Mr. Davis, I do not know you other than seeing you at the games(football and basketball).I think you was a very good coach.ddavis wrote:I probably didn't state what I wanted to say well. I wanted to speak up for Lance before some idiot took a shot at him. I have learned that no one is safe from ignorance. Rogue Warrior is as fine a man as you could meet so I had no intention to debate with him. He was defending me and I Lance. I will not be returning to coach at East. I feel so bad for the boys. They didn't deserve this but for me to coach for this administration and board has become impossible. I have mixed support from the board and the administration wants me gone. Some of my coaching friends have told me that someone is lined up to take my place. He's a neighbor to the East administrative leader so that makes sense. As far as perspective records I didn't want to put excessive pressure on the next coach.
East football 2008
- The_Sports_Junky
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Re: East football 2008
- RogueWarrior1965
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Re: East football 2008
ddavis wrote:I will not be returning to coach at East. I feel so bad for the boys. They didn't deserve this but for me to coach for this administration and board has become impossible. I have mixed support from the board and the administration wants me gone.
This is a shame. To lose a dedicated coach with 5 SOC championships, including being the first East team to win back to back SOCs, is a slap in the face to the kids and the community. To see where East has come since Darryl's return (not to mention the other successes throughout his coaching career) and to be on the verge of being considered a dynasty with the potential for winning 3 SOCs in a row to where it may now be headed now because of small town politics should be criminal.
The people of Sciotoville need to start asking some tough, pointed questions. If this is how one of the pillars of East High School is being treated, what can the rest of the staff expect? I understand the board is up for election in June and it sounds like it is time to clean house. Hopefully, a strong board can come in and take control of the school so it is not a dictatorship ran by one or two individuals. They are replaceable, correct? I don't think they have a lifetime contract.
One final question. Portsmouth Daily Times, where are you? This is a huge story that has major implications for the program and potentially East High School as a whole. This sounds like a major story to me.
Re: East football 2008
When are they going to name a new coach? I hope there not going to wait untill after the election.
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Re: East football 2008
I don't think they will take long to get a coach, hopefully they get someone who will continue the improvement that has been done the past couple years as well as get to the next level to play with a Newark Cathlic, Fisher Cathlic, and Danville
- california kid
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Re: East football 2008
don't hold off green didn't hire a new coach til the end of june its not right it doesn't give the new coach enought time to get himself and the team ready for the season
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Re: East football 2008
It will not take East that long to find a coach, I would not be suprised if they hire a coach before the End of next month
- burggrad82
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Re: East football 2008
I have to say thats the stupidest thing I ever heard. 10-0 last year and play off team why wouldn't the board give coach Davis what he needed to compete and recruit. The head coach at east can pull from the whole county being a community school. Thats how Notre Dame does it. Coach I hope you find something to fill the void. Good luck to you.
- JV Team
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Re: East football 2008
they already have someoine lined up to replace the old coach so all they have to do is appoint him
not like they have to go through useless interveiws
the sooner the better for the KIDS sakes
not like they have to go through useless interveiws
the sooner the better for the KIDS sakes
- JV Team
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Re: East football 2008
I have heard a name from a pretty good source and its a pretty well known and successful coach from this area. I hate to see coach Davis go because no one put as much time and effort into any program than he did at East but if they hire this guy atleast he is a proven winner.
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Re: East football 2008
They will have an insert into the paper for coach's interested in the job within the next couple of days. As well as have a group to interview the coaches interested
- RogueWarrior1965
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Re: East football 2008
battlecats wrote:I have heard a name from a pretty good source and its a pretty well known and successful coach from this area. I hate to see coach Davis go because no one put as much time and effort into any program than he did at East but if they hire this guy atleast he is a proven winner.
Let's hope so for the kids' sake. The administrators at East really dropped the ball on this one. It is going to be hard for a new coach to come in this late in the year and have things on track by August, but I wish whoever the new coach is the best of luck. Based on what happened to Darryl, the new guy will need to watch his back and look out for all the backstabbers. I just cannot believe this is how my alma mater turned out.
Re: East football 2008
Well I think Tartanblue would be good coach for the Tartans. At least we would see at team throw every down. You could forget abut the running game, old Blue doesnt have a run play in his play book.
