10:00 bteam #2 vs #7
11:15 ateam #4 vs #5
12:30 bteam #3 vs #6
1:45 ateam #3 vs #6
3:00 bteam #4 vs #5
the #1 and #2 ateams and the #1 bteam will have a bye this round
Round 2 at Ironton Tank Stadium
Monday 10/20
bteams to play at 5:30 and 7:00 with the #1 seed playing at 7:00 against the lowest seed left from the 1st round. the remaining 2 teams from the 1st round will play at 5:30 with the highest seed in both games being the home team.
Round 2 at Ironton Tank Stadium
Tuesday 10/21
ateams to play at 5:30 and 7:00 with the #1 seed playing at 7:00 against the lowest seed left from the 1st round. The remaining team from the 1st round will play #2 at 5:30 with the highest seed in both games being the home team.
SuperBowl at Oak Hill on Saturday 10/25
3:00 bteam consolation game (the2 losing teams from Rd2)
4:30 ateam consolation game (the 2losing teams from Rd2)
6:00 bteam Super Bowl (the 2 winning teams from round2)
7:30 ateam Super Bowl (the 2 winning teams from round 2)