Christian Singer Admits He Is Gay.

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Christian Singer Admits He Is Gay.

Post by alabama mike »

:( I am very sad to hear this. ... /13258.cfm

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Re: Christian Singer Admits He Is Gay.

Post by ItownHosscat »


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Re: Christian Singer Admits He Is Gay.

Post by moose »

Now, more than ever, we need to stand behind our Brother. :(

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Re: Christian Singer Admits He Is Gay.

Post by godsgeneral »


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Re: Christian Singer Admits He Is Gay.

Post by moose »

I was suspicious after his latest single "Shall We Gather At The Ribber?"

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Re: Christian Singer Admits He Is Gay.

Post by Bassmaster »

The good news is that God can deliver him from his sin.

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Re: Christian Singer Admits He Is Gay.

Post by Der_Kommissar1968 »

Bassmaster wrote:The good news is that God can deliver him from his sin.

Sin? What sin? Never heard of this guy, but he's gay . . . so big flippin deal. Maybe you should spend more time worrying about your own deliverance instead of deciding who all the sinners are that need help. Geez, I can't believe that people still get uptight over this.

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Re: Christian Singer Admits He Is Gay.

Post by godsgeneral »

Der_Kommissar1968 wrote:
Bassmaster wrote:The good news is that God can deliver him from his sin.

Sin? What sin? Never heard of this guy, but he's gay . . . so big flippin deal. Maybe you should spend more time worrying about your own deliverance instead of deciding who all the sinners are that need help. Geez, I can't believe that people still get uptight over this.

You shouldn't take it personal.

If someone wants to pray for Ray Boltz what is it to you?

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Re: Christian Singer Admits He Is Gay.

Post by Der_Kommissar1968 »

I'm not taking it personally. It seems to me that when someone gets depressed over the fact that some guy comes out of the closet, that person is taking it personally.

And I'd be willing to be that if you told this Ray Boltz guy that you were praying for him because he's gay, he'd probably say "thanks, but I don't need it done."

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Re: Christian Singer Admits He Is Gay.

Post by someoverkill »

If you believe that the Holy Bible is indeed God's Holy Word to us, there is no debate here. If you do not believe in the Bible, you will not agree with or understand those who do.

This is a very simple case. First and foremost, I think all Christian's who believe in the Holy Bible, should indeed pray for Ray Boltz.
Now, in my opinion, this is simply a man who has justified his sin. Saying "God made me gay." Is an easy way of saying, I have had lust in my heart for another man, who is not my spouse, and I want to have a relationship with him. This is no different than any other sin. If I really want to have sex with my firends wife and i let that consume me for 25 years (Bolltz says he has had these feelings and acted upon them since he was 30)I will come to the jusification that "God told me to have sex with my friends wife."
Many Christians think homosexuality is somehow a bigger sin thatn others. That is crazy. I believe all churches should welcome sinners into their congregation. However, unlike the 2 congregations that Ray Boltz has now become associated with, those congregations should not excuse away homosexuality.
Lust for another and having sex outside of marriage is a sin (again, if you believe the Bible). Where do we draw the line here as "accepting Christians." If you believe in the Holy Bible, it is ALWAYS wrong to have sex outside of marriage. It is also always wrong to commit adultery. So i am supposed to believe that God not only told Ray Boltz to leave his wife for another man, but also his 3 kids? I don't believe that God would ever tell a man or a woman to have sex with someone other than your spouse. Someone or something told Mr Boltz to do this. As a matter of fact, this someone has been working on him for over 30 years. The sad truth is, Mr Boltz gave in to that someone and it was not God. Mr Boltz has found a group that will help him justify his sin. It must be a load off of his mind. I just hope for his sake that the group he is now following, is right. Because if the Holy Bible is correct, he may have some "long term" problems.
Rebut away, but remember I make my comments because I believe in the Holy Bible. If you don't, this certainly will not fit your concept of Christianity.

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Re: Christian Singer Admits He Is Gay.

Post by Bassmaster »

Der_Kommissar1968 wrote:
Bassmaster wrote:The good news is that God can deliver him from his sin.

Sin? What sin? Never heard of this guy, but he's gay . . . so big flippin deal. Maybe you should spend more time worrying about your own deliverance instead of deciding who all the sinners are that need help. Geez, I can't believe that people still get uptight over this.

Maybe you should read the 1st chapter of Romans and get back with me.......on the other hand you probably wouldn't get it :!: :lol:

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Re: Christian Singer Admits He Is Gay.

Post by Der_Kommissar1968 »

Nicely articulated Overkill. While I'll continue to disagree with you over such issues and vice versa, minds have been made up, and there's no point in beating a dead horse. I'll just leave it at that. But again, nicely put.

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Re: Christian Singer Admits He Is Gay.

Post by Bassmaster »

Back to Romans chapter 1. If God had meant for 2 men or 2 women to lay together He would have made a way for them to reproduce naturally. ;-)

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Re: Christian Singer Admits He Is Gay.

