... as is always the case, one can always put a team under the microscope for how the TEAM played in a quarter from a particular game, in a half of a particular game, in a string of particular games AND one can come up with conclusions to fit one's argument for or against ... BUT when you look at the VC basketball PROGRAM/SYSTEM that Coach Combs/his staff/those in his feeder biddy ball programs have BUILT - anyone questioning what the program is doing now, in the past or where they are going in the future has no leg to stand on - PERIOD ...
... the points that have been brought up by daniC, Hawkeye and others ARE as was stated - spot on AND fit every program Below the Lancaster-Dixon Line ... many schools in Southern/Southeastern Ohio have good athletes, can win their leagues, have the opportunity to win a sectional title AND even make it to the Convo for district play (WHICH I AM SURE IS "THE" GOAL FOR EVERY D2,D3,D4 TEAM BELOW THE LINE) ... the WINNING of a district takes more than "good athletes" it takes having that NEXT LEVEL athlete(s)- those that can play at the next level... true D1 athletes ... can a TEAM of "good athletes" win a district - yes, can they win a state championship - yes , is that the norm - doesn't happen often - PERIOD ... with that said Southern/Southeastern Ohio schools are LUCKY to have one true D1 player come through their program in a coach's coaching career - PERIOD ...
... Every season I begin to look at Southern/Southeastern Ohio basketball - which schools will be in the hunt of their league titles, who will win their sectionals, who has the opportunity to get to the Convo ... I may not know all of the athletes on teams BUT I do know the coaches , I do know those coaches who have BUILT Programs/Systems that work, that win ... Coach Combs his Vinton County TEAMS are ALWAYS in that group- ALWAYS! ... contenders ? always, contenders for sectional titles? always, a player in the districts? always ... as daniC said so well " Vinton Co will be able to compete in D2 as long as they have Coach Combs, his great staff, and the SUPPORT of the community." - PERIOD ...