#1 ... The Alexander Spartans - They are just to deep, to loaded for any team in the TVC to dethrone.
#2 ... Waterford - I haven't seen em play yet, just guessing here and going off last year and what people are saying about them this season.
#3 ... Federal Hocking - I like this team probably more than others. Dunfee and Butcher are dynamic together.
#4 ... Nelsonville-York - Kim Kline, nuff said.
#5 ... Vinton County - Yet to see them either, but I have been told they are solid.
#6 ... Meigs - Any time a Meigs team has a Wolfe playing, you need to take notice. Catie is a superb athlete and I know some of their other players were tall and athletic on the volleyball court.
#7 ... Trimble - They can truly 'bully' people around with their size, but lack of quickness and ball handling is a concern.
#8 ... Eastern - The addition of Turley makes a big difference. The Eagles could slide up the chart fairly quickly, I just am not sold on the rest of the team.