Post by Der_Kommissar1968 »

Bassmaster wrote:Back to Romans chapter 1. If God had meant for 2 men or 2 women to lay together He would have made a way for them to reproduce naturally. ;-)

Sorry, but your logic doesn't compute. It's like the old saying, if God wanted us to fly, he would have given us wings. Following your logic, flying in an airplane is a sin. You can get strange results with your logic all day long. Anyway, I'll just leave it alone. No one's mind is changing. We just disagree.

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Re: Christian Singer Admits He Is Gay.

Post by Bassmaster »

Sorry but it's not my's his word. ;-)

God's Wrath Against Mankind
18The wrath of God is being revealed from heaven against all the godlessness and wickedness of men who suppress the truth by their wickedness, 19since what may be known about God is plain to them, because God has made it plain to them. 20For since the creation of the world God's invisible qualities—his eternal power and divine nature—have been clearly seen, being understood from what has been made, so that men are without excuse.
21For although they knew God, they neither glorified him as God nor gave thanks to him, but their thinking became futile and their foolish hearts were darkened. 22Although they claimed to be wise, they became fools 23and exchanged the glory of the immortal God for images made to look like mortal man and birds and animals and reptiles.

24Therefore God gave them over in the sinful desires of their hearts to sexual impurity for the degrading of their bodies with one another. 25They exchanged the truth of God for a lie, and worshiped and served created things rather than the Creator—who is forever praised. Amen.

26Because of this, God gave them over to shameful lusts. Even their women exchanged natural relations for unnatural ones. 27In the same way the men also abandoned natural relations with women and were inflamed with lust for one another. Men committed indecent acts with other men, and received in themselves the due penalty for their perversion.

28Furthermore, since they did not think it worthwhile to retain the knowledge of God, he gave them over to a depraved mind, to do what ought not to be done. 29They have become filled with every kind of wickedness, evil, greed and depravity. They are full of envy, murder, strife, deceit and malice. They are gossips, 30slanderers, God-haters, insolent, arrogant and boastful; they invent ways of doing evil; they disobey their parents; 31they are senseless, faithless, heartless, ruthless. 32Although they know God's righteous decree that those who do such things deserve death, they not only continue to do these very things but also approve of those who practice them.

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Re: Christian Singer Admits He Is Gay.

Post by godsgeneral »

That is the great thing about free will. We all get to believe whatever we wish to believe. And hopefully we can respect each other while discussing topics such as these. If you are a believer, you understand that Corinthians states very clearly that adulterers, fornicators, homosexuals, drunkards, extortioners, etc will not inherit the kingdom of God. Ray Boltz has been one of Christian music's top performers and a national example of the Christian standard for many years. I certainly hope noone is judging him since we all have our failures. However, it is one thing to struggle with a certain "sin", trying to overcome, but another to re-define scripture to make it fit into one's lifestyle choices.

Most states, when America was founded, had anti-sodomy laws preventing homosexual behaviors, etc. As of 2003, they have all been repealed because some individuals believe it is every man/woman's right to do what they want with each other sexually as long as both consent. Does that make it right? Depends on your ethics I suppose. We can change the laws to fit our lifestyles all we want but, I believe what Bassmaster is trying to say is that God is not changing His mind about His laws. We can live with, be conditioned to allow, or be persuaded to accept, homosexual behavior, drunkeness, gambling, extortion, adultery, etc. After all, it's a free country and we have free will. Believers don't think God has changed His mind about His rules for eternal life. Hence the prayers for a possibly 'confused' brother.

You may not agree, but that's your business.

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Re: Christian Singer Admits He Is Gay.

Post by Der_Kommissar1968 »

General, it's much easier to respect someone's opinion when they state it in a more civil manner like you and Overkill have done. But it's much more difficult to leave a topic alone when you have someone quoting scripture that makes it clear that in his world, people who engage in homosexual activity deserve death. It makes it all the more difficult to take that person seriously when the same scripture he quotes and relies upon as authority states clearly that slanderers, gossipers, people who disobey their parents, and boastful and arrogant people deserve death. A person like that can't even agree to disagree.

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Re: Christian Singer Admits He Is Gay.

Post by Bassmaster »

The wages of sin is death. You can twist it around any way you want but it's still God's word. He says He never changes nor does His word. Read em and weep :!: Sorry it's not working for you.

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Re: Christian Singer Admits He Is Gay.

Post by Der_Kommissar1968 »

I understand clearly. I think it's you who has things very twisted.

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Re: Christian Singer Admits He Is Gay.

Post by Bassmaster »

I think not. I didn't write the book, I just try to follow what He wrote. If you have issue with that you can either take it up with the author or go your own way. God doesn't force anyone to do anything. He clearly states in His word how He feels about sexual sin. It's your can either ride the poop chute express or get on the soul train :!: :lol:

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