WK 8 Oak Hill @ Symmes Valley

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Re: WK 8 Oak Hill @ Symmes Valley

Post by JabbatheDel »

oaksbacker1 wrote:Boogerred- if there many people in the stands can see, and even people from Jackson, Minford, Galliopolis, East and Wheelersburg see that we should be doing some things differently and we lost games we shouldnt have and we do things that make you think WTF?????? then yes there is a problem. Knowledgable people that know football know there is a problem. Past Oak Hill Coaches that are doing GREAT NOW are even astonished. But the Oaks will finish strong their last 3 games. Goodluck Friday boys!

Past Oak Hill coaches are past coaches because of the fans that think they need a new coach every 2 1/2 years. :roll:

Scott Bartholomew (sp?)- currently at 7-0 at Logam Elm in his first year after turning Westfall into a perennial playoff team.

Merrill Triplett- Currently 7-0 at West after getting run out of town from Oak Hill, then taking Arnton to the playoffs in his first year and then gettin run out of town there.

Shawn Buescher- Currently 6-1 at West Jefferson, also a perennial playoff team.

This is just a list of coaches that have left Oak Hill because of the most fairweather fans this side of..........i dunno. The fans don't know what they are talking about. They think because they have heard a thing or two on tv or a video game that they should be in charge of the hiring and firing. Just a bunch of Al Davis's.

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Re: WK 8 Oak Hill @ Symmes Valley

Post by svfan32 »

i agree 1longtimeviking there is times we have more fans than the other team no matter if we win or lose so lets go vikings beat those oaks and hope know one else gets hurt good luck to both teams go go go go go go go sv beat those oaks and one other thing i can say we like are coaching staff go vikings and i hope we win for everyone and are seniors go get'em fight for the win don't put your heads down stay possitive like you have been good team spirit i like that

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Re: WK 8 Oak Hill @ Symmes Valley

Post by MightyOaksFan »

JabbatheDel wrote:
oaksbacker1 wrote:Boogerred- if there many people in the stands can see, and even people from Jackson, Minford, Galliopolis, East and Wheelersburg see that we should be doing some things differently and we lost games we shouldnt have and we do things that make you think WTF?????? then yes there is a problem. Knowledgable people that know football know there is a problem. Past Oak Hill Coaches that are doing GREAT NOW are even astonished. But the Oaks will finish strong their last 3 games. Goodluck Friday boys!

Past Oak Hill coaches are past coaches because of the fans that think they need a new coach every 2 1/2 years. :roll:

Scott Bartholomew (sp?)- currently at 7-0 at Logam Elm in his first year after turning Westfall into a perennial playoff team.

Merrill Triplett- Currently 7-0 at West after getting run out of town from Oak Hill, then taking Arnton to the playoffs in his first year and then gettin run out of town there.

Shawn Buescher- Currently 6-1 at West Jefferson, also a perennial playoff team.

This is just a list of coaches that have left Oak Hill because of the most fairweather fans this side of..........i dunno. The fans don't know what they are talking about. They think because they have heard a thing or two on tv or a video game that they should be in charge of the hiring and firing. Just a bunch of Al Davis's.

I believe that greener pastures has a little bit to do with these coaches as well.

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Re: WK 8 Oak Hill @ Symmes Valley

Post by Brick Tamlin »

Not seen either team play yet, but Oak Hill by a few touchdowns.

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Re: WK 8 Oak Hill @ Symmes Valley

Post by Da Bears »

I'll get my piece on here for 3 reasons . . . 1, because I am just on the web this pm with nothing else to do, 2, I coached for 14 years in Illinois (before retiring early, thank god I could), and 3, I personally know one of the coaches mentioned on here. As for the Oaks team this year, I have actually been to 2 games. Most people (fans, not oakscritic1) just see the big tall Qb, some skill kids, and think 8-1, 9-1, or 10-0. They don't see an offensive liine that has 2 pretty good players and three that aren't very good. Any coach will tell you, as goes the OL/DL so goes the team. Does it help to have good skill kids? Yes . . . but in my 14 years of coaching, I have seen very average skill kids win many many games behind a very good offensive line. As for oaksbacker1, I guarantee you that no former coach from Oak Hill is being critical of the present coaching staff. I have talked to Coach Buescher, and he is very complimentary of the job the present staff is doing. His first 3 years at West Jeff was 3-27 I believe. Patience has earned them the current team/program they have. Going to watch Jackson/Chilli this week. Take care of business at Symmes Valley this week Oaks!

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Re: WK 8 Oak Hill @ Symmes Valley

Post by madpolecat »

Any coach will tell you, as goes the OL/DL so goes the team. Does it help to have good skill kids? Yes . . . but in my 14 years of coaching, I have seen very average skill kids win many many games behind a very good offensive line.

Testify, Brother!!!

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Re: WK 8 Oak Hill @ Symmes Valley

Post by revjimjones »

I thought the line was just there to be the scapegoat.

