Haunted Places in Southeastern Ohio

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Haunted Places in Southeastern Ohio

Post by wormburner8388 »

anybody know of any????????? :122246 :122246 :122246 :122246

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Re: haunted places

Post by Doc Panther »

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Re: haunted places

Post by Orange and Brown »

I don't believe in ghosts

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Re: haunted places

Post by mvlnewlex »

The Old Athens State Hospital is supposed to be haunted. I think what makes it that way is thinking about the stuff that happened there over the years.

the mentally ill used to be treated like rats.

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Re: haunted places

Post by Doc Panther »

newlexpanthers wrote:The Old Athens State Hospital is supposed to be haunted. I think what makes it that way is thinking about the stuff that happened there over the years.

the mentally ill used to be treated like rats.

Yeah there was a ghost type special of haunted places that mentioned three or four haunted places in Athens.....one was the hospital....another was a dorm where a coed apparently committed suicide....and a couple of cemetaries including the one I used to live by on First Street....me thinks we scared all of those ghosts away with our raucous parties at our house.

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Re: haunted places

Post by Bigboy52 »

I believe that there was paranormal activity at Mercy Hospital in Portsmouth but it has been torn down.

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Re: haunted places

Post by whodeyAtown21 »

Athens has multiple different dorms that are "haunted"; the Ridges (former "Athens Lunatic Asylum") make athens one of the 13th most haunted places in the world according to The British Society for Psychical Research.

Unfortunately, most of the Ridges has been converted into offices...except the TB ward....

Great stories...great read:

Wilson Hall:

Wilson is truly the main campus's most famous haunting; it's the one primarily featured in Scariest Places on Earth and the building most people point to when they're talking about "Haunted Athens." As such, many of the stories are vague untruths about student suicides and various rooms that no one will stay in for long. It's a relatively new building (constructed in 1965), but in that short time it's acquired an unusual number of tales, including that it was built atop one of the Athens Mental Health Center cemeteries. Almost certainly not true, but that's what they say. Shadowy, ghostly figures are sighted in its halls. Another common explanation for Wilson Hall's curse is that it supposedly sits dead-center in the middle of the five "pentagram cemeteries" around Athens.

Jefferson Hall:

The story behind this building says that students were exploring the attic shortly after the beginning of fall quarter, 1996. In an unused room, sitting at a desk, they saw a woman who looked like a schoolteacher, dressed in 1950s fashions. After they tried to talk to her they noticed that she was transparent and floating above the ground. They ran and got their RA, and then returned to find the door securely locked with no one inside. After that, more strange things happened: lights flipped on and off, toilets flushed by themselves. One girl in a bathroom stall had the rolls of toilet paper in the neighboring stalls unroll all over the floor. When hers began to unroll by itself she ran screaming from the bathroom. A common disturbance here is the "marble sound," which often occurs even on the top floor of the building: the sound of someone dropping hundreds of marbles onto the floor above you.

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Re: haunted places

Post by Brutus8907 »


the OU episode of scariest places on earth. it's divided into two parts, you can click on part 2 on the right.

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Re: haunted places

Post by thecoach »

there is a paranormal research group in Ironton.


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Re: haunted places

Post by Burg_Grad_77 »

I believe in ghost and here's a couple of reason why.

The first one happened when I was around 8 years old and my youngest brother Eric was about 1 1/2 years old. Our grandfather had passed away a couple of months before Christmas and my younger brother had only seen him when he was a little baby, so he really didn't remember him. On Christmas Eve my mother was awakened in the middle of the night by a voice coming from the living room. She got up and went and checked and found my brother sitting in front of the tree. When she asked what he was doing, he said he was showing the man our tree. She asked what man and he told her the man that was in the house. She immediately got my father up and made him go through the house, but he didn't find anyone and everything was locked up tight. She asked my brother where the man was and he said that he had left already, but he had Eric take him to everybodies room so he could see us all and that he wanted to see our tree. We all just figured he was making it up and kind of put it out of our minds. A few days after Christmas my mother was looking through some old photo albums and my brother shouted, "Mommy, there's the man that was in the house" and pointed at a picture in the album. My mom turned almost white and started shaking because the picture he was pointing at was our deceased grandfather. We always figured that he came to the house that night just to make sure that everyone was alright and see that we were going to have a good Christmas.

The second happend to me personally right after we moved into the house we now live in. I was sitting up late one night about two or three months after we had moved in and I was watching TV. Out of the corner of eye I noticed something move in the kitchen and I turned and looked and there was man standing in the doorway between the kitchen and the living room. I saw him plain as day standing there in a pair of blue jeans, a flannel shirt, and a pair of work boots. He was a short man about maybe 5'5" or so and balding with gray hair. I started to get up out of my chair and ask him just what the hell he was doing in my house when he just disappeared into thin air. I went into the kitchen to see if maybe he had just moved and there was no one there. I went through the whole house and everything was locked up tight and no one was in there. I just chalked in it up to being tired and seeing things and went to bed. A few days later I was talking to my neighbor who lives across the alley behind me and was telling him about it and how weird it was and when I described the man he said, "Oh, that was Jack". I asked who Jack was and he told me that he was the man who had lived in the house before us and he had died in his sleep in the house. He said Jack always wore blue jeans, a flannel shirt, and work boots when he was working around the house and that he was a short gray haired balding man. That was the only time I have ever seen him and I guess he was just checking on the house to see if it was okay.

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Re: haunted places

Post by usahockey1980 »

Does anybody believe that children visit families before they are born?

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Re: haunted places

Post by Army »

Legend has it, that Salem Church Cemetery in Milton TWP, off ST RT 124 outside Berlin Crosroads in Jackson County was.

