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Post by Boonedawg »

I've got a problem, my son is in 8th grade his coaches are using the same playbook as the H.S......running the spread.(ugh!)
I've coached these kids for 5 years of youth football they were taught hard nosed buckeye style football. I had these kids tuned up right hell, my boys while 6th graders pounded the snot out of the then 8 th graders. we ran a power run O. T and I 2 tight ends. I had the boys pushing the old H.S. sled 200 yards a day in 10 yard increments. probably 50 to 100 push-ups and grass drills a day. I spread this out over all practice you know the deal miss a block give me 10, defense gives up a first down, offense fails to get a 1st down give me 10 type of deal. While it was pretty tough I always made sure that they all were having fun and never asked more than what I thought they were capable of. I always taught them to play ferocious, but always be a good sport win or lose. Play hard but play clean. I always made sure that the kids believed in themselves and their teammates and they rewarded me 10 fold. They only lost 2 games in 5 years.

Now fast forward 2 years, the 2 goofs they have as school coaches are telling the kids that they shouldn't expect to win all their games. They don't push a sled, they only hand block, they never do push-ups or sit up's or grass drills. they never finish a tackle during practice and only go half speed 90% of the time. They have NO WEIGHTLIFTING in Jr. high and probably only 3-4 kids in the H.S. program lift. The H.S. coach went 2-7 last year and his D gave up an ave of 31 pts a game. I want to just absolutely go postal on these guys. I am however biting my tongue. I've already put in an application for the head coaching job but don't see this happening because I'm diametrically opposed to the whole system they have going on now. I'm really sickened by this the kids are great, I love those young fellas like my own son. I am sick to death of watching these moron coaches teach flawed technique and not get the boys in shape. I see it as a safety issue but I think they see it as a waste of their valuable time to have to supervise the boys in the weight room.

Any Ideas on what I should do or ways to get my ideas across without being like "one of those dads". I don't want my son punished for me speaking out, but gawl darn it's so hard when you see coaches not doing whats best for the kids.

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Re: Advice?

Post by JohnKnight »

Move to Ironton!
I am dead SERIOUS!

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Re: Advice?

Post by Westfan »

buy a house in West Portsmouth and let him play for coach. Your problems will be solved.

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Re: Advice?

Post by Boonedawg »

I would move to West in a heartbeat. I know coach T get's it, I played for him his first 2 years as a head coach. I would let him play for Ironton as well but it's a 2800 mile move. I'm not so hot on moving back there, I like it better here so I guess that isn't really an option.
I don't have any credentials or work for the school district, but that doesn't really mean that I couldn't go get any certification needed. I don't think their current head coach is a football guy to begin with. I am confident in my methods and knowledge of the game. My dilemma is that my oldest is a junior this year and I don't want to take her away from her friends.

Academically the school is a good one. Football wise they are huring for sure. the last "good " coach we had here ended up fired and going to jail for banging a student. They just hired this guy as an interm guy and haven't put any thought into another coach.

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Re: Advice?

Post by Boonedawg »

Yes there are 2 other schools in the is our bitter rival though....I'd rather the kid go play friggin golf than play at Aberdeen. :lol: :lol: :lol:

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Re: Advice?

Post by Boonedawg »

What am i looking at to be certified? I know it's diffrent in diffrent states but give me an idea.

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Re: Advice?

Post by Boonedawg »

No, Washington state.

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Re: Advice?

Post by Highway_girl »

Boonedawg wrote:What am i looking at to be certified? I know it's diffrent in diffrent states but give me an idea.

I'm assuming you mean to become certified as a teacher since most schools offer jobs to teaching staff before the public. Does your son attend a public school or a private one? Since requirements may be different depending on this.

Washington state teacher certification requirements:

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Re: Advice?

Post by Boonedawg »

No im not looking for teachers cert. just coaching....i've found what I'm needing for certification.

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Re: Advice?

Post by ManitouDan »

givem' heck boonie --good luck buddy ! MD

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Re: Advice?

Post by Boonedawg »

I'm just sick of seeing these kids who loved banging heads and always were smiling and proud now just going through the motions. I know 4-5 of the most motivated kids I coached 2 years ago are losing their fire. I can see this stuff but the ones coaching them can't they didn't know these kids the past 7 years. The ones I talk too all tell me "it's not the same and we wish you were still our coach." How can I NOT at least try and do what I can to get these kids pointed back in the right direction?

If I just pick up and move my kid then I'm letting the rest down, these kids formed some pretty strong bonds playing sports together the past few years. I think it's not to late to turn this whole mess around.

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Re: Advice?

Post by Boonedawg »

Thanks for the positive comment there pardner.

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Re: Advice?

Post by earp »

I feel youre pain brother!Sounds like some more of what I call "Dr.Phil Football"!The thing I heard most that really upsets me is the coach saying"Dont expect to win every game"! What the crap is that? :roll:
Last edited by earp on Tue Sep 09, 2008 12:40 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: Advice?

Post by Regulator »

Support the coaches, support the players, support the school system. Quit bellyaching about what you did with these kids when they were in grade school. Have you tried volunteering? Have you tried talking to the coach? Have you tried anything positive?

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Re: Advice?

Post by madpolecat »

I know that if there is a bright shining center of the universe, we are definitely on the planet farthest from it.

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Re: Advice?

Post by Boonedawg »

Boonedawg wrote:Thanks for the positive comment there pardner.

You did ask for advice, not positive affirmations. My advice is to realize that there are millions of planets in the universe, and at some point there is a center. That center isn't YOU. These coaches play a different style than you, they appear to face tougher competition than you(thus not rolling to victory in every game. I tell the kids not expect an easy win all the time, they should EARN those. Don't under estimate the ability of a junior high boy to foul up the message), and your kids are having trouble adjusting to their style. That doesn't mean they are wrong. You getting involved is wrong. You assuming that you alone hold the key to their salvation is remarkably arrogant. Get the job, volunteer to help, or shut up. All you can do is create problems for "your boys" by getting your nose in where it doesn't belong. It's not your responsibility to save these kids.

Nobody said anything about expecting an easy win. However a coach must at the very least try and foster a sense of pride and lay a foundation for success.

Let me ask you this, do you think a weightlifting program is necessary to be a competitive program and to help protect from injuries? How about physical fitness? Running 5 20's and stretching out then walking through plays for 30 minutes....does that constitute getting in football shape?

I don't underestimate the fact that I've had 4 boys tell me the same exact thing about what these guys said, verbatim at different times. I do believe that they heard correctly. I am going to do what it takes to get the job and I will not shut up when I see careless disregard for the safety of kids.

I think you are confusing genuine concern for the kids for arrogance. I realise you don't personally know me, so you don't know the situation nor do you know this group of kids.

I would have no problem at all with their system even though I am no huge fan of running the spread, if they were preparing the kids to physically handle the game. It IS my responsibility to see to the welfare of my son.

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