PDT Coverage

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Re: PDT Coverage

Post by The Riepo Man »

What you have said is true but the least they could do is check for grammar errors. The occasional mistake is fine but when you cant spell simple words or write a line that makes some sense most of the time then it is sad.

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Re: PDT Coverage

Post by kahn »

in the 2 years i worked there I dont recall a single friday night we got all the games covered. And. as I said, they're clearly down right now so you have 2 choices. Give them some time to learn, they are new, or apply for a job and do better yourselves.

Or whine and complain. Give 'em a break is all I'm saying. Not a free pass, but just a break.

As for grammar and spelling errors, feel free to rack them on that. That should never happen on a large scale.

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Re: PDT Coverage

Post by Burg_Grad_77 »

Are you guys actually demanding the PDT cover EVERY GAME? They have a 3 or maybe 4 man staff. One guy has to stay at the office to do the layout and take calls. That means they can cover three games max, maybe 4 if they get a good stringer. The PDT covers a bunch of teams so not everyone can be covered every week.

No, we don't expect them to actually have a reporter at every game to cover it. We all know that is impossible. They need to pick the best games of the week and cover those. The thing most people are complaining about is the lack of anything on the other games going on around the area. In the past there was always the three or four major games on the front page that were covered by the reporters and then a roundup of the other games that were called in by the coaching staff and that is what is missing. You won't convince me that all of a sudden these coaches aren't calling in these games results when they have been doing it for years, so that leads me to believe that the problem is on the PDT end.

Look at this Dispatch or Cincinnati Enquirer, neither cover every single HS football game and they have larger staffs, more resources and people whose only job is to man the phones.

And both of these cities have hundreds of high school teams in their area and would be impossible to cover. We are talkng about 11 teams in both levels of the SOC and then 3 more if you include Porstmouth, Ironton, and Piketon. Since Ironton has their own paper you could leave that one out. So you are looking at 14 teams to get reports on. I would think 4 guys could do that if they worked at it.

in the 2 years i worked there I dont recall a single friday night we got all the games covered. And. as I said, they're clearly down right now so you have 2 choices. Give them some time to learn, they are new, or apply for a job and do better yourselves.

I think you are wrong. I can recall numerous Saturdays over the past few years when every local game had a write up in the PDT.

As for grammar and spelling errors, feel free to rack them on that. That should never happen on a large scale.

Yeah, these are getting out of hand. Whats really bad is when they get the headlines wrong. I have seen numerous headlines were the score doesn't match, the winner doesn't match, and once when the headline had absolutely nothing to do with the story. That is inexcusable. One word for the PDT staff, PROOFREAD

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Re: PDT Coverage

Post by seven40 »

drrabbit wrote:>> These photographers give them free of charge--in some cases to get their website noticed--but mostly for the kids to get their pictures in the paper.

I 'resemble' that remark :lol:

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Re: PDT Coverage


Nice post BG77.

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Re: PDT Coverage

Post by sportsfan_1959 »

There is a third choice: stop my subscription.

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Re: PDT Coverage

Post by Syntax »

Give me a break. Anyone who defends that trash heap of journalism is delusional, blindly loyal, or being paid to defend it.

I would even be happy if one of the employees involved met me on the street and said, "look, man. I don't get paid hardly anything. I'm not going to break my back and overachieve for minimum wage. Proofreading takes forever, and I just want to go home on Friday nights." That would at least explain what we see (or don't see) when we open the paper.

I agree; Kahn left out the option of canceling subscriptions. At this point, I wonder if the Times has plans to become completely online. Think about it: it explains a lot. It is clear that the paper version has been led into the forest to die...

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Re: PDT Coverage

Post by loganlocos »

Can anyone get me stats from the Portsmouth/P. West game? Got the story from the PDT times website but the box score did not get printed.

I just need individual stats (rushing, passing, receiving) and who score the TDs (and EX pts)

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Re: PDT Coverage

Post by biggdowgg »


sorry man, couldnt get close the the radio guy last week...

