Eastern Pike 08-09

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Re: Eastern Pike 08-09

Post by TripleDouble »

I see what you are saying somewhat, bigblack. I still don't agree with everything you say, but its ok for people to just agree to disagree. I was under the impression you meant Eastern only had a prayer if Osborne threw up 40pts a night. I just hope the team plays well together and has a Great season this year. We'll see if anyone can step up the first three games without Osborne, Montgomery, and Williams in the lineup.

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Re: Eastern Pike 08-09

Post by easternclaw »

BigBlack wrote:Eaglenest,
You must not know what happened. The situation was handled the wrong way by the coaches. You cant dismiss a player from a team because of hearsay bottom line! Those boys were given a rep that they didnt deserve. So for those of you who dont know anything Osborne and Williams need to be appreciated in the Eastern School district. Osborne is by far the best and most talented player on that team and thats just a simple fact! I know basketball is a team sport but in order for Eastern to have a successfull season Osborne is goin to have to take control of everygame and the other 4 are just need to play their rolls. Nobody else on the team has the ability to take over a game by theirself. Bryan is a special player and certain people will realize that after he graduates.

I know you might not believe me if you haven't seen the team play yet and have you mind set on last year, but I'm telling you as I have said before... Osborne is an exceptional player, but he's just not the best anymore. In no way am I trying to degrade him, he's amazing, just not the best. There's nothing wrong with that.

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Re: Eastern Pike 08-09

Post by bystander »

You people need to get a life and quit slamming individual players---and remember they are only kids "attempting" to play a little basketball and represent this school district to the best of their abilities. Too bad some of these players have enemies sitting right in their back yards, when all they really need is a little support. If you think it ---fine, but you don't have to state it for all the world to read---DON'T YOU REALIZE THESE KIDS ARE READING THIS STUFF---I'm sure its good for the team moral.

easternclaw---don't say you're not degrading someone when you're making statements as posted---your words state otherwise.

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Re: Eastern Pike 08-09

Post by J-Bird »

Guys, no matter who the best player is. Lets not get on here and try to rank these kids 1-11. What is the point of that besides trying to create jealousy amongst teamates. Let the season play out and let Coach Fitch and the boys work as a team. I have a feeling they are going to have an excellent season this year, but it doesn't help when people get on here and start ranking players. They had an excellent scrimmage against South Webster last night. Only lost 1 quarter and won one I believe by 12. South Webster won't be turning any heads this year, but in order to be a successful team the eagles are going to have to beat the teams they are suppose to beat. They took care of that in the scrimmage last night. Good Luck Against Coal Grove!

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Re: Eastern Pike 08-09

Post by Eaglesnest »

J-Bird wrote:Guys, no matter who the best player is. Lets not get on here and try to rank these kids 1-11. What is the point of that besides trying to create jealousy amongst teamates. Let the season play out and let Coach Fitch and the boys work as a team. I have a feeling they are going to have an excellent season this year, but it doesn't help when people get on here and start ranking players. They had an excellent scrimmage against South Webster last night. Only lost 1 quarter and won one I believe by 12. South Webster won't be turning any heads this year, but in order to be a successful team the eagles are going to have to beat the teams they are suppose to beat. They took care of that in the scrimmage last night. Good Luck Against Coal Grove!

Excellent post J-Bird. I hope people realize that all this negativity...putting players down, putting coaches down, and talk of "who is best" only destroys team unity and chemistry. Do we want everyone out there competing as individual players? I have heard these kids are coming together and giving maximum effort. If they blowup and waste this season, I hope some of us are happy for contributing to our teams demise.

Lets stay positive and supportive of ALL the players and the staff!

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Re: Eastern Pike 08-09

Post by bystander »

J--Bird---GREAT POST!!!!!

Eaglesnest----I appreciate your support today and hope you are sincere in your statements because just two days ago (12/1) at 6:30 a.m. I read a post made by you that wasn't so positive---in fact you were making negative comments about Osborne and Williams and totally false statements regarding Osborne's dad---(oh, but that seems to be the way things are going for that family right now)---WHICH I WAS GLAD TO SEE THE SOUTHEASTERN PREPS STAFF EDITED. And if you'd like to discuss this further feel free to PM me---I won't say anymore publicly.

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Re: Eastern Pike 08-09

Post by OSU Alumni 2000 »

i agree bystander. i was glad to see the staff edited that too. what kinda of person would post negative comments about a player's parent? thats sad if u ask me. this low life person needs to grow up

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Re: Eastern Pike 08-09

Post by CoachFitch »

Again, I must say that I appreciate all the interest in our team. However, all this harmful, non-productive, and misleading information (ranking players, putting them down and discussing internal team matters from hearsay....I haven't seen the truth about to many issues) is only hurting this team. I recommend that my players stay off here, but they care about what you folks think and say. As coaches, we expect varying views and opinions and if you disagree with me or my staff and how we handled something, that is your right. However, IF you are sincere eagle fans, let my players be and get behind them. They need your support!

Forum's are great because basketball is a wonderful game to discuss. Why don't someone start some threads about our games......that might help direct the interest where it needs to be....off team matters with players, their parents, and yes even coaches...onto the great game of basketball and the effort of my players.

Hope you come out and support us this season! Our players have worked so hard and you will be proud of them!


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Re: Eastern Pike 08-09

Post by J-Bird »

Eagles have their first game of the season tonight against Coal Grove. Any thoughts on the game? I don't know a whole lot about Coal Grove, only from what I seen in the game the eagles played against them last year. Eastern has gotten considerably better, so Coal Grove may have too. I look for the Eagles to pull this one out. Anyone have any more info on Coal Grove?

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Post by CANNIBAL »

how will the redstreaks do this year???

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Post by CANNIBAL »

how will the redstreaks do this year???

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Re: Eastern Pike 08-09

Post by Pringles105 »

Dude this is the Eastern Pike forum alright accidently click on the wrong one?

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Re: Eastern Pike 08-09

Post by J-Bird »

Cannibal, Even though there is no Peastern Brownstreaks on the team this year, they should have a good season.

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Re: Eastern Pike 08-09

Post by Eaglesnest »

Checking scores on the threads...

Eastern 59-53 over Coal Grove

Eastern 72-51 over NEw Boson

2-0 baby and heard that Coach Fitch has the boys playing some solid D! Can't wait to get to make my first game and quit reading about it!

Go Eagles. Son't underestimate Clay on Tuesday!

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Re: Eastern Pike 08-09

Post by Bozo »

Good Luck to Coach Fitch and the Eagles!

Put that sideline break in off the made FT. :)

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Re: Eastern Pike 08-09

Post by beaverlover »

Eaglesnest wrote:Checking scores on the threads...

Eastern 59-53 over Coal Grove

Eastern 72-51 over NEw Boson

2-0 baby and heard that Coach Fitch has the boys playing some solid D! Can't wait to get to make my first game and quit reading about it!

Go Eagles. Son't underestimate Clay on Tuesday!

Hopefully Clay's win over Symmes Valley will keep the Eagles from underestimating the Panthers because I know its early but wins on the road are huge in league play.Good luck Eagles Tuesday night.

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