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Re: seoal

Post by otterslide »

Keep an eye out for Garret Kerr at 112 he is good.

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Re: seoal

Post by noreply66 »

Mighty Mighty Devils wrote:so what is everyone's thoughts on the league now that we are halfway thru the season? how many teams will be at the league this year?

I would say it is between Chillicothe and Gallipolis

1 Gallipolis
2 Chillicothe
3 Logan
4 Marietta
5 Warren
6 Jackson


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Re: seoal

Post by jbws7 »

so whats mariettas lineup this year

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Re: seoal

Post by logan78 »

whats logans line up?

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Re: seoal

Post by noreply66 »

It is hard to say what Logan's line up is. I don't think they have had a complete team yet.

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Re: seoal

Post by Logan_Wrestler »

Any Guesses on individual placing for each weight class?

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Re: seoal

Post by Mighty Mighty Devils »

well today is the day let's see how earlier season predictions work out good luck today to all

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Re: seoal

Post by Fun in the Sun »

Gallia Academy 1st place
Logan 2 nd place
Marietta 3rd

Top 3 today

Final .................

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Re: seoal

Post by Keyser_sozeThrice »

Final team scores from today's SEOAL meet at Jackson High School:

Champion — Gallia Academy 128
2nd — Logan 116
3rd — Marietta 99
4th — Chillicothe 55
5th — Warren 46
6th — Jackson 42

Most Valuable Wrestler was Jared Gravely of Gallia Academy at 215 pounds

League champions

103 Alex Rose Logan

112 Eric Rogers Logan

119 Garrett Kerr Marietta

125 Knute Bonner Chillicothe

130 Matt Watts Gallia Academy

135 Justin Hasley Marietta

140 Scott Tebay Marietta

145 Nate Hupp Marietta

152 Kyle Bays Gallia Academy

160 Zach McDaniel Logan

171 Clint Saunders Gallia Academy

189 Justyn Rohr Warren

215 Jared Gravely Gallia Academy

285 Danny Demick Chillicothe

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Re: seoal

Post by tric118 »

Congrats to coach Wright on your League Championship. Job well done. Logan must have wrestled well as a team to finish 2nd. And as always glad to see Nate Hupp win a title.

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Re: seoal

Post by LoveSponge425 »

Warren did a good job. Bays wrestled good beating Dunfee in the finals. I think Dunfee is going to stay at 152. Is his chances at going to State better at 152? Congrads to Gallia. The Gallia boys made a good showing in the championship round.

A lot of delays during the day. Not sure who was running to tournament, Logans Coach or Jackson? What kind of team scoring was used? Warren's coach said it was all screwed-up.

Good Luck to all teams at the Sectional next week.

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Re: seoal

Post by schenk11 »

Completely ridiculous to not include bonus points (pins, tech falls, etc) and advancement points in the team scoring. If you can't run a tournament well enough to score it correctly, you should not be hosting the league tournament. And yes I am biased, but it probably cost Marietta 2nd place.

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Re: seoal

Post by wrestlefan1 »

they didnt award bonus points last year either..i think chilli would have made it real interesting last year if they did..

the schools can run it how they want i guess. I have a big problem with rushing thrugh the awards and not giving the kids any recognition because of a 7th place girls bball game..

these wrestlers worked hard all year and to give them nothing is a major slap in the face to everyone who considered winning/placing in the seoal something special

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Re: seoal

Post by Mighty Mighty Devils »

I agree with the rushing thru the awards there should have been nothing else going on in the gym that day but the league tourney that is a gymnasium not a basketball court a place for all sports none should have to take a back seat or rush thru to satisfy the other. I am still amazed at how nice jackson school is something to really be proud of . I thought gallia helping jackson roll up their mats afterwards was a great show of sportsmanship between two rivals schools. I was talking to a jackson dad after the meet we were talking about what a great freshmen class this was in the league this year with several placing and at least one that I know of winning his weight class. all in all it's been a great season that I hate to see end. congrads to the Blue Devils on fine season and championship
good luck next week

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Re: seoal

Post by jottings »

Congrats, Blue Devils. I've contacted Craig Dunn of the Logan Daily news for a list of previous champions. I think this is Gallia Academy's fourth or fifth SEOAL wrestling title.

