First day of two adays, see if they head to the gym

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First day of two adays, see if they head to the gym

Post by whippersnapper »

It is getting weak, if you have to go to a gym a practice, never did it before, just got to drink water and suck it up, ironton that is

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Re: First day of two adays, see if they head to the gym

Post by Frank Reagan »

whippersnapper wrote:It is getting weak, if you have to go to a gym a practice, never did it before, just got to drink water and suck it up, ironton that is

I hate to correct you whippersnapper, but really? Where were you last year? Ironton, as well as a few others, did it last year with the heat and humidity. There has been a huge push to protect the kids from heat and humidity by the OHSAA in games as well as practice for many, many years.

I remember the good old days when the EMS had to come to practice and cart players off with I.V.'s. Those days are or should be gone if a little common sense is practiced.

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Re: First day of two adays, see if they head to the gym

Post by trojandave »

I really don't think that kids keep themselves in as good a shape as they used of the reasons that we hear of more and more heat related illnesses during football training in August. Statistically this is the fattest generation of kids in US history.

Video games and the internet are keeping more kids in the house now.......they still want to play sports, but they lack the overall seems like it's up to the coaches to get a lot of kids in shape.

Kids should be in shape when they arrive at practice............I'm not talking about being able to run a marathon, but should be in good shape for the drills they have to do.

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Re: First day of two adays, see if they head to the gym

Post by beezee420 »

i agree with you trojandave. kids should be in shape by the time practice starts in August. if they have done all of their conditioning workouts during the summer then they should be fine. if not then the kid has cheated himself and his teammates.

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Re: First day of two adays, see if they head to the gym

Post by 14U »

I agree dave...Back in the day teams practiced for 3 hours and had 2 and 3 day practices in the summer heat. It was suck it up get a drink and get back here. You never saw kids falling out like these days and you never had the internet, play station,wii, you had outside homerun derby, basketball(and had to wait your turn)and mostly outside when you woke up until you went to bed. I also think fast food has something to do with it. I remember moms fixed all our food and it was good for you, not the grease that most parents send their kids to eat. Mosted parents both work these days where mosted didn't back years.

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Re: First day of two adays, see if they head to the gym

Post by black76 »

I watched some practices and have to agree same ol same ol. Yea, back in the day it was tougher.

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Re: First day of two adays, see if they head to the gym

Post by footballfan »

Yes back in the day it was what....take a team from the last 20 years against a team from previous years (with equal talent of course) and the team of today will win 9 times out of ten. When I played HS I weighed 240(heaviest on the team) I see teams where they AVERAGE 240 on the line and the speed all round is just faster...not even close.

Give me any superbowl or college champ from the last 15 years and they will run all over a team from previous years in most cases....athletes are just better and the not getting a drink of water thing is just stupid. Who cares how long a teen can go without water or stand in 100+ heat indexes?

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Re: First day of two adays, see if they head to the gym

Post by GAHS7462 »

Can't go to the gym at GAHS it would be 30degrees hotter inside.

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Re: First day of two adays, see if they head to the gym

Post by bengalfan76 »

Push the season back to first Fb game in September.

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Re: First day of two adays, see if they head to the gym

Post by Frank Reagan »

bengalfan76 wrote:Push the season back to first Fb game in September.

If they did that, then the state finals would end somewhere just before Christmas instead of Thanksgiving.

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Re: First day of two adays, see if they head to the gym


some great thoughts shared here. and i agree with basically every one. we practiced in the heat. and basically got to drink a small dixie cup of water. twice in a practice as i remember it. and none in grade school and junior high. but we would leave practice, then have tackle sandlot games in the evening and weekends. i remember neighborhoods in ironton, playing each other for bragging rights, turkey bowls. and the like. never was much on basketball. i liked to shoot, but frankly, was just too short. IN GYM CLASS IT ALWAYS CAME DOWN TO ME, AND THE GIRL ON THE IRON LUNG MACHINE. -------------------- DANG I HATED ALWAYS GOING LAST :oops: :oops: :oops: :oops: :oops: but back then every day. we were swimming , riding bikes, lifting weights, climbing the hills and floodwalls of ironton. heck our playground, at least in the hood. i lived in was bb gun battles on the hills by 52. could not shoot somebody above the waist, no pellets and no more than 5 pumps. you get shot by a crossman 760 powermaster point blank , in the woods with a daisy bb. walking up to close to the other team. we were tough, buddy. we removed our own bb's after the battle was over from our flesh, with our boy scout knifes. them was the good old days, BABY. :122245 :122245 :122245 YOU KNOW WHAT I'M TALKIN ABOUT. and fishin every day. hoppin trains to get from one end of town to the other to fish, jumping off as you got close, without trying to break your pole, or dump your worms you dug up. and hoping your clip held on your tackle box. being 12 years old carrying your jon boat full of fishing equipment down to the swamp on 650. so you could fish. i miss that , i really do. we went from daylight till dark. very seldom ever eating or drinking. loved te 60's and 70's.

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Re: First day of two adays, see if they head to the gym

Post by biggdowgg »

WOW...hope no kids get any ideas from that post :122246 :122246 .

no wonder you are like , you are :razz:

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Re: First day of two adays, see if they head to the gym

Post by baseballfanatic »

As far as, was it tougher, "back in the day" I don't think so, you still have to go to practice and you are still expected to compete, just like "back in the day", the thing I see is these coaches want "their" players all year long, if you are an athlete it is not going to happen, because you play something different all year long. If you want to play then you came to prove it to the coaches( not a problem), but the problem I see is that these coaches and schools can't be like they were "back in the day" or most would receive a lawsuit because their kid got yelled, or punched, or grabbed, or the coach made him/her run when they were too tired, that is where the problem is with the kids, they are to protected( from REAL LIFE SITUATIONS ).

