Realistic Expectations of your Team?

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Re: Realistic Expectations of your Team?

Post by ohbuckeye2 »

D-5 wrote:i could care less about Ironton,Logan or 2old Please stay on the topic or take it some where else

Every time Ironton is mentioned in a topic it turns into this from the same old
person.......Ironton 9-1 or 10-0

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Re: Realistic Expectations of your Team?

Post by 2old »


BTW, good class for you. i was on topic. it is the ironton guys who ahvea topic problem
TAKE it up with them. i bet i am just not saying things yu liek to read. Get the ironton posters back on topic.

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Re: Realistic Expectations of your Team?

Post by itown keg 77 »

2old, you are not on topic! Topic is "realistic expectations of YOUR team". Anytime ironton is brought up you have to cut ironton down. IT IS 2old !! Ironton 9-1

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Re: Realistic Expectations of your Team?

Post by 2old »

Ok i will make my point clear for those who have trouble with reason and logic.
Logan is going to go 9-1. Simply because the rest of the SEOAL chooses not to improve. A team with the skills of Logan can cruise through a league that has teams that plays schools that have hockey as their #1 sport.

i have long been a proponent of the entire league strengthening their schedule.

As for topic. When i am taken to task for being correct. I will defend my position.

Keg what you alledge is not true. i have stayed out of the "happy talk" about ironton. You guys just live in your litle dream world that is not connected to reality.

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Re: Realistic Expectations of your Team?

Post by DRIFTER »

I have said it before and I will say it again, some folks just get way to caught up in the schools size, ( the big thing). Unless you are scheduling the likes of Cinn.STX, Colerain, Elder, Clev. STI, Canton McKinley ect. It just does not matter. You are missing some great football around the state if you think D1 is the best, or all there is! Example if Logan played Coldwater tomorrow, we would get THUMPED! And they are D4. play Mooney, thumped, and they are D4. It is about the PROGRAMS. To call a Program like Ironton minor league is way out of line.

That is why so many posters turned on Army. Not only for his crazy ideas of how good Chillicothe football is, but his lack of respect for programs that have earned, and deserve respect! When you look at programs over the past 25 years like Watterson, Desales, Coldwater, St Henry, Marion Stein Marion Local, Stuebenville, Sheridan, Canal Fulton, Cleveland Benedictine, Avon Lake, Lake Catholic, Bellaire, Mooney, Licking Valley, Newark Catholic, and yes, Ironton. They are not D1, but buddy you had better show respect, they have earned it! If you are a true fan of High School football, showing respect for programs like this will come easy for you!

Now as far as Logan is concerned. On paper, and that is all there is at this point, we should win the SEOAL and maybe host a playoff game. As I have said before, we will find out how good that paper is when we have to go up to Sheridan to play those boys the last scrimmage game and then the week after, the opener against Lancaster. If we can do well those two games against teams like that, I think the rest, I will feel very good about. The key will be making it through the Sheridan scrimmage, and the Lancaster opener without injuries!

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Re: Realistic Expectations of your Team?

Post by ohbuckeye2 »

DRIFTER wrote:I have said it before and I will say it again, some folks just get way to caught up in the schools size, ( the big thing). Unless you are scheduling the likes of Cinn.STX, Colerain, Elder, Clev. STI, Canton McKinley ect. It just does not matter. You are missing some great football around the state if you think D1 is the best, or all there is! Example if Logan played Coldwater tomorrow, we would get THUMPED! And they are D4. play Mooney, thumped, and they are D4. It is about the PROGRAMS. To call a Program like Ironton minor league is way out of line.

That is why so many posters turned on Army. Not only for his crazy ideas of how good Chillicothe football is, but his lack of respect for programs that have earned, and deserve respect! When you look at programs over the past 25 years like Watterson, Desales, Coldwater, St Henry, Marion Stein Marion Local, Stuebenville, Sheridan, Canal Fulton, Cleveland Benedictine, Avon Lake, Lake Catholic, Bellaire, Mooney, Licking Valley, Newark Catholic, and yes, Ironton. They are not D1, but buddy you had better show respect, they have earned it! If you are a true fan of High School football, showing respect for programs like this will come easy for you!

Now as far as Logan is concerned. On paper, and that is all there is at this point, we should win the SEOAL and maybe host a playoff game. As I have said before, we will find out how good that paper is when we have to go up to Sheridan to play those boys the last scrimmage game and then the week after, the opener against Lancaster. If we can do well those two games against teams like that, I think the rest, I will feel very good about. The key will be making it through the Sheridan scrimmage, and the Lancaster opener without injuries!

