Ohio man jailed because daughter didn't earn GED

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Ohio man jailed because daughter didn't earn GED

Post by The Instructor »

Ohio man jailed because daughter didn't earn GED
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An Ohio man was sentenced last week to 180 days in jail because his daughter failed to earn a high-school equivalency diploma.

"Butler County Juvenile Court Judge David Niehaus ordered [Brian] Gegner to jail for contributing to the delinquency of a minor by not following a court order which required Gegner to be sure his daughter got her GED," WCPO-TV says. "This comes after ongoing problems of Brittany skipping classes at Fairfield High School and then, Butler Tech."

The judge says he let Gegner out of jail early if Brittany, now 18, earns the credential in the next six months.

"It was my wrongdoing, not his," the daughter tells AP. "He shouldn't have to go to jail for something I did."

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Re: Ohio man jailed because daughter didn't earn GED

Post by orange-n-brown 365 »

but he is responsible because she was under his care!!!

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Re: Ohio man jailed because daughter didn't earn GED


I do not normally applaud the system when they do things like this but, this time everyone involved knew the consequences if the girl and father did not comply. , So I say good for the system in getting this done.

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Re: Ohio man jailed because daughter didn't earn GED

Post by sportsfanatic85 »

wow!! :122246

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Re: Ohio man jailed because daughter didn't earn GED

Post by alabama mike »

I wish we had a few more judges that would follow through like this guy.

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Re: Ohio man jailed because daughter didn't earn GED

Post by ballparent »

alabama mike wrote:I wish we had a few more judges that would follow through like this guy.

I agree and that will enforce these rules at an early age. Too many times school administrators refer students with truancy problems to the court system and all they get is a slap on the wrist if even that. The truancy continues and then the students are tested and teachers are held accountable for thie test results. The students have to be there in order to receive the education prior to testing.

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Re: Ohio man jailed because daughter didn't earn GED

Post by mvlnewlex »

While I strongly support the moral part of this. I dont not think government or judges should have this much control over any American. It is Unconstitutional and it goes in the fascism category.

the truancy law is also unconstitutional and fascist, IMO.

we need reform and we need to work on getting more middle-lower income students access to a private education. I believe it is in the best intrest of the USA that we work over a long peroid of time to decrease and eventually no longer need public education. its a government monopoly. many parts of the system would be much better off in the private sector. but with government help to make sure all have access.

If I want to open up a school. Hire the best teachers and buy the best books. Why do I have to compete against a government monopoly ?

if I dont not want to send my child to a public school. and I dont have much money. Why are my choices so narrow and restricted in the United States of America ? If I pay taxes, why wont the government help me send my child to a private school ?

but things are what they are at the moment

But you have to wonder who is blocking progress toward something better ?

two words

Teachers Union.
Last edited by mvlnewlex on Tue May 13, 2008 5:10 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: Ohio man jailed because daughter didn't earn GED

Post by orange-n-brown 365 »

it is a law that our child must be educated whether they attend school or our homeschooled and if they are under your care they must get some kind of education

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Re: Ohio man jailed because daughter didn't earn GED

Post by mvlnewlex »

is that in the constitution of the United States ? is it constitutional ?

As for the moral side. heck yes. Every child in America should get an education. but government should not have this amount of power.

The government is there to protect. not control.

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Re: Ohio man jailed because daughter didn't earn GED

Post by orange-n-brown 365 »

From the department of education website
http://www.education.tas.gov.au/school/ ... nding/must


When students must attend school

During the compulsory school years (Prep to Year 10), your child must attend school every day during term time and remain there for the entire school day. The only exception is if they have been formally excused from daily attendance or are exempt from enrolment. (See Acceptable reasons for not attending school for more information.)

If you deliberately keep your child from attending school without reasonable cause, you are breaking the law and may be prosecuted.

When your child is enrolled at school, including Kindergarten, it is very important that they attend all classes. Children who go to school regularly have a greater feeling of belonging, and regular attendance allows them to develop their reading, writing and thinking skills. Research shows that children who go to school regularly are likely to stay at school longer.

Young people enrolled at college or TAFE should attend all classes, participate fully when involved in a work experience program, and make the most of the education and training opportunities available. Regular attendance enables effective learning, develops habits of commitment and dependability and opens doorways to future success.

