Tartan34boy wrote:bout time some one agrees and its horable i dont understand what we would have to do to get our own crowed to suport our team ......i mean we show up?. . . . .but if were not chearing for them what for? i wish there was somthing we could do to get em all on there feat ....im thinking we nedd to remove the bletchers just to make them stand! and you guys are awsome i see you chearing over in the top right or left corner i think? but any ways we need to suport them and our pep club dose us no justice eather and when you have chear leaders who not one of them wants to be there that dosent help eather!
I know East is not a loud crowd and I don't understand their lack of verbal enthusiasm maybe like U said anyone doesn't want to "stand out alone"personally I don't give a SH**** what other people think of my verbality(I think I just made a word up) at football games because I am just as bad in my living room watching all by myself.But 34 my son played at Wheelersburg,which is infamous for the crowd participation, and he told me when U are out on the field U can't even hear them.So maybe crowd noise isn't that much of a factor except in college and pro games when there are so many more people and it is echoed back on field. Also U boys haven't really been close enough against other teams to risk getting beat so the crowd goes flat.Now don't run out and play a close game

just to get crowd involved.Will continue to be myself, cheering loudly,along with the Hood's crowd, until the last game.