I know one coach who blames every problem in the world, even the Sudanese famine, on the o-line.

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Re: WK 8 Oak Hill @ Symmes Valley

Post by iwearblacknikes »


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Re: WK 8 Oak Hill @ Symmes Valley

Post by tartan_warrior »

oak hill is a very good football team i think they win this one by 3

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Re: WK 8 Oak Hill @ Symmes Valley

Post by crazee-oakaholic »


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Re: WK 8 Oak Hill @ Symmes Valley

Post by eyesover »

Oak Hill has all the tools to be successful, great athletes with great talent, state of the art facilities, and outstanding coaches. The one thing that Oak Hill is lacking is a pulse. On the field, game night or practice, and definitely in the stands. If this community could rally around the athletes and staff, to include all OH school district employees, things may be different. To think there is no animosity toward coaches in any realm would be ludicrous, however to be to this extent, in Oak Hill, a school that is turning things around, learning a complicated well developed style of football is absurd. Three years ago, no disrespect to the athletes, oak hill players were on a junior high level of understanding the game, competing against programs, that's right programs of athletes who have had common fudamentals stressed to them since age 10. Now we are looking at a team that is starting to understand the game of football and can even speak the language.
A football program is not an overnight success. It takes time to build foundations of philosophy and understanding. These are the basis of outstanding year after year performances. Not just on the field, but off as well, beyond the classroom and the gridiron spreading through the community.
I just hope the powers that be in OH see this before it is too late. This team will be fine! They still have a lot of ball to play and can make an appearance week 11. Players, don't believe the hype. God can give you all the talent in the world, but you must develop the desire to use it...................................GO OAKS!!!!!!!!! Forever.

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Re: WK 8 Oak Hill @ Symmes Valley

Post by MightyOaksFan »

make an appearance week 11? are you serious?

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Re: WK 8 Oak Hill @ Symmes Valley

Post by MightyOaksFan »

don't get me wrong, I am rooting for the boys to win the rest of the games as I have been all season but the playoffs? Coming into tonight's game Oak Hill was in the17th position in region 19. Although I would love for it to happen, I am more of a realist.
Look at all of the teams above us, 3 of the teams already control their own destiny meaning they win and their in. We could win out and one of the teams in the top 8 right now go winless and still be ahead of us. This isn't knocking our players at all. I think that they should and will win out.
As long as our schedule is the way it is then we almost have to go 10-0 to get in to the playoffs. If we were to be lucky we could get in at 9-1. That is just the way it is when everyone in your league is a division lower than you are and they can't give you many points.
There are about 5 teams still below us that if they win out then they could still jump us if we win out because of the quality of their opponents.

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Re: WK 8 Oak Hill @ Symmes Valley

Post by thesmokinglens »

final anyone?

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Re: WK 8 Oak Hill @ Symmes Valley

Post by oak hill71 »

thesmokinglens wrote:final anyone?


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Re: WK 8 Oak Hill @ Symmes Valley


Actually the score was 56-7

Good job tonight Oaks!

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Re: WK 8 Oak Hill @ Symmes Valley

Post by 4theKids »

Da Bears and eyesover,

Couldn't have said it better or.........wait I already said it. lol

They should leave the game to the coaches, the kids and the amazing photographer.........haha
No really, the Oaks linemen need to hold their blocks a little better and let Slone set his feet and throw. When he has time, the passes are very accurate. Maynard makes any throw look great though.....lol I am impressed with his hands and heart!
I just can not wait till everyone ticks to the same clock!
There are quite a few youngins still learning and they will only get better as the process continues.

We need you to organize all of the roundball fans and get them to join the gridiron team! lol

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Re: WK 8 Oak Hill @ Symmes Valley

Post by JabbatheDel »

So did the fans call the plays the other night? Were they still whining and yelling when you hung 56 up?

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Re: WK 8 Oak Hill @ Symmes Valley

Post by MightyOaksFan »

4theKids wrote:Da Bears and eyesover,

Couldn't have said it better or.........wait I already said it. lol

They should leave the game to the coaches, the kids and the amazing photographer.........haha
No really, the Oaks linemen need to hold their blocks a little better and let Slone set his feet and throw. When he has time, the passes are very accurate. Maynard makes any throw look great though.....lol I am impressed with his hands and heart!
I just can not wait till everyone ticks to the same clock!
There are quite a few youngins still learning and they will only get better as the process continues.

We need you to organize all of the roundball fans and get them to join the gridiron team! lol

I wish we had support all across the board! Football, volleyball, basketball, track softball cross country , baseball and anything else I left off. There is no reason why we shouldn't be good at everything and be supported in everything.

Speaking of that, I hope Jess is ready. ;-)

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Re: WK 8 Oak Hill @ Symmes Valley

Post by VernonHowell »

The night when the lights went out in Willow Wood!

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