAN44 »

I dont know, I can find out. And I sure hope so. I am behind him all the way. GO DRAGONS!!

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Re: SHL Coaching Changes

Post by TAR HEEL FAN44 »

Does anyone have a coach now?

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