#1 Athens vs #2 Marietta

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Re: #1 Athens vs #2 Marietta

Post by danicalifornia »


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Re: #1 Athens vs #2 Marietta

Post by etta09 »

magic man wrote:If any team going back to play at va statium it should be chillicothe

except for the fact that chillicothe is no longer in the tournament but good try....you too are ignorant

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Re: #1 Athens vs #2 Marietta

Post by soccernut »

Athens deserves to go. They went through the tourament with only one goal scored on them. Nice effort.

Last nights games was an emotional rollercoaster. Very hard fought and physical. All the kids from both teams will be able to look back and not have anything to be ashamed of.

Why would Chilli deserve to go????????????????????

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Re: #1 Athens vs #2 Marietta

Post by soccerfanatic »

soccerdefense13... I think Marietta deserves credit for playing hard and had the class and sportsmanship to applaud the Athens team when they got their medals last night. That's a classy show of respect by Marietta. It was an intense and emotional game for both sides and I know you're just expressing some of that emotion, but from an Athens perspective, there's no need to trash talk toward Marietta online. Leave the emotions and intensity on the field. It's a free country... so you do what you want, but from an Athens fan's perspective, I'd appreciate it if you'd take down your last post or change it. That's not the type of comments I would like to see from an Athens supporter, nor do I think that's the type of comments that represent the Athens program's viewpoint.

Etta09... in the heat of the action, both sides had their good and bad moments and I hope both sides can leave it at that. I understand you are defending your team and I respect that, but I don't think soccerdefense13 represents the viewpoint of the majority of us.

Again, congrats to the Athens team and congrats to Marietta for a hard played game and a great season. I think both sides should be commended for representing Southeastern Ohio well this season. Good luck to Athens against Desales. Most people north of Lancaster (and probably more than a few people south as well) will think I'm crazy, stupid or naive for saying this... but I know you guys can pull off an upset and keep this great season going.

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Re: #1 Athens vs #2 Marietta

Post by schafer15 »

Soccerfanatic...there is no way in the world that Athens can pull off the upset..im not saying athens is bad im just saying desales in 4th in the state and they beat us 4-0 last year

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Re: #1 Athens vs #2 Marietta

Post by soccerfanatic »

I know it's not the most likely of results... I'm just saying that there's always a chance and that's why they play the games. I would be a rather dumb person to assume Athens will win or guarantee it or something.

I don't take any offense, probably everyone in the state will pick DeSales (they're #3 in the state). DeSales is an amazing team this year. We've faced them in the state tournament before, losing in a tight one 2-1 in 2001 and then we got hammered by them 6-0 in the elite eight in 2002.

On paper, DeSales should win... but that's why we play the games. Athens has nothing to lose and I'm excited to see them represent southeastern Ohio on Tuesday.

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Re: #1 Athens vs #2 Marietta

Post by tigersoccer »

Congrats!!! to Marietta for a far tourney run great season i wish i could have been there for the game. Great job

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Re: #1 Athens vs #2 Marietta

Post by soccerdefense13 »

I'm really sorry about my earlier post. I think i must have been falling asleep and thus mumbling incoherently. I really didn't mean to disrespect anyone. It was a stupid slip up my part. Both teams played the best game of soccer I have ever seen and it was a great show by both teams when it came down to PK's. I really mean no disrespect and I want to apologize again for that ignorant statement.

I did also post my video of the PK shootout since nellsonville cable wasn't there recording it. The video can be found at: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rcbUHfSyDGI I didn't know any of the Marietta kicker's names, so in the in-video annotations i numbered them by order. If anyone knows the order of names I would be glad to add them into the annotations.

Again, I truly apologize for that earlier post

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Re: #1 Athens vs #2 Marietta

Post by soccernut »

Good luck against DeSales. Let us know how you did.

Video is a little shaky and not quite as nerve racking to watch as it was live. What a game. That kind of game would convert some of the football fans to the real futball. Ha Ha.

I refed a game on senior night up thier. How many seniors are you graduating? How many starters?

Just scoping out for next year. I know this years not over yet. Season is way to short!!!!!

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Re: #1 Athens vs #2 Marietta

Post by xb1srw2 »

soccernut wrote:If you win the PK's they give you one goal so the actual score would be 2-1 Athens.

I believe it is actually recorded as 1:1 (Athens PK made: Marietta PK made), but it is all semantics at this point.
Good luck to Athens. At this point in the tournament it seems all that is ever left is the Saint such and such, Such and Such Academy, etc. Sometimes I wish the private schools had their own division or 2 and the publics had their own division or two.

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Re: #1 Athens vs #2 Marietta

Post by Fox40 »

This game was a very tuff well played game that went to overtime. I don't understand how someone can say that a ref provoked a yellow. I watched the game and the film and that kid was and has been carded for Disent more times than not. As far as I know the OHSAA will not put up with players being disrespectful towards officials and or coaches. This is High School and the state puts thousands into TV adds and other things that say "respect the game". The state wants good sportsmanship from all involved. All three refs at a game have a tuff job trying to allow a game to be played without making the flow of a game go a certain way. I have been involved in High School sports for 25 years and have seen young people be more and more disrespectful towards coaches, officals and other players. The high school game is an extension of the classroom and is designed to be conducted in that fashion. All the players played very hard and it was a well conducted event in a very nice environment. Congrats to all involved because I enjoyed watching the match.

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