"What I call a TRUE player is one that was born in the school system they are playing in. A few years back there was ONLY Alexander player on the team and they were winning. Agreed!!!! But how many kids are at Alex now who "transfered" that are playing on the Varsity team. Several!!!!! What was wrong with the talent that the Alexander students had. They got pushed aside for the NEW Alexander students. Its just a shame. There is much talent at Alexander High School that will never be known because of the transfers who came from Aleta Aces program"
off the top of my head i can remember names like Tiffany Thomas, Brandie Hart that moved from other schools. I may be wrong but am pretty sure that Elizabeth LaPorte wasnt born in the alexander district. Those are only the ones i can recall imediately ! so your first comment is totally false about "a few years ago." secondly Aleta aces has been the only club in our area for several years until this year so if kids played club they would of had to play for the Aleta. as for the "looks good in Red and Black" i have probably heard that most often from coach Gabriel, but hey those are the facts you do what you want to with them.
good day... remember...you cant live without H2O