SOC 2 all conference team
Re: SOC 2 all conference team
I think Darren Davis does the best job he possibly can with that group out in Oak Hill. Parents and players alike need to take a look at other programs and see how they need to act.
Darren has put up with a lot way longer than I would have.
Darren has put up with a lot way longer than I would have.
Re: SOC 2 all conference team
What exactly do you mean when you say that group out in Oak Hill? Are you in someway suggesting they are inferior?
I think maybe the coach should look at other quality coaches not to see HOW THEY ACT but learn what a real coach is. You are either one of his buddy’s or have absolutely no idea what you are talking about.
I think maybe the coach should look at other quality coaches not to see HOW THEY ACT but learn what a real coach is. You are either one of his buddy’s or have absolutely no idea what you are talking about.
Re: SOC 2 all conference team
Well I've coached in the league now for 7 years and have seen Oak Hill baseball improve greatly over that time. When I say improve, Im not so much talking about the talent level as much as I am the attitude and discipline of the players. Back in '02 & '03 they had players with their hats on backwards during the game, players laying down in the outfield and just down right horrible attitude and disrespect for the game of baseball and their opponents. I hated playing them because it made me sick to see people playing baseball that way. In fact, I can rember an assistant coach for Oak Hill actually entering the game to play right field. Funny, because this guy struck out and made an error. Of course this wasn't noticed until later and those two coaches were fired when it came out.
I also know that a player busted Darren's tail pipe on his car, he had to deal with ignorant parent issues often and there are just not that many (there are some) very good baseball players there. Now, by you bashing him on this public forum, that is something else. It's a different world out in the village, that's for sure. So that's what I mean when I say "that group".
I don't know Darren that well at all, but from what I see is that he tries and keeps on coaching even when down a lot. He knows baseball and does the best he can out there. Also, think about it. It's not easy to coach when your down 10 runs in the first couple innings.
I also know that a player busted Darren's tail pipe on his car, he had to deal with ignorant parent issues often and there are just not that many (there are some) very good baseball players there. Now, by you bashing him on this public forum, that is something else. It's a different world out in the village, that's for sure. So that's what I mean when I say "that group".
I don't know Darren that well at all, but from what I see is that he tries and keeps on coaching even when down a lot. He knows baseball and does the best he can out there. Also, think about it. It's not easy to coach when your down 10 runs in the first couple innings.
Re: SOC 2 all conference team
All of the stuff you mentioned about the assistant coach playing in a game, that was all the Darin. It wasn’t something that happened and he later found out about it. As for the attitude of the players and the hats backwards, coaches don’t allow that. I can guarantee you one thing most the ignorant parent issues that you speak of would never happen if you have a real COACH. How many of you coaches carry their cell phones while coaching third base and answer them while the game is in progress (true). That just one of a million stories that are often laughed about in and around Oak Hill. No one said the talent level in Oak Hill was state champion material, but it’s been much better than many outside of Oak Hill knows.
I do agree with one thing you don’t know Darin very well. I did names bring up names I just said they needed a coach. Maybe you should apply, its my understanding its now available.
I do agree with one thing you don’t know Darin very well. I did names bring up names I just said they needed a coach. Maybe you should apply, its my understanding its now available.
Re: SOC 2 all conference team
Foolsgold, I've never heard anything about a cell phone or anything like that, so I can't comment on that. I can tell you though, when you are not a teacher and try to coach a team, you sometimes can't do the same things a school teacher would. Sometimes when you leave work, one of the stipulations are, that you can be reached by pager or phone from work. I've had to do the same thing.
But with the assistant coach playing, that was way before Darren got that job, so Im not sure what you're talking about with that either. The hats backwards were allowed at one point, I stood on the field and watched it happen. Parent issues are always going to be there no matter what. But some of the incidents I heard that goes on out there really surprised me.
No, I don't know him that well but I do have a hard time believing they are going to find somebody better right now. If the job is open, I wish Oak Hill the best in finding a quality coach and hope they can move forward in a positive way. And as for me applying? Nah, I'm not a school teacher and might have to take my cell phone. Besides, I enjoy going to the State Tourney way too much
Good Luck to you all out in Oak Hill.
But with the assistant coach playing, that was way before Darren got that job, so Im not sure what you're talking about with that either. The hats backwards were allowed at one point, I stood on the field and watched it happen. Parent issues are always going to be there no matter what. But some of the incidents I heard that goes on out there really surprised me.
No, I don't know him that well but I do have a hard time believing they are going to find somebody better right now. If the job is open, I wish Oak Hill the best in finding a quality coach and hope they can move forward in a positive way. And as for me applying? Nah, I'm not a school teacher and might have to take my cell phone. Besides, I enjoy going to the State Tourney way too much

- SE
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- Joined: Mon May 23, 2005 2:33 pm
Re: SOC 2 all conference team
I believe he also had a pager on his other hip between the hunting knife and flashlight, give the guy a break. With his job (not teaching) he is required to have a phone at all times. I overheard a set of parents making the comments to Darin "Baseball is the only sport he plays and he will be on the field as a starter." This happened after a game and this is the kind of stuff the coaches in Oak Hill has to put with. He will be happier next year as a Golden Rocket. Good Luck Coach Davis.
Re: SOC 2 all conference team
So it's true he has moved on. Hey, I don't blame him at all. Good Luck to him and to Oak Hill. I honestly do hope somebody can turn things around there.
Re: SOC 2 all conference team
Foolsgold wrote:All of the stuff you mentioned about the assistant coach playing in a game, that was all the Darin. It wasn’t something that happened and he later found out about it. As for the attitude of the players and the hats backwards, coaches don’t allow that. I can guarantee you one thing most the ignorant parent issues that you speak of would never happen if you have a real COACH. How many of you coaches carry their cell phones while coaching third base and answer them while the game is in progress (true). That just one of a million stories that are often laughed about in and around Oak Hill. No one said the talent level in Oak Hill was state champion material, but it’s been much better than many outside of Oak Hill knows.
I do agree with one thing you don’t know Darin very well. I did names bring up names I just said they needed a coach. Maybe you should apply, its my understanding its now available.
Darin Davis was not the coach when the assistant coach played. I think the coaches name was Dunn. As for the cell phone, can't really answer that. All I can say is: Foolsgold, why don't you apply for the job? Then you won't have to worry about watching the coach, every one will be watching you. One thing I have learned about our "new" society. People like to complain and whine around but not many like to step up and try and do something positive to help a program.
Also maybe the reason Oak Hill has not been so successful is because they are relying on one sport players. Look at a lot of successful teams and you will see they are successful because they have multiple sport athletes on their team. Just because you are a one sport player doesn't mean you are entitled to playing. How many basketball players played baseball this spring?
Re: SOC 2 all conference team
How about this, talk about the kids that did make the all conference team an not the coach's that should or should not !!!! The coachs get paid to do a JOB not the players. The players, play for the LOVE OF THE GAME!!!! period. So PLEASE get back on subject! THANK You!