Unioto Football

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Unioto Football

Post by bengalfan76 »

Will we see a change of the coaching staff?
Or will our kids be doomed again next year.
0-20 obviously is not getting it done.
The team did not improve as the season went on.
Don't use the team was young as many of the starters were two year starters
Don't use numbers as an excuse the current coaching situation is causing it.

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Re: Unioto Football

Post by ptoflstrst »

I agree. 0 - 20 is very, very, difficult to swallow. Yet, Coach Detillion is willing to fight through the adversity. He has a vested interest in Unioto Football. He wants the program to be amongst the best in the SVC. If you think otherwise, then you are merely a fairweather fan. The man is from Unioto, cares about Unioto, and will be faithful to Unioto until those outside the realm of understanding run him out.

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Re: Unioto Football

Post by bengalfan76 »

He may care about the program but he doesn't have the ablility to help the program.

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Re: Unioto Football

Post by scooterdawg »

They should have hired Valentine and Justice. I guarentee these two would have helped Detillion make a difference with their football knowledge. That school district, administration, and alot of parents ruin alot around there. Like the parent who was responsible for the 0 and 10 again shirts. Your pitiful!!!!!!!!!!

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Re: Unioto Football

Post by gilchs »

This is not a slam against C. Detillion. I think he would make a better asst. coach.
Mark Davis is one of the best football coaches I've ever seen. My son played with him down in the Scioto Valley Youth League. Before you start your rants about the difference in ages...let me speak. He had the ability to take a bunch of children and turn it into one of the best ran teams in the league.

Not to mention his coaching at a college level for several years at Ohio University Chillicothe. This is not an easy task because the school does not exactly support sports.

He is a Sherman and his family is deep in tradition at Unioto High School.

He is a parent and has continued to help coach several sports at Unioto.

If you talked to anyone is Chillicothe that knows sports and knows Mark they would
be the first to tell you he would get the job done.

There is no reason that Unioto is not more capable. You have to be able to draw the kids in at an early age and keep them in your program.

This is my opinion and I'm not insulting anyone. If you talk to kids that have been coached by Mark you would understand.

Unioto needs to take a hard look at the direction of your program and quit blaming the kids. You have more to pick from the other schools in the area that are winning.

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Re: Unioto Football

Post by hogfarmer »

So now Unioto feels they need to go from a football coach, to hiring a former basketball coach to coach football? He would get eaten alive scheme wise by the rest of the "Football" coaches in the SVC. I don't care how much success one has at the pee wee level. It is a totally different game on Friday nights and I doubt this person has the knowledge to be able to match X's and O's with most of the coaches in this league. Unbelievable. Unioto's problem isn't their coaching staff. Unioto's problem is their lack of support for thier coaches, lack of support from their community, and an elitist attitude that they deserve to win the league in any sport. You reap what you sow. And the only seeds they sow in Frenchtown are those of discontent.

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Re: Unioto Football

Post by gilchs »

Lack of support? It looks like a nice field, nice bleacher, nice concession stand.

Mark Davis knows more than the pee wee level. He coaches now for Unioto.

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Re: Unioto Football

Post by scooterdawg »

Davis or Detillion could get the job done if they surrounded themselves with good quality assistants who know X's & O's. The parents nor administration won't let the right change happen.

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Re: Unioto Football

Post by RogueWarrior1965 »

gilchs wrote:Lack of support? It looks like a nice field, nice bleacher, nice concession stand.

Actually the field is rough and basically sucks and they need a dedicated practice field. There also needs to be more than 35 kids coming out for the team. A school the size of Unioto should have 60+ kids on their team, not 35.

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Re: Unioto Football

Post by jockstraps »

I find it totally hilarious that "hog farmer" mentions how pee wee coaches can't cut it on friday nights when talking about Davis,,,,does hog farmer know that all the current unioto football coaches were all PEE WEE coaches in the past?

You say Davis can't coach because he was a pee wee coach, well sir, that is what unioto has on the sidelines every friday night right now....former pee wee coaches, trying to coach at the varsity level. So, since we hire pee wee to try and coach varsity, why not davis?

whoever you are, thank you for sharing that with us about pee wee, it says a lot since other folks have been saying it all year. don't matter who is coach, it needs to be someone ELSE next year.

as one comment was made, the dirty 30 will be 0 & 30, doubt if there will be 20 play next year if coaching changes aren't made.......

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Re: Unioto Football

Post by chilltown »

You can have our coach :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

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Re: Unioto Football

Post by Bozo »

Bring back Jim Fender.

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Re: Unioto Football

Post by sherman_12 »

uniota is like so awesome this year!

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Re: Unioto Football

Post by sherman_12 »

u can have steve chester

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Re: Unioto Football

Post by sherman_12 »

uniota state in 2010!!!!!!

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Re: Unioto Football

Post by jockstraps »


Logan Elm 2007 record = 0 & 10
*** new coach hired ***
Logan Elm 2008 record = 10 & 0 and headed into week 12 !

UHS 2007 record = 0 & 10
UHS 2008 record = 0 & 10

wonder what would happen if a new coach was put into the equation here?

it can be done and it does help. Ask anyone from Logan ELm (or Chillicothe for that matter).

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Re: Unioto Football

Post by mstangmom »

A new coach is one thing, O new coach with a proven record is another.

LE did great this year ofter a 0-10 season. but they hired a coach who has proven himself time and again.

You need a coach who will care about the team and has proven his ability to coach.

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Re: Unioto Football

Post by PaiN TraiN »

0-10 again.

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Re: Unioto Football

Post by 93mustang »

I did not like the coach at unioto when earlier this year he was on the scoreboard show on friday night and said " we know going into games we are probably going to lose and it has been tough to chaneg kids mindsets" Any coach that says we know we are going to lose will lose. You never say that out loud even if you believe that in your heart... I am sure the kids probably heard that as well. YOU HAVE TO CHANGE THE MINDETS IN THE WINTER , SPRING AND SUMMER. That is what all of the drills and team building stuff is for you have to make them belive they will win. I cannot belive as big as that school is they cannot find 22 kids that have the desire to win. They have as close to the best facilities in the league, most kids of any svc school and can't get a decent coach and someone to motivate the kids and parents, boosters, community, school board. You should find a young coach and it will probably take 3 years to get to .500 or better. Deal with the fact you have to completely get the kids to buy into it and run some crazy offense that no one else runs in the area and go about it like that. You have to find an advantage that you can rely on and tell the kids you are going to win every game even if you don't. If you have to schedule some easier games before the league games to help as well. If you keep doing what you are doing it will never work. PEE -WEE coaches can coach, just not the ones they hired. As a westfall alum that is what i would want done if things ever got to this point. Unioto was a good team when i was in school, and was one of our biggest rivals other than PV.

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