PS--Hope the local paper gets an article of the event in Monday's paper. Sports writer said he got the info from Jackson today. Congrats also goes to River Valley for winning the OVC wrestling crown.

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Re: seoal

Post by schenk11 »

wrestlefan1 wrote:schenck11..
they didnt award bonus points last year either..i think chilli would have made it real interesting last year if they did..

the schools can run it how they want i guess. I have a big problem with rushing thrugh the awards and not giving the kids any recognition because of a 7th place girls bball game..

these wrestlers worked hard all year and to give them nothing is a major slap in the face to everyone who considered winning/placing in the seoal something special

I coached in the league for years, I know that the hosting school can run it however they want to. I still think (IMHO) it is ridiculous to not count bonus points in a bracket tournament. It is conceivable that you have an entire team of individuals to go 1-2 in a tournament and the team score no points.

It is also possible that the 4th place wrestler only earns his team 4 points. When he could have have two pins, advancement in championship bracket and consolation bracket and possibly score 7 bonus points along the way on top of the 4.

A 3rd place finisher earns his team 7 points. When he could have have two pins, advancement in championship bracket and consolation bracket and possibly score 9 bonus points along the way on top of the 7.

You are not giving a team any reward for having kids that win a match and don't place, or having kids who have pins, tech falls, or major decisions along the way. If you are not allowing all kids on a roster to contribute to the team score, IMHO it is not a true team championship.

That being said, I am not taking anything away from Gallia, they would have won the tournament no matter what. Coach Wright is a great guy and has done a great job at his school and this was a well deserved championship for his program.

Not counting bonus points and only awarding placements points is a taking the "easy way out" when it comes to running a tournament.

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Re: seoal

Post by jottings »

Gallipolis title fourth in school's history

According to Craig Dunn, sports editor of the Logan Daily news, this was Gallipolis' fourth SEOAL wrestling title.

Previous GAHS title were won in 1981, 1991, and 2004.

Logan owns eight league titles, Warren Local eight, Athens five, Gallipolis four, Marietta four, Pt. Pleasant three, Jackson one and Ironton one.

Here’s a liist of 34 loop champions:


2009 Gallipolis
2008 Athens
2007 Warren
2006 Logan
2005 Marietta
2004 Gallipolis
2003 Warren
2002 Marietta
2001 Point Pleasant
2000 Marietta
1999 Marietta
1998 Point Pleasant
1997 Point Pleasant
1996 Warren
1995 Warren
1994 Jackson
1993 Logan
1992 Logan
1991 Gallipolis
1990 Warren
1989 Warren
1988 Warren
1987 Warren
1986 Logan
1985 Athens
1984 Logan
1983 Logan
1982 Ironton
1981 Gallipolis
1980 Logan
1979 Logan
1978 Athens
1977 Athens
1976 Athens
1975 Athens

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Re: seoal

Post by camnott »

Congrats to a fine gallia team. It was very nice to have the boys working together after the meet. About the scoring, if the Logan coach would have minded his own business the computer problem could have been corrected much quicker. In all fairness, if the program would have done what it was supposed to and the coach would have been left alone to fix the problem there may have been some differences in the way a few of the teams placed,Jackson for one. We're not sore about it though and would like to thank all of the people who were patient.
I had one of the concession workers (my wife) being yelled at because of the tournament and some of the problems we had NOT COOL ! We put alot of effeort into making this a great event but this was also the first year in several that we have hosted any wrestling. We thank Mr.Kight as well as Coach Miller and all others who worked very hard this year to get wrestling in Jackson back on the radar.
Again cograts to all of the boys and good luck at the sectionals.

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Re: seoal

Post by Mighty Mighty Devils »

pics from the league meet are posted at click the pics tab

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