Easy to learn his plays
Play 1 pass left.
Play 2 pass right.
Play 3 pass middle.
Play 4 Punt.

Easy to learn his plays
Play 1 pass left.
Play 2 pass right.
Play 3 pass middle.
Play 4 Punt.

- Posts: 2629
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Re: East football 2008
No, I'd run the ball mostly but I would mix in the pass....hard to come from behind as seen in the playoffs last year when your ratio is 99-1 in running to passing. A team needs to have a passing game to come from behind if needed as well as to mix things up a little.
- S
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Re: East football 2008
Tartanblue wrote:No, I'd run the ball mostly but I would mix in the pass....hard to come from behind as seen in the playoffs last year when your ratio is 99-1 in running to passing. A team needs to have a passing game to come from behind if needed as well as to mix things up a little.
Couldn't agree more. Can't be very predictable. Gotta switch it up once or twice.
- Axe N Shield
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Re: East football 2008
This is a shame. To lose a dedicated coach with 5 SOC championships, including being the first East team to win back to back SOCs, is a slap in the face to the kids and the community. To see where East has come since Darryl's return (not to mention the other successes throughout his coaching career) and to be on the verge of being considered a dynasty with the potential for winning 3 SOCs in a row to where it may now be headed now because of small town politics should be criminal.
The people of Sciotoville need to start asking some tough, pointed questions. If this is how one of the pillars of East High School is being treated, what can the rest of the staff expect? I understand the board is up for election in June and it sounds like it is time to clean house. Hopefully, a strong board can come in and take control of the school so it is not a dictatorship ran by one or two individuals. They are replaceable, correct? I don't think they have a lifetime contract.
One final question. Portsmouth Daily Times, where are you? This is a huge story that has major implications for the program and potentially East High School as a whole. This sounds like a major story to me.
Lets talk about "shame" and where it should be layed! The kids and community are losing Coach Davis this year because; Darryl has decided not to return! No board member has ever discussed replacing, firing or non-renewing Darryl as the Head Coach for this year! Not until he requested to be placed on "paid sick leave" for the remainder of this year and for all of next year. Furthermore, at the same time he expressed that he wanted to be completely disassociated from the school! All of this was expressed by him at the same time. So, who slapped the kids and community in the face? It appears to me that the school board has their hands tied behind their backs when your Head Coach makes these kinds of request!
As for the verge of being considered a dynasty in winning three SOC's in a row and where it may now be headed. That statement leads one to believe that Coach Davis is the only way to win a third straight title. That if he is removed, {And by his choice; I remind you.} that East Football will be in some kind of downward spiral! It indicates that the Head Coach is the main reason for success. You know as well as anybody that the players are the main ingredient in gauranteed success; along with a proven established program. As a coach you can only teach and then its up to the players. Not to downplay the importance of the Head Coach position; but I think you would agree that even Woody Hayes could not make much of a difference at Kentucky Christian this season! The point being; that the Head Coach or any other coach for that matter; is not the main reason that teams have winning seasons and championships. It's the players and the program! If it was the Head Coach, as you are suggesting; then we should have 25 Championship trophies!
I feel that a good coach should not only win the games and championships that he is favored to win; but also win some of the games that your not or think your team can't win! And as a Head Coach, you never, never let your players know that you think they can't win! Period!
Sciotoville needs to start {and you can too!} asking some tough, pointed questions. I agree! I would like to ask; Why? Did Coach Davis request to be disassociated completely from the school? Why is he on sick leave? On one post; Coach Davis stated that he was being criminal investigated or charged! For what? What were the charges or investigation about he was talking about? these are questions that need to be directed to Darryl!
On Monday, March 10th... Sciotoville Community School had its normal monthly school board meeting. I arrived early for the mmeting and as I was getting out of my car; Coach Davis is getting out of his truck to go into the meeting. We walk into the board room and we are the only two in the room at the time. Coach tells me that you might not want to sit close to me tonight! I thought that was kind of odd; so I sit a couple rows back from him. After about 3 or 4 minutes; Board President, Bill Shope walks in and says hello and walks toward the board table. After he is behind the table Coach asks Bill Shope; Why was my password suspended and ask if he knew anything about it? Bill said; that he knew about Friday afternoon and that he didn't know all the details yet about it! This is something that the Director of Operations is to handle; board members do not make decisions on daily operations of a school. If there is a problem; then it may come in front of a school board to be handled if the Director of Operations can't resolve the issue! Coach Davis was visibly upset over this issue and this went on for about five minutes and with Bill making comments to Darryl on some of the statements. Note: No swearing at each other occured!