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Re: Ohio man jailed because daughter didn't earn GED

Post by mvlnewlex »

i know the law exists. but I am saying that I disagree with it. it is unconstitutional.

the government exists to protect and defend our rights to seek a better life. but not control or force it.

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Re: Ohio man jailed because daughter didn't earn GED

Post by orange-n-brown 365 »

newlexpanthers wrote:While I strongly support the moral part of this. I dont not think government or judges should have this much control over any American. It is Unconstitutional and it goes in the fascism category.

the truancy law is also unconstitutional and fascist, IMO.

we need reform and we need to work on getting more middle-lower income students access to a private education. I believe it is in the best intrest of the USA that we work over a long peroid of time to decrease and eventually no longer need public education. its a government monopoly. many parts of the system would be much better off in the private sector. but with government help to make sure all have access.

If I want to open up a school. Hire the best teachers and buy the best books. Why do I have to compete against a government monopoly ?

if I dont not want to send my child to a public school. and I dont have much money. Why are my choices so narrow and restricted in the United States of America ? If I pay taxes, why wont the government help me send my child to a private school ?

but things are what they are at the moment

But you have to wonder who is blocking progress toward something better ?

two words

Teachers Union.

then you are saying the government is wrong in telling you that you have to send your kid to school but its okay for the government to give you money to send your kid to a private school.. It don't work that way..

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Re: Ohio man jailed because daughter didn't earn GED

Post by mvlnewlex »

but they should. and here is why.

What if I dont want to send my child to a public school and I am very poor ?

and remember we are talking about government having control over an American citizen. that is what the truancy law is. and that violates freedom and constitutional rights.
Last edited by mvlnewlex on Tue May 13, 2008 5:39 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: Ohio man jailed because daughter didn't earn GED

Post by orange-n-brown 365 »

okay under Idea or Individuals with disablities education act
Eligibility for services

Having a disability does not automatically qualify a student for special education services under the IDEA. IDEA defines a "child with a disability" as a child . . . with mental retardation, hearing impairments (including deafness), speech or language impairments, visual impairments (including blindness), serious emotional disturbance . . ., orthopedic impairments, autism, traumatic brain injury, other health impairments, or specific learning disabilities; AND, who . . . [because of the condition] needs special education and related services."[9] Children with disabilities who qualify for special education are also automatically protected by Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973 and under the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA). However, all modifications that can be provided under Section 504 or the ADA can be provided under the IDEA if included in the student's IEP.

Students with disabilities who do not qualify for special education services under the IDEA may qualify for accommodations or modifications under Section 504 and under the ADA. Their rights are protected by due process procedure requirements.[citation needed]

Individualized Education Program

For more details on this topic, see Individualized Education Program.

The act requires that public schools create an Individualized Education Program (IEP) for each student who is found to be eligible under the both the federal and state eligibility/disability standards. The IEP is the cornerstone of a student's educational program. It specifies the services to be provided and how often, describes the student's present levels of performance and how the student's disabilities affect academic performance, and specifies accommodations and modifications to be provided for the student.[10]

An IEP must be designed to meet the unique educational needs of that one child in the Least Restrictive Environment appropriate to the needs of that child. That is, the least restrictive environment in which the child learns. When a child qualifies for services, an IEP team is convened to design an education plan. In addition to the child’s parents, the IEP team must include at least one of the child’s regular education teachers, a special education teacher, someone who can interpret the educational implications of the child’s evaluation, such as a school psychologist, and an administrator who has knowledge of the availability of services in the district and the authority to commit those services on behalf of the child. Parents are considered to be equal members of the IEP team along with the school staff. And of course, parents have fundamental rights as parents. Based on the full educational evaluation results, this team collaborates to write an IEP for the individual child, one that will provide a free, appropriate public education. The required content of an IEP is described in Individualized Education Program. Alternatively, parents may prepare an IEP if the school's IEP is not fair to the child.
Free Appropriate Public Education

For more details on this topic, see Free Appropriate Public Education (FAPE).

Guaranteed by the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA), FAPE is defined as an educational program that is individualized to a specific child, designed to meet that child's unique needs, and from which the child receives educational benefit. To provide FAPE, schools must provide students with an “… education that emphasizes special education and related services designed to meet their unique needs and prepare them for further education, employment, and independent living.”[12]
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Individual ... cation_Act

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Re: Ohio man jailed because daughter didn't earn GED

Post by mvlnewlex »

I find that to be a great thing.

