Thing you would tell a Senior about going to college

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Thing you would tell a Senior about going to college

Post by Westsider1993 »

If you know a football player that has the talent to play at the next level, no matter what size school. What would you tell him? You know the ones, they don't want to leave home.

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Re: Thing you would tell a Senior about going to college

Post by madpolecat »

I would say:

If you played football for fun, you had better get over it!

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Re: Thing you would tell a Senior about going to college

Post by 85inside »

"Dont fry bacon with your shirt off."

" dont forget to back the truck out of the barn, before you unload."

"when it's all said and done, there will be more said than done."

That'll do.

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Re: Thing you would tell a Senior about going to college


Familiarize yourself as much as possible about the school or schools you are interested in.

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Re: Thing you would tell a Senior about going to college

Post by Joe Strummer »

As the legendary hoops coach Bobby Finstock said: "Never get less than twelve hours sleep. Never play cards with a guy who's got the same first name as a city; and never go near a lady who's got a tattoo of a dagger on her body."

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Re: Thing you would tell a Senior about going to college

Post by FarAwayFalcon »

I think some of the best advice I got was from a guy that played small college, worked his tale off and walked on to Marshall but never got to play. He was good enough, but was told that since they didn't recruit him they didn't owe him anything, this may be part of Marshall's problem, put the best players on the field no matter what. This guy told me "Don't go somewhere you weren't recruited." I think this is excellent advice, only in rare cases does a walk-on see the field much.

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Re: Thing you would tell a Senior about going to college

Post by RogueWarrior1965 »

Having experienced this first hand, I would actually start with the parents and advise them to always be there for the son and to provide solid guidance and expectations because you are still providing for them. If they stumble, be there to help them up. I would tell the senior to not expect things to happen overnight. You are looking at four years and sure it seems like a long time, but so did high school when you were a look back and see how fast it went. Be patient, work hard both in the classroom and on the field and surround yourself with good people. Too many kids are away from home for the first time and get in with the wrong crowd. I would tell them that in both the classroom and on the playing field things move faster than they are used to. You have to be mentally and physically prepared for both.

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Re: Thing you would tell a Senior about going to college

Post by madpolecat »

Don't go somewhere you weren't recruited.

That's very true. The guys I have known who did the walk-on thing seldom ended up pleased with the experience.

Of course, one problem with the small school thing is that most D-III colleges are as expensive as Hell, where as walking on at a state school is a bit easier on the wallet.

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Re: Thing you would tell a Senior about going to college

Post by black_and_orange »

It aint like high school.

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Re: Thing you would tell a Senior about going to college

Post by 55buckeyes98 »

I would tell them...
that a VERY small percentage of players earn an athletic scholarship, have great grades and get academic help...
that there is A LOT of talent in Division III football, kids should be proud to just play college football...
and finally to explore ALL options, but there is nothing wrong with staying close to home, but all young people need to learn to live on there own and take care of themselves. Living close to home makes it nice to go see friends and family when you get time or need to but spending time on campus is crucial in personal development!

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Re: Thing you would tell a Senior about going to college

Post by Boonedawg »

Stop drinking beer when your belly is full.......and the old beer before liquor, never sicker. Liquor before beer never fear. AAAAAND last but not least Never,trust that she is on the pill!

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Re: Thing you would tell a Senior about going to college

Post by madpolecat »

AAAAAND last but not least Never,trust that she is on the pill!

:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

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Re: Thing you would tell a Senior about going to college

Post by WitnessProtection »

Don't cheat off the guy who sleeps in class ... unless he's the prof's teaching assistant.

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Re: Thing you would tell a Senior about going to college

Post by boogerred »

I would tell them that athletics are NOT the reason you are attending college and that if you can't handle both that sports have to be given up.

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Re: Thing you would tell a Senior about going to college

Post by madpolecat »


... and always remember who eats at McDonalds and who eats at the Burger King across the street.


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Re: Thing you would tell a Senior about going to college

Post by boogerred »

Have fun!

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Re: Thing you would tell a Senior about going to college

Post by madpolecat »

Seven years of college down the drain. Might as well join the f*****ng Peace Corps.

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Re: Thing you would tell a Senior about going to college

Post by WitnessProtection »

KarlAgathon wrote:witnessprotection:

... and always remember who eats at McDonalds and who eats at the Burger King across the street.


Yessum. :lol: :lol: :lol: :122246 :twisted:

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Re: Thing you would tell a Senior about going to college

Post by GreasyRidgeGuru »

If you have to convince a kid to go to college b/c he dont want to leave home, then he aint gonna make it. To go through wHat a college Fr football player goes through that first year and stick it out(at any level) takes one determined individual.If they have the smallest inkling they dont want to leave home or "I cant leave my girlfriend"-they aint gonna make it.youre wasting your time. If its a girl, tell them"if she loves you so much, she'll let you go live your dream...and chances are you'll find a lot nicer babes in

Ive never seen a kid stick it out that wasnt 100% gung ho on making it happen. I played 4 years and let me tell you--THAT FIRST YEAR SUCKS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


I remember my freshman year.The very first practice we were stretching and the HC walked around bellowing out stuff to all the FR like "well, about now is when your girlfriend, miss Mary JAne Rotten Crotch, is making her way over to your best friend Billies house. And she aint going there to study chemistry" or "hey so and so, you better hope the freshman crop of girls coming in is a bunch of loose floozies, b/c your girlfriend has already forgotten sbout you"
wow that was a crazy time!!! I was scared to death. A country boy from Greasy Ridge , WV going to a school that had kids from DC, Florida, LA and all sorts of bigger schools and areas. and they were all ALL-State. Not just All-Gilmer

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Re: Thing you would tell a Senior about going to college

Post by JohnKnight »

Remember the Titans, Greasy!

Great advice too. I played at Salem way back in the Blackstone Era. I heard the same stuff but not from Coach Blackstone, talk about gung ho!

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