So in my opinion, this appears to be how the entire dilemma started! Coach Davis was upset because some kind of password that he had was suspended! So it had to be something that involves the schools computer network access. Why? or What? Reason did Director of Operations, Dennis DeCamp suspend Coach Davis' access to the schools computer. Were any laws or rules violated pertaining to privacy issues? I agree there are the tough, pointed questions Sciotoville residents need to ask!
The board is up for election in June. Three of the five positions. those being; Bill Shope, Jackie Enz and Becky Davis! so, to clean house is saying that not one but all board members needs to be replaced. Not just the ones up for election but also the ones who are not! Coach Davis' wife; Becky Davis is one of the board members who's position is up for grabs! With this line of reasoning; you are indicating that his wife is not doing a good job either! Mrs. Davis was unamimously voted for in the selection for the board vacancy at that time. she is a highly intelligent and experienced person. she has never voted to my knowledge in opposition of any other board member on any issues!
A dictaorship ran by one or two individuals! Again the board has voted in agreement on all issues! That doesn't mean that differences of opinions did not occur. It implies that what ever differences or concerns there may have been were addressed and corrected to carry a unaminous decision on the issues. To me this is a very good board! A board that works through the issues or concerns to accomplish positive goals for the kids, school and community!
Nobody is saying that positive changes or that everything is in complete harmony. Nothing is completely perfect. But to suggest that a "house cleaning" is in order because a Head coach is not going to coach this year? {And by his own decision not to!} Is completely unreasonable!
And in case I forgot to mention; Mrs. Davis has also resigned from her position on the board!
RogueWarrior... You also stated that they are replaceable. That they don't have lifetime contracts. You are correct! And they also do not receive one dime for their work! Back to replaceability; Head Coaches don't have lifetime contracts either! In fact Coach Davis has been at East for 25 years or so! Thats his entire career in coaching! A Lifetime! And they are replaceable too!
The Portsmouth Daily Times, where are you? If such a dishonarable and unfair act has been wagered against Coach Davis; Then why has he not contacted the paper? Statements have been made on this media already; Why not call the papers? Interesting question to ask somebody!
I believe that the key questions to this entire issue is! Why was the computer access taken away? What kind of access was it? Was it to information; programs or records of some sort?
RogueWarrior1965 wrote:
Let's hope so for the kids' sake. The administrators at East really dropped the ball on this one. It is going to be hard for a new coach to come in this late in the year and have things on track by August, but I wish whoever the new coach is the best of luck. Based on what happened to Darryl, the new guy will need to watch his back and look out for all the backstabbers. I just cannot believe this is how my alma mater turned out.
How did the administration really drop the ball? I don't see how the school board could have handled this any other way; considering the circumstances in how Coach Davis requested himself to be placed on paid sick leave. Considering him requesting that he be completely disassociated from the school! I believe they handled it the way that they were forced to handle it.
And one other thing; in the April 14th school board meeting. Darryl requested that the board accept the letter that his attorney sent to the school. I assume this is the letter that he requested the long-term sick leave and the complete disassociation from the school. But, he told the board that he would like to be still considered for the Head Coaching position for football this year!
Disassociation- the state of being unconnected in memory or imagination. To remove from association.
A couple of days later; Coach Davis called a board member and tells them, that he would like to withdraw his name for consideration for the Head Coaching position! How are suppost to act to this type of indecisiveness?
Your right in saying it will be hard to find a new coach this late in the year! But who's fault is that?
You stated; Based on what has happened to Darryl, the new guy will need to watch his back and look out for all the backstabbers. Whatever happens to Darryl is happening at his request! He asked for these things; the paid sick leave for over one year; to not be the Head Coach!