A good honest post..........

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Re: Realistic Expectations of your Team?

Post by fuzzhead »

2old wrote:Logan WILL win the title.

....And then get trounced in the Playoffs :mrgreen:

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Re: Realistic Expectations of your Team?

Post by BBallin fool »

All jokes aside Ironton is the team to beat, The only " question " I Have is there DB'S against the pass, other than that they look good on paper!!!

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Re: Realistic Expectations of your Team?

Post by 2old »


Somehow i knew you would finally show up. i will of course kindly respond to your effort to post.

First all of SE Ohio needs to wake up!!!!!!!!!!! We are the minor leagues. It is just that Logan is the BEST of the minor leagues. i stand by my statement D-1 is the true STATE Champion of OHIO. Do not kid yourself. That is a different level.

GAHS now who is playing with the numbers? Logan has defeated and schooled Gallia the last 4 seasons. Last yerars class was all world at lower levels but failed miserably on the field last year. I have LONG ben an advocate of the league overall getrting stronger. It is unfortunate that Logan eassily wiuns the league every year. Logan deserves to be challenged. Would someone please pick up the pace and give Logan a game???

Gallia should do better than 2-8. look at their schedule.
Back to topic Logan should easily go 9-1.


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Re: Realistic Expectations of your Team?

Post by JChipwood »

Good post 4ever!!! Humble, respectful, and most of all realistic.

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Re: Realistic Expectations of your Team?

Post by JChipwood »

Too add to that 4ever, that season we played 2 really good football teams during the season and scrimmaged one. Evidentally only one was "major league" but Kettering and New Albany were both much much better than that Logan team, no question. Both were "minor league" but both were ALOT better than any LHS team I have ever seen. No contest!

Realistically I see the Devils going 5-5 but bbfool may not be too far off either. Unproven but talented is how I would describe this years team. hopefully the kids are hungry and work hard to prove a point.

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Re: Realistic Expectations of your Team?

Post by marshallman »

Minford 9-1. This would be expected, 10-0 would be the dream season they have worked hard for. Undefeated in this area is harder than people know. Whats funny is when a team is 10-0 the conference is down. When the SOC conference is strong, no one goes undefeated.

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Re: Realistic Expectations of your Team?

Post by DRIFTER »

cranium, because you do not like or agree with a thread does not mean that everyone feels the same. Now the topic is Realistic expectations for your team. So far I would say this is a good thread with some very good post. Most people seem to want to discuss Logan or Irontown, so what. If you do not like this thread, jump off, and stay off! Let everyone else continue to enjoy it and put their comments in.

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Re: Realistic Expectations of your Team?

Post by Mouth's Better Half »

"Logan Envy" what is that?
I respect Logan's athletic program and it's community. Realistically, Logan will play in the league and so will Ironton. Realistically Ironton's fans can be "unrealistic "because our coach has taken mediocre teams and the athletes have risen to the cause and the coach has coached them into a team that has made it to the playoffs. That's is why we "crow", we have witnessed this. Sue us. Ironton will play with confidence and I would say that Wheelersburg and Logan will be tough games but I always have to go with my Tigers!

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Re: Realistic Expectations of your Team?

Post by ohbuckeye2 »

richard cranium wrote:The way I see it is it doesnt matter who wins the SEOAL, because being in different divisions both Logan and Ironton are going to win the state championships this season. According to all of the posters who are hijacking this thread both are the greatest things since sliced bread!

I am going to start an who is better thread Ironton or Logan and you guys can bash yourselves to death over there. I had to sift through 30 some posts just to read about some other fans ideas about their teams@!

I like your thinking........... :122245

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Re: Realistic Expectations of your Team?

Post by 2old »


Many times you have said Logan is in a run of good athletes. When are you going to give the coaching staff and AD the credit they deserve? Just answser the question:

How long does a good run last?

As for Kettering Alter Quit flattering yourself. That was a scrimmage. The same year Gallia beat up on VC. And as for New Albany. I saw the game. New Albany was quite good that year. However there are at least three recent Logan teams that would have defeated or certainly been on the field with that team. Namely the teams that lost in regional finals to Upper Arlington. The team that lost to Brady Quinn and Dublin Coffman. And the team that lost to Hilliard Davidson. The only people who would compare that New Albany team to the kind of competion Logan plays suffer from Chieftain Envy.

Because of that Logan will go 9-1 this year and Dominate the SEOAL.

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Re: Realistic Expectations of your Team?

Post by mattash »

make the playoffs for about everyone lol

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Re: Realistic Expectations of your Team?

Post by formerfcfan »

Don’t go 0–10.

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