Ohio man jailed because daughter didn't earn GED

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The Instructor
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Re: Ohio man jailed because daughter didn't earn GED

Post by The Instructor »

ballparent wrote:
newlexpanthers wrote:let me add something to that. and I think it is important. the social experiance of attending public school is not always a positive thing for people.

Life is what you make of it. Some people have an excuse for literally everything. The only person who holds responsibility for you is you. Don't blame the public school system for social unacceptance.

Amen Sister!

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Re: Ohio man jailed because daughter didn't earn GED

Post by The Instructor »

FIDO (Forget It Drive On) wrote:What??? I can say that about any profession, newlex. You can't summarily dismiss an entire profession because of the action of a few.

That's like blaming the entire Marine Corps because a few of them raped a 14 year old girl in Japan.

Amen Cutie Pie!

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Re: Ohio man jailed because daughter didn't earn GED

Post by The Instructor »

ballparent wrote:
newlexpanthers wrote:ballparent...

There are tragic stories of kids in this country who have committed suicide because of bullying and/or not fitting in.

and there are teachers who are afraid to stand up and put some of the cruel people in their place.

For one thing, suicide is a personal choice and the person who makes this choice is most often in a troubled mind state prior to any surrounding events. Too often suicides are blamed on, and many mistakenly feel guilty, of a person who takes their own life. Suicides come from within, long before any external forces come into play.
Any responsible parent that is aware of any problems and are not satisfied with the school system would make the choice to home-school their child, ask ONB, it's not easy, and many accomodations have to made, but she does it. The American school system is not perfect but as Fido says, many around the world would love to have the opportunity and it is a right that our government has given our children. Parents are legally responsible for making sure they make every effort that their child can enjoy it.

Amen Sister!

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Re: Ohio man jailed because daughter didn't earn GED

Post by The Instructor »

You have always been a Cutie!!

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Re: Ohio man jailed because daughter didn't earn GED

Post by The Instructor »

Yeah, it is!!

Biggdowgg told me you were a Cutie!

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Re: Ohio man jailed because daughter didn't earn GED

Post by eagles73Taylor »

First, I dont believe this man should bear the brunt of his daughters inability to earn a GED. Second, at what stinking age should we expect a child to be able to answer for themselves and be accountable for their own actions?

My goodness I get sick of hearing the whining from kids and parents alike about why they dont get this or that. I teach and I coached and now I am an AD. Had a mad father call me complaining about a coach that said something to his precious son, who I coached so I know the boy somewhat. I told him I would look into it, I called the coach and he came to practice early and we talked. I spoke with several other boys in private and asked them if the heard anything, not bringing up names to protect the boy. I found out that his son only told him part of what happened and left out the bad parts he did. When I told the father he STILL didnt believe it. I told him, why would they lie, they did nothing wrong? Finally he stopped bellowing, but he still didnt believe it. I told him that maybe he should make sure that he gets all the facts before he goes slandering the coaches. He left unhappy still.

When did people start airing dirty laundry in public? My father taught and coaches for 24 years before he passed away and I never heard him mutter a bad word about any of mine or my brothers teachers or coaches. I asked my mother about that after he passed and she said that we as kids didnt need to hear it, we should always respect our elders.

Come on people, when you have something bad to say about another adult, DONT SAY IT IN FRONT OF YOUR KIDS, THEY ARE LISTENING! Maybe our kids would respect the authority if they didnt hear mom, dad, grandma, grandpa, aunts, uncles, step mom, step dad or whoever else badmouthing others. Kids arent born disrespectful!

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Re: Ohio man jailed because daughter didn't earn GED

Post by orange-n-brown 365 »

The Instructor wrote:
ballparent wrote:
newlexpanthers wrote:ballparent...

There are tragic stories of kids in this country who have committed suicide because of bullying and/or not fitting in.

and there are teachers who are afraid to stand up and put some of the cruel people in their place.

For one thing, suicide is a personal choice and the person who makes this choice is most often in a troubled mind state prior to any surrounding events. Too often suicides are blamed on, and many mistakenly feel guilty, of a person who takes their own life. Suicides come from within, long before any external forces come into play.
Any responsible parent that is aware of any problems and are not satisfied with the school system would make the choice to home-school their child, ask ONB, it's not easy, and many accomodations have to made, but she does it. The American school system is not perfect but as Fido says, many around the world would love to have the opportunity and it is a right that our government has given our children. Parents are legally responsible for making sure they make every effort that their child can enjoy it.

Amen Sister!

I wasn't happen with some decisions my sons school had suggested so what we felt was best for him was to pull him out and teach him and get him into counceling to help him deal with his disorder.. and now the school his doctors and councelor are all working with me to make a better life for him :122245 Believe me I don't agree with alot schools do educational wise and especially sports wise don't go there with me.. but I would never allow my child to slip through the cracks or drop out of school and if they did believe me they would get their ged and work where ever they could find a job!! My kids have grown up knowing how to work and they fair well in their jobs :122245 they have worked for their dad and grandpa and I wouldn't work for them :122246

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Re: Ohio man jailed because daughter didn't earn GED

Post by orange-n-brown 365 »

they are pains in the A$$E$ to work for! But you earn your money you work hard my son is dreading monday morning :122245 his dad has him until Sept 6th :122245

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Re: Ohio man jailed because daughter didn't earn GED

Post by Thatsmyboy »

I agree with eagle.....when are these kids held responsible for what happens to them? I have one who is 18....I've taken away everything that can be taken away...

I have parented him exactly the same way I have parented the other 2.....no differences....he just doesn't care. Should I go to jail for his poor decisions? Be sent to jail because I went to school 8 times in one year to try to help him? Because I gave him all the love and care a kid could get? A roof over his head? Food...clothing....100 degree days at the ballfield for 10 summers straight wearing his jersey.....all of the above???? I don't really think so.....

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Re: Ohio man jailed because daughter didn't earn GED


If they would put her in jail for 6 months she would have her GED when she got out.

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orange-n-brown 365
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Re: Ohio man jailed because daughter didn't earn GED

Post by orange-n-brown 365 »

[quote="Thatsmyboy"]I agree with eagle.....when are these kids held responsible for what happens to them? I have one who is 18....I've taken away everything that can be taken away...

I have parented him exactly the same way I have parented the other 2.....no differences....he just doesn't care. Should I go to jail for his poor decisions? Be sent to jail because I went to school 8 times in one year to try to help him? Because I gave him all the love and care a kid could get? A roof over his head? Food...clothing....100 degree days at the ballfield for 10 summers straight wearing his jersey.....all of the above???? I don't really think so.....[/quote

no really you sound like you have done what you can but you know each case is different it sounds like this girls mom didn't care and possibly the dad also and I am sure the judge was presented with enough evidence to say buddy get the girl educated or go to jail..
I was at wits end with my oldest son for 3 years I was ready to put my name by the time clock at the school I was there so much... but good things come to those who wait :122249
time patience and lots of prayers go into our kids.. we raise them as good as we can good golly these kids should come with directions or something when you leave the hospital but they don't and we all learn by trial and error I am not perfect I will admit!
I sometimes speak before I think Lord does that get me in trouble sometimes :roll:
good luck

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Re: Ohio man jailed because daughter didn't earn GED

Post by Thatsmyboy »

Thanks O-n-B... :12223

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