Waverly wins baby!!!!
24-8 waverly
Waverly actually wanted to be a team so we came out on top! I also have to say the defense played like men this game.And the o-line made great blocks the whole game.
- Waterboy
- Posts: 23
- Joined: Wed Oct 15, 2008 10:02 pm
Re: Valley@waverly
Looks like you're starting to get it...gotta play like a team...you guys will have great potential in good time with high school ball. You just need to set aside the ego trips, quit competing WITH EACH OTHER, support each other, don't kick your team mates by trying to sell them on how much better you are than them..It's just not true..maybe, someday, but you guys have a long way to go...help each other out, don't tear each other down, that's how you win games...band of brothers, he who sheds blood with me tonight, shall be my brother... 

- Waterboy
- Posts: 9
- Joined: Thu Oct 16, 2008 6:34 am
Re: Valley@waverly
I never do that unless and ill admit it to 1 person because he always makes fun of people in the locker room and that tyler vickry i always say this whole teams better than you he shouldnt be aloud to play for what he says and does to our team, locker room he tries to pick fights which i have to break up and gage ayers calm down son dont pick fights.
- Waterboy
- Posts: 23
- Joined: Wed Oct 15, 2008 10:02 pm
Re: Valley@waverly
I venture to the coaches didn't know about Vickery or Ayers...Any player who does that one time-discipline, next time/repeat offenders-OFF THE TEAM!!! That's a big sign of jealousy/insecurity that football can't fix...
- All Conference
- Posts: 710
- Joined: Wed Sep 10, 2008 9:33 am
Re: Valley@waverly
well from what I saw the tigers played pretty well, but its a good thing disco is dead cause Coach Rhodes cannot breakdance lol
- Waterboy
- Posts: 23
- Joined: Wed Oct 15, 2008 10:02 pm
Re: Valley@waverly
lol...I don't know about Rhodes break-dancing but he has a pretty good coaching reputation. He doesn't seem to be real popular among a few of the parents but alot of times that means a coach is pretty good, doesn't give in to whiners... What happened to the guy that left and went to coach at Jackson, can't remember his name but he was supposed to be pretty good too. Waverly needs to hire some more Jr. High coaches. I think they had a coule of volunteers but I look for the Dyke fella to move up to Freshman with his boy next year. Some one said a couple of them (parents) tried to get Rhodes/Dyke removed this year because their kids weren't getting put in the "glory" positions that the parents thought they should be in...takes all kinds, I guess...
- All Conference
- Posts: 710
- Joined: Wed Sep 10, 2008 9:33 am
Re: Valley@waverly
Rhodes seems to do a pretty good job, had the kids in way better shape than last yrs 7th grade team, that wasnt pretty. I dont know anything about Hurst who left for Jackson taking the Varsity bball job? dont know how he got that though. Yes John will probably keep going up Coach Wright I believe wants him up helping with the high school kids.
Parents geesh what do you say about us, its a reality check, of course you can always find fault in a coach especially a parent when little bobby doesnt play but at this point its getting close to finding out who can play and who cant and thats hard on a parent when they have to say well I dont have a stud on my hands, and you hear from the stands put so and so in well the reason he isnt in there is just because he isnt a) very good b) very good yet and the coach has a responsibilty even though these kids are learning they also need to get a taste of winning and deserve it with the hard work.
And also the SOC2 league is very strong, I believe the 7th grade class and the parents finally got a little peek into whats in store and how much harder it is playing those teams than the interleague they have in waverly now, which me personally think isnt preparing them like it was in the scioto valley youth league, from talking to them before the season they were like we have such a good group and shouldnt lose and i told them ok but wait till you get a taste of Burg, West, Valley. The 8th grade class got a taste of it last yr and went 0-6 and this yr went 2-4 should have been 3-3, but they worked a little harder this yr because they knew what was ahead of them and I think that can be attributed to Coach Rhodes this yr.
Parents geesh what do you say about us, its a reality check, of course you can always find fault in a coach especially a parent when little bobby doesnt play but at this point its getting close to finding out who can play and who cant and thats hard on a parent when they have to say well I dont have a stud on my hands, and you hear from the stands put so and so in well the reason he isnt in there is just because he isnt a) very good b) very good yet and the coach has a responsibilty even though these kids are learning they also need to get a taste of winning and deserve it with the hard work.
And also the SOC2 league is very strong, I believe the 7th grade class and the parents finally got a little peek into whats in store and how much harder it is playing those teams than the interleague they have in waverly now, which me personally think isnt preparing them like it was in the scioto valley youth league, from talking to them before the season they were like we have such a good group and shouldnt lose and i told them ok but wait till you get a taste of Burg, West, Valley. The 8th grade class got a taste of it last yr and went 0-6 and this yr went 2-4 should have been 3-3, but they worked a little harder this yr because they knew what was ahead of them and I think that can be attributed to Coach Rhodes this yr.
- Waterboy
- Posts: 23
- Joined: Wed Oct 15, 2008 10:02 pm