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Re: First day of two adays, see if they head to the gym

Post by FarAwayFalcon »

I agree, if someone has attended all the summer workouts they will be fine, if not, they have cheated themself and the team. As far as being tougher in "the good ole days", there's a difference between tough and stupid(no offense). Some things that went on back then would have a coach fired in no time. And you can't argue that teams are bigger, faster, and stronger than ever, must be all the steroids in cows milk these days :-D

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Re: First day of two adays, see if they head to the gym

Post by Bleeding Red »

14U wrote:I agree dave...Back in the day teams practiced for 3 hours and had 2 and 3 day practices in the summer heat. It was suck it up get a drink and get back here. You never saw kids falling out like these days and you never had the internet, play station,wii, you had outside homerun derby, basketball(and had to wait your turn)and mostly outside when you woke up until you went to bed. I also think fast food has something to do with it. I remember moms fixed all our food and it was good for you, not the grease that most parents send their kids to eat. Mosted parents both work these days where mosted didn't back years.

That is a good post. Very good points.

When I played in the early to mid 90's we had our 2 a days in the dead of heat.....between 3-7pm. I saw one person overheat, after a 30 minute water break he was ok to sit on the sideline the rest of practice.

Drive around the neighborhoods in the summer. You dont see kids playing outside. They are all indoors playing video games. We used to play football, baseball, basketball, etc., all summer long.

I think that combined with the food they eat is the difference.

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Re: First day of two adays, see if they head to the gym

Post by FarAwayFalcon »

Bleeding Red wrote:
14U wrote:I agree dave...Back in the day teams practiced for 3 hours and had 2 and 3 day practices in the summer heat. It was suck it up get a drink and get back here. You never saw kids falling out like these days and you never had the internet, play station,wii, you had outside homerun derby, basketball(and had to wait your turn)and mostly outside when you woke up until you went to bed. I also think fast food has something to do with it. I remember moms fixed all our food and it was good for you, not the grease that most parents send their kids to eat. Mosted parents both work these days where mosted didn't back years.

That is a good post. Very good points.

When I played in the early to mid 90's we had our 2 a days in the dead of heat.....between 3-7pm. I saw one person overheat, after a 30 minute water break he was ok to sit on the sideline the rest of practice.

Drive around the neighborhoods in the summer. You dont see kids playing outside. They are all indoors playing video games. We used to play football, baseball, basketball, etc., all summer long.

I think that combined with the food they eat is the difference.

This is all true, I also think that the location of a school can affect this too. For example, a more rural district with no fast food restraunts and the only thing to do is play outside with other people would be more in shape to start with. Whereas a city distrcit where the kids may just stay inside all day and grab a fast food lunch would be less in shape. But really if a kid has put in the time since january like they should have then they should be more than in shape enough to practice in the heat.

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Re: First day of two adays, see if they head to the gym

Post by falconflyer »

Lf your team is not in good shape going into two a days, your coaches have not done their off season job.

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Re: First day of two adays, see if they head to the gym

Post by caglewis »

Heat stroke and muscle cramping are much less about "conditioning" and more about "fluid and electrolyte balance". It is a physiological medical problem, not a matter of "toughness". Recognition of that fact is what led to the "invention" of Gatorade by the Florida team, and what has led to rules regarding hydration breaks for all athletes. That is a GOOD thing! It's the same reasoning that led to use of shoulder pads and helmets for protection of players.
Calling it "weakness" is like calling diabetes or asthma a "weakness" that can or should be just "toughed out" or a matter of lack of "will power".
Organized athletic participation/competition - called "fun" - should never pose potentially life-threatening risk - particularly at the high school level!

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Re: First day of two adays, see if they head to the gym

Post by tigermama »

caglewis wrote:Heat stroke and muscle cramping are much less about "conditioning" and more about "fluid and electrolyte balance". It is a physiological medical problem, not a matter of "toughness". Recognition of that fact is what led to the "invention" of Gatorade by the Florida team, and what has led to rules regarding hydration breaks for all athletes. That is a GOOD thing! It's the same reasoning that led to use of shoulder pads and helmets for protection of players.
Calling it "weakness" is like calling diabetes or asthma a "weakness" that can or should be just "toughed out" or a matter of lack of "will power".
Organized athletic participation/competition - called "fun" - should never pose potentially life-threatening risk - particularly at the high school level!

Absolutely correct! There have been players die from these complications.

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Re: First day of two adays, see if they head to the gym

Post by IronTigerMum »

Thank you cag and tigermama. This is such a dead horse. There were four kids that cramped that game. MOST kids who DO cramp up either are overweight (one was) or have very little body fat (three did). I did a lot of research when mine had problems and talked to doctors, nurses, etc. The bagboy wasn't one to sit around and play video games all his life. He was active, very active. He still is. I'm so tired of him being accused of 'faking'. That's why I had to nurse him the whole weekend after that game maybe?? There were a couple of factors that contributed to this that I won't go into on here, but, they were NOT fake. Let it go and let's get on with this season. I'm sure both teams are working hard and preparing for this first game, it's always a classic! I'm looking forward to it as many others are.

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