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Re: PDT Coverage

Post by DaRecGuy »

What about preview articles for local games running through the week, what is the excuse for not doing any of those? I understand there are deadlines but they need to be reasonable. The bottomline is that the PDT has NO competition so they put up a lacklaster performance and probably don't pay their employees good, that is why they have suck a high turnover. I think it starts with the administration there and thats what someone needs to "proofread!"

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Re: PDT Coverage

Post by Bleeding Red »

Scioto Voice is putting together a great paper. How is it that they can put together, in my opinion, a much better paper when they dont have near the staff of the PDT? It is because they care.

I dont care if all of the PDT people make minumum wage, $10 an hour or $20 an hour. Their job is to put together a paper that their readers will not only buy, but enjoy. If they dont want to do it, or cant do it, then who cares what they are paid because the job is not getting done.

FIDO is right- if you dont like it, dont buy it. Hurt their bottom line and they may listen.

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Re: PDT Coverage

Post by Portsmouth98 »

There was a decent article in Today's issue of the Times. I think they are getting a little better, but I'm still preferring the Voice so far this season.

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Re: PDT Coverage

Post by Portsmouth98 »

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Re: PDT Coverage

Post by bushmaster24 »

Who brought this to the FALCONS attention was it the family ,or was it a local school, the paper this morning reads . MINFORD WAITS FOR ELIGIBILITY.. but MINFORD did do the rght thing. i would say every A.D. is double checking every transfer in the school in this area...

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Re: PDT Coverage

Post by crab_apple4 »

Last Saturday I woke up went to the store to pick up breakfast and a paper, only to find there was no coverage on the majority of Friday night's games.

And like others have said, in the past there was at least a couple of lines and a boxscore on EVERY local game. How did the PDT manage to cover games better in the past? Was the staff that much bigger? I don't know the answers. All I know is I always enjoyed waking up on Saturday a.m., drinking my coffee, and reading about Friday night's games. I get all of my information on here or JJ these days.


I know I'm a homer on this subject but I think that SSU needs to be covered. It's a a growing State University and there are quite a few local kids playing various sports there. I think that it's a good recruiting tool for the athletic teams. Now, I do agree that there doesn't always need to be a big write-up but I think that the University is a big deal and it deserves to be covered.

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Re: PDT Coverage

Post by sportsfan_1959 »

I think SSU should get some coverage. Just not the majority of the coverage. The reason: SSU does not account for the majority of subscriptions to PDT. I would also guess SSU is not the biggest advertiser - SOMC I would think. However, I too would like to read about the local athletes at SSU.

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Re: PDT Coverage

Post by RogueWarrior1965 »

bushmaster24 wrote:Who brought this to the FALCONS attention was it the family ,or was it a local school, the paper this morning reads . MINFORD WAITS FOR ELIGIBILITY.. but MINFORD did do the rght thing. i would say every A.D. is double checking every transfer in the school in this area...

NICE to see the PDT cover this but they cannot cover the games. :roll: How about maybe actually covering the Minford game this week and actually have stats, a narrative summary of the game, etc. Two weeks in a row with next to nothing.

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Re: PDT Coverage

Post by Portsmouth98 »

This does suck some, I always kept Portsmouth's stats updated on here, not going to happen this year.

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Re: PDT Coverage

Post by Trojan Spirit 76 »

Well once again this week...no Game Day due to a Technical Difficulty..how many times can the subscribers be apologized to, and be expected to forgive. Guess the staff at the Times doesnt really realize how important High School Football is to the people in this area...I mean what else is there to do around here on Friday nights. At least my Trojans have been getting fair coverage so far....but then too we havent played outside of Scioto County yet.....If I had a Son playing at some of the county schools that havent been covered I would be plenty mad....as these kids work their butts off and deserve to be covered. Picked up a Scioto Voice yesterday....Wow ...what a great job. Thanks Scioto Voice Staff

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