Re: Derek Arnold of Nelsonville-York

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Re: Derek Arnold of Nelsonville-York

Post by lionpride »

Hands down this was the best running back Liberty Union saw all year. It took 4 and 5 guys to get him down - he has great balance. And the boys said he was a real class act. They said a lot of the NY players talked trash between plays, but not Mr. Arnold. They were extremely impressed with him. Best of luck to Derek next year and in the future.

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Re: Derek Arnold of Nelsonville-York

Post by grizzlynatural »

bird78 wrote:Grizzly :roll: you funny man :lol: we had 4 all-state players[last season] :-D and none got opportunity to play college ball :( cause at Logan they need to get off duffs and help the kids :shock: what a joke your are and same to Logan's administration :!: :shock: :-D :!: GOOD SEASON CHIEFS---AND HOPE THE ARNOLD KID GOES TO SOME OF THE CAMPS :shock: :-D :!:

Alright bird im sick of you and time for me too speak my mind as well. Frye was not nearly as good as you thought he was. Sorry, but he wasnt. He was good, but not that good. When Lucas Wright asked him why he wasnt going to the weightroom in the spring of his Junior year he replied with "Look what i did last year, i dont need the weightroom!" Call me a liar, Lucas wont. That came from his mouth. Frye graduated last year, time for you to let him move on. He was no better than a D2 running back AT BEST. He didnt have the size, the strength NOR THE SPEED. He got 40 touches a game his Junior year and ran all over some teams that werent good. I can agree that the staff needs to do more for our players as i have stated on another thread (before you did) but you are an idiot and make Logan fans look bad. "Hey grizzly, tell me how you REALLY feel" :lol:

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Re: Derek Arnold of Nelsonville-York

Post by noreply66 »

Best to you Derek

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Re: Derek Arnold of Nelsonville-York

Post by FootballMom81 »

Yes, this boy is a real class act. He has great work ethics and does not have a big head, he is nice to everyone, including my son who works out at the High School.. He was a Beast this year, and watching the Ironton Game and Liberty Union Game, it would make you a believer of this Guy. I hope he gets to go to some Camps and impress others like he impressed me this year. Good Luck and can't wait to Watch you next year!!!!!!

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Re: Derek Arnold of Nelsonville-York

Post by buckeyeguy »

OHbuckeye1 wrote:
buckeyeguy wrote:NY players have went on to play at the next level we have one right now at Ohio univ..... and derek arnold has over 2000 yards this year and will be back next year NY is a great place to play, state title under their belts, that not many seohio teams got

Good post.

Arnold is the real deal, probably the best running back Ironton faced all season. I agree that if he has a chance to go to some of these camps he should go for the exposure, I'm sure he would excell at these camps.

thanks and i really look foward to going to the tank next year, i know its a hard place to win at, but you guys have really good size and great players and i hope all the best for you guys and seniors ,, it will be a great game next year too goodluck guys

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Re: Derek Arnold of Nelsonville-York

Post by bluetraveler »

Derek is a very good back,i have been impressed with him all year.I am also sure he will improve for next year.Individual camps are a must in todays recruting world,especially if you play for a small school,the only guage of ability colleges have of a small school football player are what he does in these camps,not how well he does against other small school players.As good as Jay was it was the camps that got his name out among recruiters.These camps also teach- drills,ecct that can be brought back to a school and passed on,thus also improving the team.Good luck to Mr Arnold in 2009.

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Re: Derek Arnold of Nelsonville-York

Post by bucksfan08 »

good luck to him this summer and all next season.

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Re: Derek Arnold of Nelsonville-York

Post by Spenceman »

does derek play basketball to or is he goin to lift and start getting ready for next season

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Re: Derek Arnold of Nelsonville-York

Post by Nybasketball_09 »

Yes he does play basketball in fact he will be starting Varsity this year...

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Re: Derek Arnold of Nelsonville-York

Post by bucksbacker »

derek is the co-back of the year in division 5 now how many players from athens can say that this year raider?

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Re: Derek Arnold of Nelsonville-York

Post by bucksfan08 »

when ya dont kick the ball to the boy, its hard to return kicks....

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Re: Derek Arnold of Nelsonville-York

Post by mister b »

Congrats to Derek for making 1st team all-state!

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Re: Derek Arnold of Nelsonville-York

Post by Keyser_sozeThrice »

bucksbacker....Where did you see Mr. Arnold as "co-back of the year in Division 5"

He was first-team all-district and first-team all-state, which were more than deserving, but he wasn't a "co-back of the year in Division 5."

The offensive player of the year in the district was Dale Swords of Portsmouth West.

Maybe you were thinking Offensive MVP in the TVC-Ohio, which Mr. Arnold was.

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Re: Derek Arnold of Nelsonville-York

Post by bucksbacker »

hey maybe i was wrong but i had heard that from more than a few people sorry bout the mistake

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Re: Derek Arnold of Nelsonville-York

Post by bucksfan08 »

any guesses on next seasons stats???

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Re: Derek Arnold of Nelsonville-York

Post by Orestes »

I liked hearing Arnold was being used in the passing game. He is nasty is tight spaces and can cut on a dime. I hope the QB next year can throw it around a bit so they can expand that package with Arnold.

Also, how good will Dustin Young be next season? I have heard rave reviews about the kid. Any chance he is good enough to rest Arnold a bit next year? If he is, Arnold's numbers may go down a bit but he would have fresh legs in the late part of the season.

BTW, someone in the area should get a highlight tape or DVD together from Arnold's season and send it to some schools in the midwest and to (yes I know it is affiliated with the other garbage site but this particular website is good publicity.)

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Re: Derek Arnold of Nelsonville-York

Post by Orange and Brown »

grizzlynatural wrote:
bucksfan08 wrote:thats because you've never played for dont know anythign about our work ethic, our tradition, our fans, just being on Boston Field on fridays nights is better than playing for any of the other schools around here. I can put money on that. Ask any former player that has suited up for NY if they'd play for any other school. You'd get the same answer i gave and i bet Mr. Arnold would give.

Do you consider Logan being "around here" ? Im pretty sure Logans tradition, work ethic and fans are every bit as good if not 10 times better than yours but thats just me.

Lets face facts. NY has a lot better history than Logan when it comes to football. Last time I checked The cheifs still havent won a state title yet. I'm not bashing the Cheifs. I love Logan, but that is the truth.

:122245 :122245 :122245 :122245 :122245 :122245 :122245 :122245
Now as far as young mister Arnold is concerned. He is a great back and an evan better person. He will go as far as he wants to go in football.
GO BUCKS GO!!!!!!!!!!!!

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