all-time athlete wrote:well that is true....and as much as i hate to admit it and i mean really HATE to admit it you're right soccerfix!! in fact i have a lot of friends from waverly i was just trying to state that they do have some pretty heated games and i got a little carried away in my thinking just trying to win the argument.... and im admitting that i was wrong!
CoachClaytor wrote:As far the the SOC 1 goes, it has to be Eastern-Western..I may be a little partial, but as said before, the gyms are always packed when these two teams play.
How about a couple years back when these two teams battled it out in the Holiday Tourney. Then later in the year, they had to play again at Eastern with the SOC title on the line. That place was packed and crazy.
oh my, crazy was not the word for it! the holiday tourney when it went into 2 OTs... i just about died of a heart attack! wasnt that the year when the rumor about eastern fans getting all the tickets so that western couldnt get into the gym later in the season?
Commenting from years gone by, East/Green rivalry in the early '80's was born from, I believe, Jr. Hoppy blaming Hughes for Sr. Hoppy's retirement after Sr. thought Green had recruited some kid from PHS. Can't remember the kids name (minimal talent from PHS kid affirms accusations baseless) but nevertheless, tensions ensued. GHS/SW was great rivalry (TCL) until SW went to SOC II. Anyone Eastern Pike played after they joined SOC I was a rivalry in the '80's. Eastern/Pebbles match up was ALWAYS fierce when Cantrell and Meyers were at the helm. (Pick any team) vs, 'Burg was a rivalry in SOC II due to 'Burgs dominance then and today. I long for the days when 'Burg and PHS matched up during the regular season, what EPIC BATTLES they had. SW had a 3 year run in '03-'06 in SOC II but now are where they usually are, bottom of the heap. Jeeps never learned to win with class, hence the animosity from other schools. Minford/Valley always intense due to proximity of each other. PHS/I-town had absolute wars between each other for years. Sadly, few exist today.