New Logan High School Football Field and Bill Sauer Field

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Re: New Logan High School Football Field and Bill Sauer Field

Post by loganlocos »

Maybe I'll try and get down this weekend for some photos again. I heard the scoreboard was going up on Friday.

Can't wait to get a look at it!

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Re: New Logan High School Football Field and Bill Sauer Field

Post by buckfan84 »

Forget the field (lol) the new school is amazing. Logan will not only have one of the best sports facilities around but the school looks amazing. If anyone has pictures of that please post it to see how a new school should look.

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Re: New Logan High School Football Field and Bill Sauer Field

Post by ChiefCruiser95 »

Awesome!! Thanks for the heads up. I'll be in Logan this weekend so if I can I'll also try to grab some pics. They've been working weekends to try to catch up so it may be tricky.

BTW-does anyone know if the powers that be at Logan are looking to host local playoff games (other than the ones we're in of course :-D )? It would be a shame to have such a nice facility and not try to have some lower division teams play there in the post season.

The season is getting close folks. Excitement is building and soon all questions will be answered and all speculation will be put to rest. GO CHIEFS!!

Buckfan, Here is a link to some pictures of the new high school. It's a little dated as far as contruction goes but it does have a lot of good artists renderings of what it will look like when finished.

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Re: New Logan High School Football Field and Bill Sauer Field

Post by loganlocos »

cruiser -

Everything I have heard is that Logan plans to make bids on hosting playoff games. I think for the first year it will depend on how far along the parking situation is, but once everything, including the parking lots, are finished, the plan is to bid to host playoff games.

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Re: New Logan High School Football Field and Bill Sauer Field

Post by ChiefCruiser95 »

Thanks for the info Locos. :-D BTW, the Logan Daily just posted a picture of the new scoreboard on their website. Here is the link: ... M=49536.72 It looks awesome!! Can't wait to see that thing lit up on Friday nights.

The Logan Daily actually posting current info on their website is further proof that the Chiefs will beat the Gales this year. I have a feeling a certain place has officially frozen over as that is what people have said what would need to happen for the two previous things to occur. What's next, the industrial park will attract an industry?! OOohhh, end times are near.

Sorry Mods, way off topic in that last one. That's a discussion for another thread. Anyhoo, this stadium will be THE premier sports complex in southeastern Ohio. Something we can all be proud of cause it's about time.

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Re: New Logan High School Football Field and Bill Sauer Field

Post by Zanes-Vegas »

Looking forward to seeing this new facility in person. The fellow from The Motz Group who installed yours also installed ours. Great bunch of folks!

As for Sulsberger, the field itself has been completed. Attention now has been turned toward paving, with the west end of the stadium where high jump will be contested as well as the rest of the track base being prepared for asphalt. Still to come -- installation of the new scoreboard and new sound system.

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Re: New Logan High School Football Field and Bill Sauer Field

Post by dazed&confused »

It's a great time for HS football in Southeastern Ohio! Who could imagine all these new facilties just a few years ago. I hope we get some good tailgating going on when the parking gets ironed out. I've heard that for the first few games they may have to shuttle folks to the new stadium from an off-site parking area. OUCH!

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Re: New Logan High School Football Field and Bill Sauer Field

Post by ChiefCruiser95 »

D&C-You are right about the shuttling. The parking lot is supposed to be about 3/4 done for the Lancaster game which will leave you the option of using a valet service or riding the shuttle to the game. Originally I think the middle school lot was to be used but it's all torn up too so IMO they will use the old Goodyear lot come gametime. Inside the stadium will be magic but the rest will be a real cluster &%@# until they get the parking figured out.

Zanes-Vegas-The stadium is looking better and better all the time. It's hard to believe that I'm looking at the same place that I was last year.

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Re: New Logan High School Football Field and Bill Sauer Field

Post by dazed&confused »

I wonder if those who have reserved parking will get to park at the stadium from the start? That would be a little unfair to charge for parking and then not deliver.

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Re: New Logan High School Football Field and Bill Sauer Field

Post by loganlocos »

D&C -

There are a decent number of spaces ready to go, just not enough to fill the stadium.

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Re: New Logan High School Football Field and Bill Sauer Field

Post by dazed&confused »

Logan has sold well over 900 season tickets! That's just crazy!!!!!!!!!! I can't even imagine the atmosphere there that first game.

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Re: New Logan High School Football Field and Bill Sauer Field

Post by loganlocos »

Craig Dunn comes through again.

Here's a photo of the new scoreboard: ... M=61186.13

Dazed -

I know, I almost got shut out. It should be a very exciting football season.

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Re: New Logan High School Football Field and Bill Sauer Field

Post by 91blue14 »

3 pillars it must be a nice board :!: :mrgreen:

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Re: New Logan High School Football Field and Bill Sauer Field

Post by Zanes-Vegas »

chiefcruiser95 -- Last Saturday, I went up to shoot some photos as they were installing the goal posts. After I got what I needed, I went up to a 50-yard line seat right in front of the press box and just took it all in. I rather had the same feeling about it you have ... is this the same place? For us, this is a miracle, because all of our renovations are through private funds, and we did not have any "major donors" who footed the majority of the bill. It is truly a community effort.

Locos ... Craig didn't note it in the cutline, but how big is that message center? I'm assuming it's video. Ours is expected to be 100 square feet. We may start showing full-length feature films on Sunday nights to help raise more cash! :-D

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Re: New Logan High School Football Field and Bill Sauer Field

Post by 1987chieftains »

zv, you know thats not a bad idea!!warm summer nights for a family night out. i think some of the grade schools around here where doing that on like saturday nights. it would be like a drive- in without the car.

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Re: New Logan High School Football Field and Bill Sauer Field

Post by Zanes-Vegas »

We turned on the lights! More at!


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Re: New Logan High School Football Field and Bill Sauer Field

Post by loganlocos »

Very impressive. I've always enjoyed the atmosphere of Sulsberger, now it will truly be one of the best facilities in the area.

Congrats to all those involved in making the renovation a reality. It looks fantastic.

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Re: New Logan High School Football Field and Bill Sauer Field

Post by Logangrad »

Its amazing that four light poles put off that much light :122246

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Re: New Logan High School Football Field and Bill Sauer Field

Post by Zanes-Vegas »

Poles are 70 feet tall, with a dozen 1,500-watt metal halide lamps on each one. Each of the lamps is in a highly reflective hooded fixture that truly focuses the light onto the competition area. That was what struck me the most last night. That photo was among the last I shot, as I left. I then pulled down around the student parking area and looked back, and there was none of that "glow" bleeding out of the stadium like it used to (and irritate the nearby residents when we left them on deep into the night for cleaning crews to work).

Best quip of the night was when they were only up to about half-power, and our head coach, Chad Grandstaff, said: "That's about as bright as it was here last year." Only problem was, he wasn't far from the truth!

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Re: New Logan High School Football Field and Bill Sauer Field

Post by Logangrad »

I was talking with someone last week about Logan and the placement of the field and there was talk of a very worried thought of fog being a HUGE issue along the river. What can you do for that if it becomes so bad you cant see??? :122246

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