The Ohio Grassman

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The Ohio Grassman

Post by Doc Panther »

Ohio has a history of bigfoot like sightings. Two fellows from Portsmouth even did a documentary called "Not Your Typical Bigfoot Movie". Tonight at 9 pm on The History Channel the series Monster Quest looks at bigfoot sightings in Eastern Ohio....sounds entertaining at least. Apparently locals call their bigfoot the grassman.

When I first read the title I thought maybe it was a documentary about someone who lived in Meigs County....haha.

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Re: The Ohio Grassman


I know both these guys, I am going to watch the show.

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Re: The Ohio Grassman

Post by Doc Panther »

Decent show with a few humorous mistakes. The pronounced Gallia County like Gahleeah. Also one of the investigators talked about a place of an encounter that he called Kershockton....of course it's Coshocton but they spelled it that's funny.

One of the more interesting finds was supposedly not in Eastern Ohio but way down in Southern Ohio in Adams County in a place called Bentonville.....famous for a group called the Antt-Horse Thief Society. It's a fairly remote place and they found a hand print that an expert indentified as gorilla-like. It wouldn't surprise me that that was a plant, but still interesting and weird.

Since this is a history forum I found an article from the New York Times about a Bentonville family: ... ref=slogin

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Re: The Ohio Grassman

Post by thirtytrap »

I hope this works, it is an article from Vinton county.

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Re: The Ohio Grassman

Post by Flashing Cursor »

Grassman sighted in Piketon on West Second Street near Rittenour's farm. He was hard to see he blended into the surroundings so well. He is inpersonating the Athletic

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Re: The Ohio Grassman

Post by eagles73Taylor »

Bwahahahahahahahahahaha! :roll: :roll:

Actually, there was a reported sighting near Lake White, Craig lives near there I asked him what he was doing running around without shaving!

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Re: The Ohio Grassman

Post by Boonedawg »

Probably one of the best reports ......this is about 12 miles from my home.

There is something out there, Ive been hunting my whole life and have seen a few things that defy explanation. I know a couple fellas, that would never come forward but swear that they have been face to face with the creature. both of these men are beyond reproach in their integrity. There is a place up the Wynoochee valley that you drift through on the river and you absolutely get the feeling of being watched.....almost every time. It would be about a 10 mile hike through terrain that would make a mountain goat go the other way.

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Re: The Ohio Grassman

Post by WitnessProtection »

I've had two reputable people relate stories of their encounters to me. One occurred in Lawrence Co., the other in Scioto Co.
And these are not the type of folks who would call up the TV station or newspaper to draw attention to themselves.
They're both serious-minded professionals.

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Re: The Ohio Grassman

Post by Burg_Grad_77 »

I found this story and thought it was really interesting. Personally, I have always believed in the possibilty that this creature just might exist. As the story points out, there have been thousands of sightings by people of all walks of life and I personally know a man who had an experience while hiking in the remote regions of Oregon that almost scared him to death. He said that he and two buddies were hiking a trail and had set up camp for the night. While they were sitting around the campfire that night they heard something crashing through the woods at a very quick pace and it was coming right towards the camp. He said that suddenly the noise stopped and this disgusting smell permeated the camp and was one of the foulest odors he had ever smelled. Then they heard a very loud, almost ear piercing scream from something right outside the camp that went on for about 5 minutes and then he said whatever it was went around the camp and traveled on down the hill away from the camp. He said none of them slept a wink that night and were scared out of their minds. The next day they went towards the spot they heard all the noise and he said there were trees with trunks the size of his thighs that had just been shoved over and you could see the path going right straight down the side of the hill. He said they looked around to see if there were any tracks but there was to much vegetation on the ground to leave any footprints. I've know this guy for over 35 years and he's not the type of guy to make something like this up.

Bigfoot Does SO exist! There.

Taking off from this post, what are the categories of evidence that bigfoot really does exist? What kind of evidence do we have, and how good is it? Well, to put it in general terms, we’ve got all kinds of evidence and some of it is very good.

1. Thousands of sightings from eyewitnesses. One would be wrong to throw these out, even as a skeptic. No one case proves anything, but the sheer number of people should alert one to something unexplained going on. And the consistency of detail is astounding if one wishes to believe these are all misidentifications and hallucinations. We have a great bulk of reports, going back centuries, that correspond with each other, many with details researchers didn't appreciate well enough until recently.

