I remember hearing all the stories about people in the community getting involved and building FHS stadium,. Coach Mayo, Mr Love and many others laid the block, and erected what is now Dragon Stadium. When I played for Fairland Midget League we built the fence around the track with volunteer help. Hard work, sweat and calluses, that's what built it. Today's society is not willing to work. Every one wants the majority to contribute to the minority's cause. I believe this is the 2nd or 3rd time the levy has failed. It's pretty clear Fairland school district voters/taxpayers are not willing to financially support a project that is only going to benifit the minority of the people. While coaching at FYFL many of us donated our time and money to help with the stadium. Laying new boards, painting the stadium walls and goal posts..... And we had a good time doing it. It's rewarding seeing the fruits of a communities efforts. Why not change the mindset and ask the community for help. Area businesses like Lowes, Pickett Concrete, some of the steel companies etc...
Our area is pro union, lets get the trades involved, laborers, steel workers, block layers,carpenters...Good PR and tax write-offs for them. Dont give up on the stadium, take a new direction. It may take longer and may not have the "bells and whistles" the current plans have, but take baby steps. I know the people of the community can step up on this. Coaching at FYFL I saw what the Fairland people can do when their minds are set to it. The best equipment, nice uniforms and not to brag but in my opinion the class of the league.(Not putting any other leagues down). People, with good leadership and direction, were willing to WORK. With that said, don't set back and wait for a handout, go get what you want, you may be surprised what you as individuals can accomplish. Heck, try naming it after a large $$$$$ contributor. It's worked for others.
I can see it now..... "the Fairland Dragon/Exxon/John Clark Oil/Kroger (or as we here in Southern Ohio say Krogers) Stadium"
Darren Baker
Former Fairland BOE member says "Vote No" on Stadium Levy
Re: Former Fairland BOE member says "Vote No" on Stadium Levy
Good post! I remember back in 1993 the athletic boosters raised alot of money raffling off an S-10 pickup!Just an idea for a fund raiser,I mean I know thats a drop in the bucket but its a starting point!I think at this point if the old stadium is going to remain it needs to go aluminum on the home and visitors side both!Replacing those boards every year is a big cost and lumber isnt cheap!I would be more than willing to help,I always have in the past!I completly agree though,Make the best out of what you have! 

- Freshman Team
- Posts: 119
- Joined: Thu Mar 16, 2006 12:54 pm
Re: Former Fairland BOE member says "Vote No" on Stadium Levy
I completely agree. I have no problem working-even the athletes could paint, do grunt work -something. There used to be a community that jumped in and helped out each other. Now everyone worries about getting sued for this or that and that has tied everyone's "helping" hands.
Re: Former Fairland BOE member says "Vote No" on Stadium Levy
We should get a posse together mom!
I actually went online and priced aluminum bleachers today,They are not as expensive as you would think they are!