I have a son who is a sr. at OU in Athens. He is a double major-physics and computer science. He's a great student, works part-time, lives on his own and pays his own way. Last week he had a paper due, wrote it, turned it in on time.....received the paper back from the professor. On the front of the paper it read: "Were you high when you wrote this paper?"

Ok, now I know that sounds hilarious and I have to admit it was pretty funny. That being said, five minutes after I read that comment I wanted to knock this guy into the next month! Should I report this man to officials at OU or just let my son take care of it? There were others in the class who received some of the same comments. On a side note, this is the fourth and final class in a series of 4 Quantum Physics classes. He has received no lower than a "B" in the previous 3. No.... he's not a geek.... he's your average college guy who goes out on weekends....he just happens to be pretty sharp
Anyway, what would YOU do since I am paying for this?!?!?!