Round 2 Bishop Ready vs. Portsmouth West AT LOGAN

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Re: Round 2 Bishop Ready vs. Portsmouth West AT LOGAN

Post by QB4 »

black76 wrote:QB4 maybe you could have a WINNING season if you'd start working your kids instead of your mouth! :-D :lol: Take some lessons from the varsity staff while you are at it! Oh, I forgot, you know more than they do, that is why you are coaching pee wee! You are a disgrace to your school. Getting on here and mouthing off about how the ones that poured sweat, time, energy and extreme hard work coulda and shoulda done it better! Especially disheartening to know you are a "pee wee coach". I feel sorry for the kids you coach. Maybe you should go have another beer with your buddies, you need a good shoulder to cry on! ;-)

First off, I'm not downing my coaching staff....I just simply said that a few things needed to be different! I'm sure everyone will agree with me that was at the game. Second, you have no clue what your talking about when you talk about me or my team!! I had all true 5th graders this year and had some great kids that took there lumps from 6th and (some 7th graders) being held back!! So, you keep talking do whatever it is you do and leave the Coaching to me pal!! West will be back in the running next year!!

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Re: Round 2 Bishop Ready vs. Portsmouth West AT LOGAN

Post by black76 »

QB4, if you think your public advice is so needed then maybe you should go down and offer your advice to the varsity staff. Or do you just stand around and "b......"? Second, I am a retired coach myself, and would be very concerned if someone on the staff at the same school as myself started mouthing the coaches ABOVE him. Justify it all you want, it is plain and simple, complete disrespect. So I get on here and completely disrespect you and you get upset? Now that is funny. I hope you are never around those coaches and pretend to be their friend. It is too late now anyway, sure thing someone has already laughed about it in the locker room.

Most coaches are used to people like you, just not on the same staff! TEAM should extend to the pee wee level dude. Just keep making yourself look dumber. The point is, the West team had an outstanding season and I am sure they are all sad it is over and also exhausted from the thrill ride they took. So you of all people should not point fingers after one loss in a season, but be praising them instead, it sits wrong with most of us. Sorry pal, you look like an idiot. Enough said.

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Re: Round 2 Bishop Ready vs. Portsmouth West AT LOGAN

Post by proudparentofasider »

QB4 said this:
First off, I'm not downing my coaching staff....I just simply said that a few things needed to be different! I'm sure everyone will agree with me that was at the game.

Wasn't this the same team of players and coaches that went 10-0 regular season, and took home the SOC? Evidently they felt they were doing what was best. I bet you didn't question their ability when they went 11 straight games into this last game now did you? Should have, could have, would have doesn't fix anything. Maybe that is why you are a pee-wee coach and they are at the High School level. Please don't comment back, I think you have already dug yourself so deep in the ditch that you can't pull yourself out and I don't think anyone is going to offer you a hand to get you out.

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Re: Round 2 Bishop Ready vs. Portsmouth West AT LOGAN

Post by sider »

People can whine about the coaching all they want, but in the end players win the game and players lose the game. The players went won eleven straight games and the Soc, and those players lost the one game on Saturday. Yes,I agree, maybe not passing enough did hurt us, but receivers didn't run the routes properly and the line didn't protect good enough. Not downing anybody, its just the truth. About 5 players were either sick or hurt, a long season takes a toll on your body and mind and I think West peaked around the Minford game, if were you there for any other game it was just a different atmosphere the last 4 games, espicially Burg because of all the hype around the game. It was a great season with 100% Commitment by the players and coaches. It was just nice to see this group finally play as a team with the same intensity and chemistry that everyone knew they could.

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Re: Round 2 Bishop Ready vs. Portsmouth West AT LOGAN

Post by Boonedawg »

QB4's just mad he is getting beat down on the puddle for running his trap. Your right sider the boys win or lose on the field, not the people sitting in the stands. From what I read and knowing coach T. they did absolutley everything they could to win. They lost a game, yeah it hurts but you know sometimes better lessons in life are learned from adversity than from an easy road. I think the young core of this team has just had a fire lit under them and this is good. You west boys should be proud and never let anyone take away from what you achieved this season. Football is over, now is when you put the work into winning next season. Now time to get your hineys in the weightroom and make them all pay next year. ;-)

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Re: Round 2 Bishop Ready vs. Portsmouth West AT LOGAN

Post by QB4 »

LOL...all this talk! Some of you saw the same game I did and yet you want to do nothing but praise?? Oh Well....nothing can be done about it now! Sorry to all that I offended or whatever, but that was just my opinion! Good Luck to West next year!!
Last edited by QB4 on Tue Nov 11, 2008 8:02 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: Round 2 Bishop Ready vs. Portsmouth West AT LOGAN

Post by local superstar »

:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: QB4, sign up for a grammar course, are you sure you FINISHED 5th grade? ;-) And do you always brag on yourself so much??? Cool.
Last edited by local superstar on Tue Nov 11, 2008 5:31 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: Round 2 Bishop Ready vs. Portsmouth West AT LOGAN

Post by noreply66 »

another school teacher in the crowd

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Re: Round 2 Bishop Ready vs. Portsmouth West AT LOGAN

Post by west siders »

good luck to West next year!

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Re: Round 2 Bishop Ready vs. Portsmouth West AT LOGAN

Post by Boonedawg »

Holy necro threads batman!

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