Personally, I would have done much better in school if I had got my diagnosis at a younger age.

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Re: Ohio man jailed because daughter didn't earn GED

Post by orange-n-brown 365 »

I would love for my 2 kids that has IEP's to go to a private school but our school district is obeying the laws and providing the best possible education for them..My daughter would have benefited much more by having a more one on one but it doesn't work that way..
As parents we took our daughter and son to the doctors when they were not doing well and had many tests run and many hours on the road..many more this summer coming up

the first time we showed up for a meeting our school told us that they wished they had more parents like us that cared enough to push the issue

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Re: Ohio man jailed because daughter didn't earn GED

Post by ballparent »

newlexpanthers wrote:While I strongly support the moral part of this. I dont not think government or judges should have this much control over any American. It is Unconstitutional and it goes in the fascism category.

the truancy law is also unconstitutional and fascist, IMO.

we need reform and we need to work on getting more middle-lower income students access to a private education. I believe it is in the best intrest of the USA that we work over a long peroid of time to decrease and eventually no longer need public education. its a government monopoly. many parts of the system would be much better off in the private sector. but with government help to make sure all have access.

If I want to open up a school. Hire the best teachers and buy the best books. Why do I have to compete against a government monopoly ?

if I dont not want to send my child to a public school. and I dont have much money. Why are my choices so narrow and restricted in the United States of America ? If I pay taxes, why wont the government help me send my child to a private school ?

but things are what they are at the moment

But you have to wonder who is blocking progress toward something better ?

two words

Teachers Union.

This has to be the most moronic, inconsistent post I have ever read. Lucky me, I got on without being logged on and got to read it. And notice I said that the post was moronic, I didn't call you a moron Newlex. Go ahead and do your usual and tell me to shut up when I don't swallow your storylines, it doesn't matter. I will express my opinion on this matter.
Thank God we live in America where our children are given the privilege to attend school and their parents are held accountable that they are given the right to take advantage of this wonderful gift from our government. Many in our world aren't so lucky and would do anything for the precious gift of a free education. If our government didn't hold parents accountable many children would never learn to read or write, let alone take advantage of school free lunch programs and given the opportunity to be even able to socialize with others. A lot don't get out of bed when their children leave for school now, so let's make it easier so they never let their children get an education. This is the government's way of protecting our children's rights. It's not a problem to most parents and they appreciate the education, the only people who wouldn't would be parents like the one in the article who seem to let their daughter call the shots and have for a while instead of being parents. But yet you think it's facist to hold parents responsible but yet you feel if you're poor the government should provide access to private schooling?!?

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Re: Ohio man jailed because daughter didn't earn GED

Post by mvlnewlex »

BUT. Government is not supposed to be mom and dad !

Society MUST become moral enough to regulate itself. Government exists to defend and protect the rights of we the people. Government is not our parent. Government should never be our teacher. Government should never be our nutritionalist. Government should not be our health care source. Government should not control what airs on tv and radio. and government should never have the power to control the lives of American people. I am talking about freedom.

And public education is a government monopoly. it is not capitalistic at all !

this is not radical conservatism. this is about constitutional rights. when government tries to be all things to all people, it fails miserably.
Last edited by mvlnewlex on Tue May 13, 2008 6:58 pm, edited 2 times in total.

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Re: Ohio man jailed because daughter didn't earn GED

Post by Boonedawg »

Ballparent,that "wonderful gift" that the gubment gives children isn't so hot. From what I observe the education system in this country is going down the toilet. Teaching tests and not facts, diversity brainwashing and free condoms....not the great "gift" that you think it is. Disrespecful kids get stupid time outs instead of 2-3 good licks like they need.....I'm sorry I don't agree with you. The teachers unions and liberal/marxist administrators are poisoning our kids.

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Re: Ohio man jailed because daughter didn't earn GED

Post by orange-n-brown 365 »

boonedawg at least some of these kids are getting 2 hot meals a day they may not get at home :122247

I don't like the teach to pass tests also but you know there are a few good teachers out there that passes on other educational values in the classroom also!

I don't agree with the paddling leaving the schools at all when we were in school we respected the teachers... but you know sometimes kids these days don't feel they are receiving respect from the teachers there are a select few who are there to put in their time and get their 30 years in.. they make it bad for the good ones..

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