2. Tracks that show anatomical details no hoaxer would have bothered to create (at least until they became a "feature" of what is considered a legit track). The number and distribution of tracks argues that there is a real creature making them, unless you subscribe to author and researcher John Green’s sarcastic theory that there is a worldwide organization committed to creating and sustaining the hoax. These tracks are often found in places people are very unlikely to go, suggesting (if it were all a hoax) that there are many more hoaxed tracks never found. How do skeptics explain this? The fact is, they never try to explain it. They simply wave their hands and say, “hoax”, as if that finishes the business.

3. Hair samples. There is a collection of hairs now that show internal consistencies but they also do not come from any known animal. The most interesting feature of some of the the hair samples tested is that they appear to be human in most respects, but they do not have the toxins our hairs do as a result of living in our toxin rich society.
Fecal samples. Some as large as coke cans. (I've seen one of these in a picture with a soda bottle next to it.) They are from no known animal, and when some of them were tested for DNA, they came back as "likely human".

4. Photographic evidence. By itself it isn't much, but it does support the other evidence.

5. The Patterson/Gimlin film. If one spends the time to analyze the film, especially if you have one of the stabilized images you can get from internet boards (available in the post below), you will notice many features that argue against the subject being a man in a suit. As a whole, in my opinion, these features simply overwhelm the contradictory evidence. When I look at the muscle in the leg shaking as the leg is planted onto the ground, I’m persuaded that I’m looking at skin and muscle over bone, not a shaggy suit.

6. Secondary evidence arising from analysis of the evidence we now have; for instance, the foot size distribution comes out as a bell curve, suggesting a real population of animals, not a hoax (since one assumes hoaxers wouldn't know each other and wouldn't make enough prints of different sizes to create the impression of a population -- unless you accept the worldwide hoaxing organization theory, which is absurd!). Here's a paper by Dr. Henner Fahrenbach exploring this kind of evidence.

Simply apply Occam's Razor -- what is the simplest theory that can account for the conglomeration of evidence without creating more unaccounted for features? That there is a real creature out there producing the evidence. Though not many really know about it, the case for bigfoot does not rest on a couple of guys telling stories that may be tall tales. We have thousands of reports. The fact that we have physical evidence in the abundance that we have it goes far beyond the case for other subjects that are beyond the norm in our society. For instance, the case for UFOs. I'm not saying anything about what I think about the UFO phenomena by saying that, just that it's apples and oranges comparing them to bigfoot.

There are other categories of evidence that are more controversial, but still useful to researchers in the field. These include sounds and stick signs. I’ll certainly post more about these categories in the future. I can’t say that they do much to prove that bigfoot is in the woods, but they do show that something large enough to produce the sounds, and smart enough to arrange sticks into formations is out there, and we don’t know what it is. We do know that these kinds of evidence are collected where bigfoot is reported. I suspect they really are related to bigfoot.

But that aside, we *do* have evidence that bigfoot exists, or at least that *something real* is causing people to have experiences that would remain unexplained if bigfoot didn’t exist, and it is sloppy science to wave them off without doing any further investigating. It’s always possible, for instance, that there is a common but unknown mental condition that causes people to “see” bigfoot, even when it isn’t there. But that wouldn’t explain the physical evidence collected. As René Dahinden used to say, “Something is making those damned footprints!”

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Re: The Ohio Grassman

Post by Burg_Grad_77 »

I remember back in the late 70's and early 80's we made a few trips up into Meigs county and visited the "Grassman". You could go there and take a trip and never leave the farm. :mrgreen:

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Re: The Ohio Grassman

Post by The Oaf »

I see them all the time!

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Re: The Ohio Grassman

Post by The Oaf »

Large squatch-like creature sighted roaming woods in lucasville/Minford area! :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:
Sightings in McDermott as well!! :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

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Re: The Ohio Grassman

Post by Rastus »

The Oaf wrote:Large squatch-like creature sighted roaming woods in lucasville/Minford area! :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:
Sightings in McDermott as well!! :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:
Indeed, most fertile ground for sightings is at Crabtree's market, I hear ham salad is their weakness, kind of like rotten chicken livers and catfish. I'm quite certain one could also spot a bevy of non-primate creatures at the Rarden White Tail festival as well.

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bigfoot lives

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