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Re: haunted places

Post by Orestes »

Burg_Grad_77 , those are some cool stories. I have never seen anything personally, but believe because of things people I know have seen.

For instance, one time I brought a girlfriend to my grandparent's house. It is a house they have lived in since my dad was a small child. This girlfriend knew very little about my family history. Anyway, she decided to walk into a bedroom to grab some pictures that we had sat down in there when we entered the house. The room is very close to the front door. She came out of the room acting awkwardly, so I asked her what was wrong. She refused to say anything in front of my grandparents. Later, we had a moment to ourselves and she told me that she had seen an elderly women with grey curly hair, standing in a white gown (the type to sleep in). She described her size and facial appearance. She said the woman just stood there looking at her, smiled, then faded away.

Her story made me white as a ghost, as my great grand mother was taken care of by my grandparents and lived her last days in that house. The bedroom in question was the room she stayed in, and eventually was too sick to leave. I decided not to tell her this, and just let it go. An hour or so later, I told my grandparents that I wanted to look at some family albums, so my girlfriend could see people from our family. After a couple of pages (some filled with elderly women in the family) a page arrived that had a picture of my great grand mother. My girlfriend's face turned pale, and she looked at me with concerned eyes. She pointed at the picture and just nodded at me. She had no idea who it was, or about the fact that my great grand mother stayed in that house. Once I told her, we then both told my grandparents. Both believed her, and even admitted that they sometimes feel a presence in that room. My grandfather had always shrugged it off as him just wanting to feel his mother's presence.

The funny part is that this girl and I are no longer together, but we are still extremely close friends. I always wonder if my great grandmother was trying to scare her away, or if it was a sign that I should marry her and that she would be part of the family. As of now, I guess I'm going with scaring her away :-D

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Re: haunted places

Post by Philly »

My granddaughter was almost 3 years old when she walked out on the porch and told her mother that, Grandpaw Edward was here. Well, Grandpaw Edward had died a couple of months earlier. My daughter asked her daughter what Grandpaw Edward said and she took her fingers and poked each button on her blouse and said Bloop, Bloop, Bloop! Well that was the kind of thing Papaw Edward would do....! I also would be driving down the road, or just doing nothing in piticular, and I would smell a scent that was Edward! You know....everyone has their own smell. This went on for a long time, but finally stopped. Edward always told me that his family would visit him at night time, and that he would visit me after he died. I asked him very nicely to please not visit me after death, as it would scare the heck out of me. He laughed and said, "Why Phyllis, I wouldn't hurt you, I would just visit you". Well he never let me see him, but he did my Granddaughter, and I always knew he was around and watching over us. This does happen, I am a firm believer.

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Re: haunted places

Post by Tartanblue »

Isn't there a place in Sciotoville called White Ladies Point where boats see a ghost of a lady?

I was told by teachers at East and other folks that East High School might even be haunted, one teacher said that they were in their class grading papers after school had ended and every student was gone and they heard a locker door close near their room, they got up to look and didn't see any students and asked the janitor if they let anybody in and they said no all doors were locked. I was also told that at night on the second floor above the office if you set on the bench in the hall way you can hear people running in the hall way and up and down the stairs.

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Re: haunted places

Post by Burg_Grad_77 »

Another story I have that I didn't post because I just wasn't sure about is a ghost we have up here at Sunoco in Haverhill, Ohio. I have worked up here for 5 years and sometimes in the middle of the night I'll hear locker doors slam in the locker room/shower house that is right next to me at the main gate. There are only two doors to get in to this locker room and one is always kept locked, so the only way in or out is to go right by my door. Numerous times I have heard lockers slam shut and when I go over to check there is never anyone there. I really didn't think much of it until the other guy that works up here on midnights told me he has had similar experiences himself. He said he has heard the lockers slam and when he went to check there was on one there.

Then one night last week I was sitting here playing on the computer when the door to enter the main gate open and closed by itself. It wasn't windy and there was no one there, it just opened about a quarter of the way and then closed. Then right after that I saw someone out of the corner of my eye walk by the door and when I got up to look there was no one there and no one anyone could have gotten out of my sight that fast since I am sitting right next to the door.

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Re: haunted places

Post by jumpman »

Crybaby tunnels in Chillicothe area:

http://www.associatedcontent.com/articl ... e=2&cat=37

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Re: haunted places

Post by BuckeyeBoy21 »

I've lived in 2-3 haunted homes. Simms Cemetery in Athens, OH is also a BIG place for hauntings.

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Re: haunted places

Post by mstangmom »

Whenever I stayed at my grandparent home when I was a kid and even when I came home on leave. When I slept in the upstairs bedroom. I would always wake in the middle of the night and there would be this little blonde haired girl standing there talking. I never understood her though, or maybe I just didn't want to understand her. who knows.
anyways I never told anyone about it, especially my kids cause you know how they are. well my son who is home from college for the summer is staying there so the house is not empty and in that room. he tells me the other day about the little blonde girl. and tells me how she died.

Of course this is the same one who at the exact time my grandmother passed away, he was at the house asleep in the living room when he woke to see her going into her room and paused to tell him she was home now he could go to bed. he called my cell and told me this just as the DR. was pronouncing her.

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Re: haunted places

Post by Bleeding Red »

Let me tell ya that that school that was in Wakefield is no joke.

We went there in high school when it still existed. We heard basketballs bouncing and whistles blowing.

Story has it that they were having a basketball game at the school and one of the boilers in the basement blew and the rest is history.

We snuck in there once, found what we were looking for and never went back!

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