Besides RogueWarrior... Have you asked those hard to the point questions to Darryl? Obviously, this is the only person you have spoke with on the matter.
RogueWarrior, I know your alma mater is East and all! But, when are you going to come back and help us in Sciotoville? I know your son goes to Minford and you live around Circleville. You could come down and support and help coach at East! I know a couple of years ago you drove down everyday to coach baseball at Minford; Sciotoville is just a couple more miles away! Besides your mom and dad are still here too! Come on down and get involved!
Meanwhile... players are not getting their lifts in because the man who was suppost to be doing this has decided to not do it. I thought that Darryl's son-in-law Todd was suppost to take care of this in the off-season. That's what the supplement pay is for. Have no idea what is going on there! Coach Davis is suppost to have the last period of the day for weightlifting the majority of the players but, he has been on sick leave for over a month now!
Re: East football 2008
Coach Davis has posted on this site numerous times. Perhaps the administration blocked his password because he was doing it during the school day and they did not want him to do it anymore (I've heard of that happening before). Also, maybe they blocked his password because they didn't like what he was saying about the administration. All theories, which are my specialty lately.
- RogueWarrior1965
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Re: East football 2008
Axe N Shield wrote:RogueWarrior1965 As for the verge of being considered a dynasty in winning three SOC's in a row and where it may now be headed. That statement leads one to believe that Coach Davis is the only way to win a third straight title. That if he is removed, {And by his choice; I remind you.} that East Football will be in some kind of downward spiral! It indicates that the Head Coach is the main reason for success. You know as well as anybody that the players are the main ingredient in gauranteed success; along with a proven established program. know that is not what I was saying. However, anytime a main cog is removed from the wheel it will have an effect. Being a coach is a two-edged sword because if you win, it is because of the players and when you lose it is because of the coach. The bottom line is it takes a TEAM to win (coaches and players) and this is a distraction the program did not need. I did not say it would be "the end of football at East" and even went as far to say I wish the new coach and the program the best. There is an excellent core of returning players, but this late in the year it is going to be tough to get a coach in there in time to make up for lost time in the weight room, plus learn what may end up being new offensive and defensive schemes.
With this line of reasoning; you are indicating that his wife is not doing a good job either!
I am not saying this either. As I understand it, a lot of this started over questions being asked about policies. I won't go any further into it than that, but there should never be an issue in an open, democractic society where questions cannot be asked. Something similar is taking place at Southeastern High School in Ross County where a coach is not being re-newed and much of the discussion seems to border on it being because he asked hard questions.
And one other thing; in the April 14th school board meeting. Darryl requested that the board accept the letter that his attorney sent to the school. I assume this is the letter that he requested the long-term sick leave and the complete disassociation from the school. But, he told the board that he would like to be still considered for the Head Coaching position for football this year!
I was not there, so I cannot speak to this.
RogueWarrior, I know your alma mater is East and all! But, when are you going to come back and help us in Sciotoville? Come on down and get involved!
I have made offers, but distance is an issue. Especially based on my current work location. I did make mention last year of a football alumni association, similar to what Minford is doing, so Yes, I have made offers.
Lastly, you and I have known each other a long time and go way back. You know how to reach me and I know how to reach you. How about trying that instead of launching slams from a keyboard?
Last edited by RogueWarrior1965 on Wed Apr 23, 2008 8:44 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: East football 2008
Syntax wrote:Coach Davis has posted on this site numerous times. Perhaps the administration blocked his password because he was doing it during the school day and they did not want him to do it anymore (I've heard of that happening before). Also, maybe they blocked his password because they didn't like what he was saying about the administration. All theories, which are my specialty lately.
could be, but I think he said in one post he was home on sick leave.
- JV Team
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Re: East football 2008
Meanwhile... players are not getting their lifts in because the man who was suppost to be doing this has decided to not do it. I thought that Darryl's son-in-law Todd was suppost to take care of this in the off-season. That's what the supplement pay is for. Have no idea what is going on there! Coach Davis is suppost to have the last period of the day for weightlifting the majority of the players but, he has been on sick leave for over a month now!
Some needs to get in there now to get the team in the weights whether it be one of the other coach's East had this season for football or even maybe the jr. high coach could do it. Or possible the AD during last period.